


By Walter Jayawardhana

Pro-Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) fortnightly now published and printed at Watford in London hailed their deceased military commander “brigadier” Balraj as a military hero who received his combat training in India and in return attacked the Indian Peace Keeping Forces ferociously.

Tamil Guardian formerly sold but now sustained by pro- LTTE advertisers and distributed free said , Balraj once led a ferocious attack against elite Gurkha troops and “the ferocity of the LTTE attack forced the elite commandos to scatter into deep into booby trapped jungle where they suffered heavy casualties.”

The latest copy of the Tamil Guardian said the top commander of their fighting machine of the LTTE died May 20 at the age of 43 of a massive heart attack.

Reminding of the macabre fact that most of its aging leadership including its Supremo Velupillai Prabhakaran is suffereing from such diseases as hypertension, diabetes and heart disease the newspaper said , Balraj had been seriously wounded many times and “His healing was oftern compounded by his diabetes.” The newspaper did not say when those compounded injuries occurred. Diabetes often lead to heart problems and fatal heart attacks.

The newspaper said Balraj (true name Balasegaram Kandiah) was born November 27 1965 in Kokkuthoduvay, Mulaiththeevu district and joined the LTTE 1983 and in 1985 departed for India from Vanni for military training in India.

“ Fellow fighters remark that he had been wounded in combat even before he received his military training,” the LTTE newspaper said. His military party was attacked while they were on their way to India.

The Tamil Guardian said he was in the 9th batch of the Indian training camp in Tamil Nadu.
Having received the Indian government funded training, like biting the very hand that fed him, according to the Tamil Guardian, “Balraj’s defining moment as a field commander came later during the India-LTTE war,” the Tamil Guardian bragged.

“Armed with an AK-47 and a Rocket -propelled Grenade launcher ,” the LTTE journal said, “ at Kopaay , destroying battle tanks of the Indian Army.”

The newspaper said balraj was wounded three times during direct confrontations with the Indian Army. The newspaper boasted of a frontal attack by balraj on the elite Gurkha forces and destroying it mercilessly.

The LTTE journal also said Balraj believed the current war with the Sri Lanka government is going to be the final Eelam War. But the result of the war is yet to be seen. Few months ago the LTTE lost the entire Eastern Province. It is also taking many ominous beatings from the Sri lanka armed forces currently in his native Vanni.

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