



The last thirty years will go down in modern Lanka's history as the most eventful, horrific and brutal. Scrapping the Westminister style constitution, free market economy, Tamil insurgency, the murderous LTTE, second brutal JVP uprising, brutal murder of a president and scores of leaders and innocent civilians, mass destruction of life and limb, and last but not least the deeprooting of massive corruption by politicians and senior government officials all happened in this span of time. Simply put Sri Lanka turned into a darn mess.

And todate this syndrome is continuing. The day the average citizen can go to work and return with his life intact, the day somebody in Sri Lanka is not murdered, the day a politician can walk without an army of security, the day children can go to school with no worries to the parents, the day one Sri Lankan don't have to look at another with suspicion, the day a citizen can get something done in a government office without a bribe are all things of the distant past. We as a nation has spiralled downwards big time.

And in the midst of all this chaos is Vellapullai Prabhakaran and his army of heartless killers in the name of freedom and justice to Tamil speaking people. In this supposedly great endeavor Prabhakaran's LTTE has murdered scores of Tamil people who dissented, several well respected Tamil Leaders including a former Foreign minister, blown up women, children and the clergy and forcibly armed innocent Tamil children breaking all norms of civilization.

So President Rajapaksha is faced with a daunting task of restoring all of the above that has gone away from Lankan society. Quite rightly his first order of business is the extermination of the LTTE. His record so far is beyond belief. For the first time in history he has got the tigers running for their dear lives with the tails between the legs. He also got the world opinion in his favor as the LTTE is proscribed all over the developed world. The phony fund raisers too are on the run or in jail. The Wanni Tigers are scared to look at the sky not knowing where the next bunker buster is coming from as these jets fly at twice the speed of sound; they get hit before hearing the noise of the oncoming fighter jet. Tamil Selvam, Balasingham(rotted) and dozens of other phony Tiger colonels and generals have been sent to hell, some before the blink of an eye with the curtesy of the SLAF.

One lonely man though is still longing in vain to count his chickens. That is Ranil Wicramasinghe who very nearly handed over Elam to shrewd Prabhakaran on a platter.

Despite hardships, slowly but surely Rajapaksha seems to be getting his people closer to the Promised Land. With the advent of the LTTE annihilation, Rajapaksha will have the opportunity to restore Sri Lanka's lost innocence. His second order of business should be to clean house by sending the corrupt politicians to jail including shameless Mervin Silva and the like. This must happen.

His third order of business should be to have the President accountable to the parliament. This indeed sound like wishful thinking as no human being likes to have his own power curtailed. But this must happen too.

If President Rajapaksha can achieve the above three very daunting tasks he can face the country for the second term with pride and a great sense of achievement. The Lankan people will award him a second term with pleasure. He will receive a welcome like General Eisenhower did in the US after he rid the world of the Nazis. Most importantly, Sri Lanka will return to being a respected member of the world community who overcame ultimate human cruelty.

At last a ray of hope is building over the horizon. The fallen heroes of Lankan armed forces will look down on this new dawn with pride, and pride they deserve in no small measure!

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