


By Walter Jayawardhana

True, the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) violence in Sri Lanka was bankrolled by Canadian sympathizers. But despite the millions they gave they did not give to the heart’s content of Sea Tiger boss Soosai.

According to documents released by the Canadian Federal government officials Soosai once told three Canadian Tigers, Mrs. Shakila, Mr. Xavier and Mr. Kathirvelupillai Sithamparanathan, President of the Montreal chapter of the World Tamil Movement, that there were "insufficient activities of the branches in Canada and England," but he was expecting, “a huge sum of money” and “most of the promises made by foreign supporters” “ended up as fiction.”

Stewart Bell filed the following report in the National Post newspaper from Toronto on this interesting topic:

“ Federal officials released more documents yesterday that were seized during a massive RCMP investigation into Tamil Tigers fundraising in Canada, including a guerrilla leader's request for "a huge sum" of money.

“The police files, unsealed by the Federal Court, are the latest evidence that Sri Lanka's Tamil Tigers rebels have been bankrolling their civil war with money raised by supporters in Canada. But the newly disclosed documents also suggest the Tamil Tigers may not be getting as much from Canada as they would like: In one communique, a senior rebel boss complained that Canadians were not doing enough to support the fight.

“Colonel Soosai, who commands the rebel navy wing known as the Sea Tigers, told three Canadian Tamil activists he was frustrated about the "insufficient activities of the branches in Canada and England," according to a 12-page report. He said he was "expecting a huge sum" of money and that Tamil activists should "act accordingly," says the document, written by the Tamil Tigers International Coordination Centre but seized by RCMP counter-terrorism officers in Toronto. The document is an account of a meeting that took place in a rebel-held region of northern Sri Lanka in 2004. Several senior guerrillas addressed the visiting delegation, including Col. Soosai, who complained that "most of the promises" made by foreign supporters "ended up as fictions."

“The report concludes that the foreign visitors in attendance "accepted their guiltiness … Accordingly, they promised to commit completely in 2004, in order to raised funds for the Sea Tigers."

“Twenty-two "foreign activists" attended the meeting. Three of them were Canadians. They are identified in the report only as Mrs. Shakila, Mr. Xavier and Mr. Sithamparanathan. Police allege the latter name refers to Kathiravelupillai Sithamparanathan, president of the Montreal chapter of the World Tamil Movement.

“The Tamil Tiger guerrillas have been fighting for more than two decades for independence for Sri Lanka's ethnic Tamil minority, which the rebels say has suffered discrimination and state terror-ism at the hands of the island's Sinhalese majority. Formerly known as Ceylon, Sri Lanka is a small island nation off the southern tip of India but the conflict echoes in Canada because Toronto is home to one of the world's largest Sri Lankan Tamil populations. Ottawa outlawed the Tigers in 2006, citing the rebels' use of such tactics as suicide bombings and political assassinations.

“Yesterday, nine people died and 72 were injured when a parcel bomb exploded on a crowded commuter train near the capital Colombo. Police blamed the Tamil Tigers.

“The attack followed the deaths of 16 civilians last week, killed when their van was struck by a mine that the Tigers say was detonated by the Sri Lankan military. Human rights groups have been complaining about the war's heavy toll on civilians.”

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