

A Phone Call From The Dehiewla Bomb Blast

© Sunimal Perera for LankaWeb

Hello Mother!
Yes its me! and no other!
I almost made it home in anticipation
until I heard this deafening blast
Yes! Im still on the train, in fear aghast
with all the others, mindless and visibly shaken
At Dehiwela station
in this vilest interruption of life grantedly taken
There has been an explosion
In my carriage, much devastation
Can you hear the screaming and commotion?
I am covered in blood!
there are bodies and body parts around me
I am overwhelmed with shock and grief,
emotionally spent, the mindwaves flood
in confused thought without relief
Yet God Has spared me.
Why ? I cannot comprehend,
In His Infinite Compassion
On me He Took Pity.
My nerves are fraught
in sickened helpless anxiety!
So many killed, maimed,
hurt grievously and drained
Of their very existences.
I will crawl out from under many
and collect my wits if any
to help the injured and the dying!
The ambulances are here amidst the crying.
Towards their needs my all I condescend
But when will this horror ever end?
Mother, Do not despair !
I will be home ere long
I am In God's Care!
The care I must now impart to those who suffer
My Fervent Prayer !

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