

Terrorism in Incredible India - Brings Pain to Doorstep

Prof. Hudson McLean

One only realizes the Pain only when one has to experience suffering personally!

Sri Lanka suffered Pain for 30 years or more perpetrated by the evil LTTE Terrorism. When the WTC in Colombo was bombed, no country cried.

When WTC in NY was destroyed along with 3000+ lives, the world stood still in silence, in shock and awe.

When the American military decided unilaterally to bomb Afghanistan and Iraq to punish Al Qaeda, the world stood helplessly.

But when Sri Lanka tries to defend her citizens by defensive military actions against the LTTE Terrorism, global objections galore.

The President of Sri Lanka and the Secretary of Defence have taken a bold step towards eradicating the Cancer of Terrorism created by a bunch of illegal squatters, and the country must stand by the current Sri Lankan government, until the job is done.

Hopefully the President and Secretary of Defence is taking the shortfalls in SLAF into serious consideration, as well as taking a positive stance in the anihilation of the LTTE aircraft, along with the mercenary pilots.

The British Government MUST consider her double standards, For & Against Terrorism, when ever UK feels, depending on the British weather and stamp out LTTE from her soil. After all several Brits were victims in Mumbai.

And now, "Incredible India" should mind her own business and take control of the situation at her own doorstep, in hand!

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