

Mumbai Terror Attacks

Akila Weerasekera

If the Nov. 26 attacks in Mumbai were carried out by Islamist militants as it appears, the Indian government will have little choice, politically speaking, but to blame them on Pakistan and its Inter-Services Intelligence agency (ISI).

That will in turn spark a crisis between the two nuclear rivals that will draw the United States into the fray.

An e-mail message to Indian media outlets that claimed responsibility for the bloody attacks in Mumbai on Wednesday night said the militants were from the Deccan Mujahideen. Global terrorism experts said Thursday they had never heard of the group. And based on its tactics, they said, it was probably not a cell or group linked to Al Qaeda. But, the majority of the corporate media has excitedly seized upon the terror attacks in Mumbai to claim that they are the work of "Al-Qaeda," despite clear and contradictory evidence suggesting otherwise.

Further more, these corporate media is reporting that the "terrorists" who took hostages at the Oberoi hotel were specifically seeking people with US and British passports. It seems like who ever conducted the attack had a real agenda which was to provoke a British and US response.

Also, it is highly unlikely that India's intelligence agencies such as the Intelligence Bureau (IB) and Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) were not aware of such a timed, tactical, sophisticated and coordinated attack inside the country (especially when they are collaborating with the CIA and the Mossad).

After the attack India's premier said those behind coordinated attacks against Mumbai were based "outside the country" and warned "neighbors" who provide a haven to anti-India militants. This is obviously a reference to Pakistan.

If such attack by Pakistan on India leads inevitably and unavoidably to counter attacks by both India and the United States, what is the reason Pakistan would let something like this happen? Recent US attacks on Pakistan soil has sparked heavy criticism since many civilian casualties have been reported. Is this another false flag operation to justify these attacks? Is this the "reason" for a Pakistan invasion? Is this "India's 9/11"?

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