


AHMADIYYA MUSLIM JAMA’AT - SRI LANKA 619/4, Baseline Road, Colombo 9, Sri Lanka.

A Four member Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaath delegation consisting of Mr. R. Bashirudeen (General Secretary), Mr. Anis Ahmad (National Vice-President), Mr. S. Nizam Khan (Colombo President) and Mr. A. Abdul Aziz (Press Secretary) had meet The Netherlands Ambassador in Colombo Mr. Reynout van Dijk, at his office on 25th March at 2.00 p.m to discuss Dutch right-wing MP Geert Wilders' 15-minute film on the Qur'an.

The delegation was given a cordial and warm welcome.

The Ambassador gave a detailed introduction about his country’s stand on this issue, saying that his country respects the feeling of others and follows in accordance with the constitution which guarantees the freedom of religion, freedom of expression etc. He particularly mentioned that Mr. Geert Wilders M.P. is not part of the Government, even though he is a member of parliament. Although, the Government of The Netherlands, discouraged his effort on this issue, at the same time, Mr. Geert Wilders has the right to do in accordance with the individual freedom, the country’s Constitution guarantees, the Ambassador added.

Moreover, if his action damages the feeling of other religions as well as if it breaches the law of the nation, he will be prosecuted according to the law prevailing in the country, according to the Ambassador.

Ahmadiyya delegation clearly put forward to the Ambassador, about their stand on this issue. As the Ambassador did not know anything about Ahmadiyya Community, it was noticed that he himself has an opinion that this Community also includes with the main stream Muslims who oppose this issue in a way which threatens the security of the country.

At this, Ahmadiyya delegation introduced about their Community to the Ambassador and their stand on this issue, based on the teachings of Islam. They also gave clear details about Ahmadiyya doctrine and the differences between the other Muslims with them. The delegation also mentioned about the real philosophy underlying the Islamic Jihad and the high morality of the Holy Prophet of Islam (PBUH).

Ahmadiyya delegation presented few books namely Life of Muhammad, Ahmad, the Guided One and the CD in which U.K. Ahmadiyya Convention 2007 video clippings recorded.

The delegation requested the Ambassador to go through the books and find out the real teachings of Islam and the lofty status of Holy Prophet Muhammad (Sal).

As the intention of this conspiracy is to defame the Holy Quran, Ahmadiyya delegation clearly explained to the Ambassador that any one who do such acts should fear for the punishment of God, who guarantees for the protection of this Holy Scripture - who is the One revealed this Holy Book to His Holy Prophet.

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