

The two things which has to be done at this juncture?

By: Dr. Nishan Wijesinha Dagenham, Essex, UK

1) With the escalation of fuel prices, the “Lanka IOC” shares traded low as Rupees 18.25 making it impossible for the shareholders to breath. In common economics a rise in fuel prices will more likely help the investors with an upward trend in the stock-exchange. But the economics were proven wrong as Lanka IOC collapsed to a mere Rupees 18.25 on the 28th of May.

Wth the rising of World fuel prices if the Government does not remove the Import Levy, then the total economy collapses, as investors are drawn back, as investments collapse.

2) There are train bombs and bus bombs in the Western Province which are a clear result of political propaganda to regain power by Opposition Political Parties in the guise of re-creating what they caused in 1983. These should be curbed by the government; including certain Islamic groups who are uprising in the Eastern Province, with violence; destroying its Political and Social Independence.

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