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Liaison between the Liberal MPs and the Tamil Tiger Front Organizations in CanadaAsoka Weerasinghe Gloucester, Ontario. CanadaNovember 28, 2008
The Liberal Leadership Candidates
Honourable Gentlemen:
I am appalled by the great efforts that your Liberal colleagues are going into to destroy Sri Lanka, a working democracy thousands of miles away from us.
My advice to all three of you is to rein in your GTA Liberal colleagues who are now teetering in the realm of being Grade B White Mercenaries aiding and abetting the Tamil Tiger terrorists to win their separatist war in Sri Lanka to create a separate state Eelam. The great irony and hypocrisy is that none of your colleagues would want to see Quebec separate from Canada.
What? Grade B White Mercenaries you may ask and challenge me when generally mercenaries help to fight wars for a contracted fee.
I am prepared to accept your challenge and point out to you that the pay load in this instance, is the Trinity of financial gains like, financial contributions to the Liberal riding election fund; a guarantee of all riding Tamil votes with that your colleagues life style which will continue for another four years when elected to parliament with a guaranteed pay of $131,000 a year, and thats no peanuts; and accruing a handsome pension at the end of being a Member of Parliament.
I believe you are aware that the Tamil Tiger Terrorist Front Organizations of the banned Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE aka Tamil Tigers) planned to celebrate their Heroes Day for those who blasted themselves as suicide bombers. There were 378 of them all young Tamil men and women, the majority of them were brainwashed abducted children.
One of the locations for the celebration on November 25th was the Chinese Cultural Centre of Greater Toronto, Scarborough, which I gather was facilitated by Derek Lee, MP for Scarborough-Rouge River. It is very obvious that he will do it again as he is married to the Tamil Tiger terrorists cause. Why would I say that he may very likely fall into the category of a Grade B White Mercenary? The more I analyze the mischief he is up to, like eulogizing at the wake of the Tamil terrorist Anton Balasingham, my crystal ball says Yes, he is one of those strange characters in the War Game of Terrorism. It is disturbing and it is frightening.
There is something dirty, there is something smutty and there is something filthy about this extraordinary liaison between Derek Lee and the Tamil Tiger Font Organizations. It is morally wrong, morally insolent, morally vulgar and morally sick to be supportive of these Tamil Tiger terrorists who have lived the past 25 years by drawing blood off the innocent Sinhalese and Muslims in that island nation through gun-shot wounds, a thousand cuts with machetes, flying shrapnel and lead pellets from claymore mines and bomb blasts, and opened skulls of infants bashed on rocks.
Such a liaison doesnt help our police to keep a lid on terrorist cells, organizations and their front organizations in Canada. But they no doubt will join me when I wiggle my fingers at Derek Lee with the thumb on my nose and saying Naa, nana, naa, na Naa, nana, naaa, na!, to know that the law enforcement authorities pulled the plug shutting down the electricity and disconnecting the satellite connection at the Pearson Convention Centre at 2638 Steele Avenue East in the City of Brampton when 2000 Tamil Eelam supporters had gathered to listen to the broadcast of the Tamil Tiger leader Prabhakarans address on November 27th.
Doffing my hat, I say Hallelujah and Bravo to our hard working and vigilant Police and Intelligence personnel. I chalk One up for the Police and Intelligence Authorities on this incident and chalk One Down to the foolish Liberal parliamentarians who support the Tamil Tiger terrorist cause to appease their Tamil constituents.
Gentlemen, let me admit to you all, and in particular to Derek Lee, that I am no soothsayer, but I see that all you Liberals are playing with fire and I believe that what goes around comes around. Such has been the case with India meeting its 9/11 a couple of days ago with the Bombay terrorist attack just 25 years after training the barefooted Tamil guerillas in the early 80s in their camps in southern India to become terrorists. When they graduated they were sent back to Sri Lanka as military fatigued and jackbooted terrorists cradling Kalashnikovs and RPGs to make mayhem in Sri Lanka. So they did to the tune of 70,000 deaths and 378 suicide bombings.
This is just a timely warning to all of you, to be aware and be gentle to mankind, especially to the innocent populations in Sri Lanka whose right-to-life has been threatened by the Tamil Tigers, and just dont try to wear the cloak and mask of We are Saviours of the Sri Lankas Tamils, as it does not fit you all at all. They look much more like Halloween scary fang protruding Asian Tigers and Tigresses. More like the one shown in the Eelam flag.
Gentlemen, take my advice, keep away from Sri Lankan politics and rein in your foolish colleagues who are on the brink of being partisan Grade B White Mercenaries, antagonizing Sri Lanka which has been a friendly Commonwealth sister nation of Canada for the past half-century.
If its the Sinhala blood soaked votes of the GTA Tamils that you Liberals are after, then it is not worth it. Remember what t amateur soothsayer said what goes around comes around. It is as definite as Night which will be followed by Day. It is as definite as the Sun rising from the east in the morning and setting in the west in the evening. Gentlemen, rein in your foolish GTA Liberal colleagues. Ask them to cut their umbilical cords with the Tamil Tiger Front Organizations as it spells, T-R-O-U-B-L-E.
Sincerely, Asoka Weerasinghe
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