

It was good news that CFA was abrogated at last. The Government should now ban the LTTE.

By Charles .S.Perera

Now that the CFA has been abrogated, there is no reason to go back to it opening new polemics on the subject. It is an agreement that should have never been entered into by a sovereign state. It was Ranil Wickramasinghe, who engaged the government of Sri Lanka on his own right, on a perilous adventure with a CFA, without consulting either the democratically elected President, or the Parliament. Ranil Wickramasinghe should be expelled from Parliament and stripped of his civil rights, for this abuse of power as Prime Minister, taking an arbitrary decision, which resulted in the loss of thousands of lives, and material.

The CFA did nothing to stop the terrorists from even curtailing their terrorist activities. It became their passport to kill, murder, assassinate, torture, kidnap for ransom, kidnap children of tender age and young women , buy and stock arms, and engage in all nefarious activities, and prepare human bombs.

The CFA was also the instrument that allowed hordes of NGO's of doubtful origin enter into the North and East of Sri Lanka giving aid, and encourage terrorists. It was through the NGO's that a large number of Sri Lankans of the Sinhala Community from various layers of society were recruited and attractively paid, to aid and abet the terrorists, by providing propaganda in favour of the terrorists, and accuse the government and the security forces as the perpetrators of criminal acts against the terrorists, and the Tamil people in the areas kept under control by the terrorists.

The CFA also allowed the NGO's to get some local and some foreign News Papers, to openly make false or twisted reports bringing the President and the Government into disrepute among the people and the International Community.

The CFA also allowed the foreign Governments, and various International Organisations, such as the UN, UNESCO, Red-Cross, Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch and numerous other foreign busy bodies to interfere into the Affairs of the Government.

The CFA also accounts for the loss of some great sons of our country such as the Foreign Minister late Lakshman Kadirgamar. It committed the Government to watch a terrorist group growing to be a blood thirsty monster, massacring government officials, personnel of the security forces, and civilians with impunity.

The CFA enabled the Government to be accused by the Human Rights Activists of all colours, for killings, extortions, kidnappings, where ever the perpetrators of those crimes were not established.

The CFA made the Government Armed Forces to be confined to their quarters, while the terrorist were free to, kill, massacre, lob grenades, use pistol gangs to kill opponents, kidnap children. ( before Mavil Aru)

The CFA kept the Government forces outmoded with, out dated arms, while the terrorists bought the latest arms, cannons, modern communication equipment, and even planes. (before Mavil Aru)

The CFA allowed a ruthless group of terrorists to be treated as VIP's, taken by helicopters to the Air Port, and flown to the European Capitals, where they participated in mock Peace Talks and negotiated the purchase of military equipment, with foreign arms dealers.

The CFA enabled the blood thirsty ruthless terrorists, to earn International respectability by providing themselves with Military nomenclatures- Commanders, Colonels, Captains, and Political Leaders, and Spokesman.

The CFA created terrorist friendly reporters for the foreign media Agencies- Reuters, Agence France Presse, BBC and Agence Press to confer special favours on the terrorists by making the Terrorits, rebels, and freedom fighters , and referring to a de facto State of the Terrorists, in their reports.

The CFA enabled the International Community to be tricked into believing that the Sovereign Government of Sri Lanka should negotiate for Peace, on equal terms with a set of terrorists.

The CFA made a mockery of the Government of Sri Lanka and every Blake, Chilcott, and Kim endlessly interfered with the affairs of the Sri Lanka Government, without making a difference between the Sovereign State of Sri Lanka and the terrorist.

This CFA should have been abrogated long time ago. And now, that it has been abrogated, the Government should ask the Foreigners to stop their pontificating, and stop further interference into the affairs of the Government of Sri Lanka, and allow the government to solve the terrorist problem.

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