The Lankaweb Weekly Editorial



The Unrelenting LTTE Have No Justifiable Right To Demands In Their Present Guise Although They Present A Bold Front!

Although the LTTE have deadlocked the Peace Talks and rejected the terms offered by the UNF Administration towards their role in the Peace Process they have no justifiable right to demands as they are not a legally accepted entity in addition to being Globally condemned despite their bold front!

The greatest slip up Sri Lanka has made upto the present through all the recent past Administrations including the JR Jayawardena and RA Premadasa bureaucracies, the Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratunga led Regime and now the Ranil Wickremasinghe led UNF is having conceded too much space to the LTTE towards their survival where the wages of this sin are being manifest by the posturing of this entity who should have been castigated when the opportunity presented itself. A few noteworth Military Strategists and Prominent Commanders would surely attest to this, having been recalled, duties reassigned or given the order to abandon mission when they were poised to overrun completely the enemy which has now seemingly re-organised even partially.

All of the aforementioned Administrations by believing that through bartering with terrorists, a much needed Peace could be accomplished have been proven dead wrong as the LTTE today have scant respect for Law and Order, Sovereignity and Territorial Integrity and seem to fear nothing! not even Interpol, the USA, nor the cast iron solid resolve of the Indian Government determined to bring to justice the LTTE leader and associates who have carried out rampant and devastating campaigns of destruction against a World Leader, the State and humanity for which the normal order of the day should be incarceration and punitive action in treating them as perpetrators of crimes against democratic existences and a bane to civilised society.

Instead of which the present Administration, Norway and Japan are still emanating their pathetic bleatings about what's good for Sri Lankan Peace and how best it could be accomplished and in doing so offering olive branches to the LTTE who have neither a legitimate right to their existence as terrorists nor are they accepted completely by the community they are supposed to represent, so why the meaningless browbeatings and the multifaceted concession which rather than promote the cause of peace continue to provide ladders as they say to springing monkeys who are beginning to plague the Nation instead of their logical entrapment and transportation to an area of ineffectivity or disposal , whatever is feasible even in a metaphorical sense, and is probably a better alternative where their invasions into the sanity and normalcy of Sri Lankan life is becoming rather endemic and intolerable!

Thus far the LTTE have literally got away with murder and despite having to answer to the many attrocities which disrupted so many innocent lives and damaged so much public property and devastated a once beautiful paradise, they are being bandied with what amount to the proverbial carrots for donkeys in order to keep running almost as if their existence is vital to Sri Lanka when is it not! and the sooner all those concerned viewed the reality of what's happening to Sri Lanka and who is responsible for most of its losses, set in proper perspective, the better it will be towards a righteous solution to Sri Lanka's woes where there can be no more concessions or gratuities to a pithy group of transparent terrorists whose directions have never changed nor their modus operandi towards their own survival! The buck has to stop somewhere!

Primarily it's about time someone in authority informed the more or less optionless and boxed in LTTE who are also globally condemned, that thay have no bargaining rights whatsoever other than to dismantle their idealogies in denouncing them and shedding their image as powerful terrorists playing a game of political blackmailwhich they have no right to although the Wickremasinghe Administration sees fit towards an unfathomable tolerance and the rumblings in the jungle of Pirapaharan and his infamous sidekick from his safe haven in the UK, Balasingham continue as does their charade as though they call the shots in the Peace Process where only the gullible need accept it for its reality, the more discerning align themselves with what it really is! commonly known also as Bluff ! where only the democratic rights of the people of Sri Lanka calls the shots involving no bartering with terrorists!

The LTTE rejection of the proposed terms offered by the Administration and its request to return to the Peace Talks is a reflection of what their real agenda is and has perhaps let the bungling Wickremasinghe Administration off the hook considering the degree of national opposition to it originally.That they have indeed made a rather blatant 'Faux Pas' relative to the original offer of an interim ddminstration which was vehemently opposed at Presidential level with hardly a chance of ratification and hastily transformed into a development oriented structure with very limited powers for the LTTE is fast becoming obvious but the fact of the matter is that greater concessions were suggested in the first place and could easily have ended up being a dilemma for Sri Lanka as a whole!

Rather expectedly the LTTE are now whining that the terms offered are unacceptable as it naturally denies them in the long run, the right to control what they had systematically though illegally begun to set in place through their quasi admintrations, financial, policing and justice systems ( a mockery to the Democratic Sovereignity of Sri Lanka) and may well be looking at effacing all their attempts at acheiving a pseudo de facto eelam and have no alternative other than to relinquish their image as a misrepresented and aimless terrorist group who probably need to be thankful that their existence has survived thus far!

The projected disparity between the Sinhala and Tamil Communities within Sri Lanka upon which LTTE demands seem to rest even though they have not been mandated by the Tamil Community is falsely misrepresented as there can hardly be a recognisable need for any administrative parity between a majority which exceeds 75 percent of the population and the miniscule balance which takes up the Tamil percentage and to grant them autonomy would seem rather incongruous relative to the administrative rights demanded by a minority .Their indigenous identity however grants them the rights of all Citizens of the Land and should be the single objective towards any resolution leading to a lasting peace!

Even the greatest superpower the United States of America has sent out a clear message to the LTTE that they cannot be negotiated with as long as they continue in their present image and infrastructure as unrelenting terrorists which should re-align their trend of thought that theirs is a a futile direction which could further complicate Sri Lanka's Peaceful Existence which has prevailed thus far.


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