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Lankaweb Weekly Editorial
Considerations Towards Real Peace! While Squeezing Out Norway And The LTTEReiterating attention to the decades of suffering inflicted on many Sri Lankans by the murderous and rapacious intent of the mainstream LTTE who have failed miserably to subjugate the Majority Sinhalese and supportive minorities of the Replendent Island of Sri Lanka under the false pretext of liberating the Tamil minority veiled in their obtuse need for secession, they have now reverted to other corrupt and covert methodst to achieve their impure objectives.This has been portrayed mainly through their questionable proxy the TNA, questionable on the issue of their legitimacy to enter Parliament as there is much doubt on the practises and legalities which gave them the access during the Last elections deemed corrupt and illegally manipulated according to many official observers yet sidelined by the authorities! While the Manistream LTTE leader is none other than a megalomaniacal self centred cowardly terrorist who continues to carry out his covertly mendacious crimes whilst in hiding there is an emerging clarion of Tamil leadership which could have far reaching consequences towards the real well being of the Sri Lankan Tamils where the entire Nation should pay heed to its importance even in moderation as a determining factor towards restitution for the Nation and its Tamil people in particular where the ultimate menace of the mainstream LTTE could be effectively eradicated or at least contained towards ineffectivity!should strategy be applied with wisdom and the relevant advantages set in place utilising what has now being recognized as the impact Col Karuna has created while transforming the entire composure of the issue of how to achieve a lasting Peace through a source once thought of as highly improbable towards success! Despite the Tamil Diaspora of pundits languishing in safe havens oversea sand their aspirations to ursurp the well being of the Sinhala Nation over the years, the emergence of a new Tamil political force under the leadership of Col Karuna has given cause for a more realistic hope to the Tamil Community and their interaction with the Sinhala Nation and its leadership. In particular, those within the community eschewing violence, are more moderate than their insurgent counterparts and whose priorities lean towards getting on with their disrupted lives rather than responding to the hatreds fomented by Pirapharan dogma while recognizing the importance of Col. Karuna and his significance as a Tamil leader which could augur well for all of Sri Lanka provided it delivers the needs of the Tamils without ursurpance of the inherant status of the Sinhala Nation, its constitution, sovereignity and territorial integrity.A point which needs to be driven deep into the mindsets of the defiant Pirapaharan supportives both overseas as well as within Sri Lanka who never give up the hope that Sri Lanka will someday be subjugated by the criminalities of armed Tamil insurgents who to all intents and purposes appear to be on their way towards annihilation despite their arrogant rhetoric! There seem to be many simple realities relevent towards correcting the ethnic conflict in Sri Lanka through a dialogue and negotiations more conducive to rationality rather than the tearing of limbs and destruction of lives and property. It is being pellucidly illustrated by the advent of the ' Karuna Factor' as it has become popularly known, that there is more towards the well being of the Sri Lankan Tamils than following the idealogies of the Liberation Tigers of Velupillai Pirapaharan often shoved down the throats of the gullible and weak minded with no capacity to object or resist, for fear of reprisals where the moderations of Karuna seemingly possesed of far superior leadership qualities and a willingess to means of negotiation is a much more acceptable and plausible form of resolution than his nefarious counterpart whose two faced surreptitious meanderings which often transforms into vicious and wantom killings of opponents,cowardly attacks on innocent civilians and a continued violation of the ceasefire and Peace Agreement which the diasporic supportives of the LTTE fail to recognize while they continue bleating about imagined eventualities in their favour!!. As far as the mainstream Tamil Tigers( LTTE) are concerned the trend still continues ably backed by their shot in the arm Tamil National Alliance as Parliamentary Proxy to cover up their criminality with the deceptions of the likes of SP Thamilselvam and Anton Balasingham often create the necessary diversions towards ungainly justifications and high time as emphasized by Karuna to take remedial and affirmative action in response. Alongside the TNA there is Norway whose hidden agenda has become exposed through their Pro LTTE leanings giving added enthusiasm to the LTTE towards their cause while the other Scandinavian Nation Denmark has responded with a remarkable response in total contradiction to Norway in coming down hard on the LTTE in a show of righteousness and the correct approach to terrorism which puts Norway to shame! A norm which seems to be revealingly embarrassing and perhaps an Achilles heel of Administrative weakness indicates that Sri Lanka is the only country where a Government engaged in a terrorist war, is helping the terrorists by giving them Air force and Army escorts for terrorists to travel about, bringing them from their terrorist controlled areas to Colombo by Air Force helicopters, placing them in 5 star hotels in Colombo and then sent by Sri Lankan Airlines abroad only to lambaste this very Government at International meetings. Sri Lanka qualifies for an International Joker's awardas quoted in a recent submission and intrinsically true!with the added impact of a rather frightening perspective that through these 'leg ups'and conciliations the terrorists also appear to be gaining access intp previously restricted areas and amassing intelligence on classified matters.Considering their track record, can the guard be let down and the tiger permitted a good behaviour reprieve? is a question being asked by many in these circumspect times. Primarily the more discerning amongst the Tamil Community are beginning to realise the disaparity between the strong armed mainstream LTTE and its rival faction led by Karuna where the former appears to be losing much ground by way of credibility and the latter gaining in momentum with the confidence of the more moderate Tamils to whom Karuna has reached out in more ways than one and above all providing a gleam of hope towards correcting their troubles and that they will not be intimidated towards recognizing his leadership unlike that of his counterpart in hiding Velupillai Pirapaharan!.Hobsons choice indeed! This has to be be a time of awakening amongst all Tamils including their diaspora mentioned, scattered around the globe whose impure support and financing of the mainstream LTTE's unworthy cause over the years has only resulted in mayhem for the entire Nation including the Tamils where contrition on their part may not necessarily be presented but ammends certainly makeable through support for the Karuna Camp while promoting his idealogies for the well being of the Tamil People and synonymously denouncing Velupillai Pirapaharan.
As proof of Norway's supportive role toward LTTE Activities and their goals! highlighted in an an open letter, Karuna is quoted as having explicitly described how the Norwegians have funded the terrorist group LTTE up to £250,000 plus arms and sophisticated electronic equipment which has certainly supplemented LTTE efforts towards killing their opponents. It is realistically a logical conclusion if based upon incriminating evidence as presented by Karuna to the newsmedia that Norwegians have been game playing all along and continuing their opportunistic trend by favouring the LTTE where their only accomplishment thus far on behalf of the Tamil Community has been to augment their sufferings as fodder for the LTTE terrorists rather than alleviate the imperative need to ease their pain. Consequently the coalition partner of the UPFA Administration the JVP as well as many areas of the Buddhist Clergy which have always played an important role in Sri Lankan politics have taken up the call towards discontinuing Norways involvement as a worthless investment where an alternate source such as India has been recommended as more prudent and appropriate without vested interests other than a need to secure safety within the region!. Given the consideration that these are times when the global need towards eradicating the world terrorist threat is the highest priority amongst the world order and its leaderships within the free world, what the Norwegians are doing in Sri Lanka appear to be in direct conflict with the concept towards global freedom and the elimination of terrorism! Ironically their very presence seems to spur on the LTTE terrorists whose brazenness despite an existing Memorandum of Understanding and a Ceasefire continues where the only observers in conscientious restraint appear to be those in authority and translating to the Security Forces. It takes courage and humility albeit with caution to heed the voice of Karuna which has exhorted all Sri Lankans to stand up for the innocent and peace loving Tamils, both in the North and the East, and to distinguish the difference between the Terrorist LTTE who are hell bent only in killing, as opposed to his more moderate stance toward s negotiation on behalf of his people.while pledging his resolve towards not only to annihilating the mendacious Pirapaharan but to bring peace, democracy and unity among the Tamils.A concept which seems feasible and acceptable provided the needs of the rest of Sri Lanka and all its citizens are met within acceptable norms Many perceptions by the Karuna camp seem to be worthy of recognition and exhortation together with his potential towards carrying the overall leadership of the Tamil people as more conducive towards the well being and the freedom of all peace loving moderate Tamils of Sri Lankan than any other falsely represented leadership such as that of Velupillai Pirapaharan which has failed miserably to deliver what is all important to them and whose lives are still being intimidated and threatened at every attempt by conscientious dissentors to stand up to their criminalities and evil pursuits. |
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