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Lankaweb Weekly Editorial
Opposition To Draft Administration Reflects The Reality Of Its Dangers Which Needs Governmental Review As They Are Still Dealing With Terrorists, Not Law Abiding Citizens.The majority Division within the Nation and it is indeed a majority of the Sinhala Nation opposing the Draft Interim Administration presently put forward by the Wickremasinghe Administration, cannot be condemned for its opposition as the conscientious objections shown are very much justifiable considering the notoriety and past track record of the entity demanding power and authority, the LTTE and what they represent. Power is best dispensed by a ruling party under democratic, constitutionalised Sovereign accords and a category the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam do not fall into as they continue their terrorist route unrelenting and in a manner so officious which makes the world wonder whether in fact they have already been granted the authority to do so! Having failed through attrocities, their theatrical talents are now spilling onto the tarmac of national credibilities in full view of a most appreciative UNF Audience or at least some disposed towards an idiosyncratic propensity of mixed up values which have no bearing on the needs of the Nation. Considering the semantics of the definition it could be dangerous to the Nation should power sharing be considered a feasible option if granted to a fully armed and still advancing terror group fortifying all their resources and stabilizing their reserves, who do not seem to care about international opinion and even that of the Norwegian Monitoring Mission which seems to have now turned around 360 degrees in suddenly realising their futility to further continue their adulations of the LTTE and any other opposition which is rationally dispensed towards restoring a real peace to Sri Lanka where the bottom line should be that " There will be no bargaining with terrorists as long as they continue to be unrelenting Terrorists !" and it is upto the Administration to deliver this message unequivocally rather than the oppositon groups voicing it as the primary responsibility remains with the incumbent party. Mind boggling as it is however, the Ranil Wickremasinghe Administration rather than confront the LTTE in an Internationally backed dialogue which will discourage any deals which would compromise the Nation's Security albeit considerations towards restoring to the Tamil Community what is rightfully theirs without bending to the will of terrorists a priority, continue tolerating what appears to be the whims and fancies of the motley band of Pirapaharan, Balasingham, Thamilchelvam and Sampanthan at the helm which dispels the credibilities of the Administration and sheds doubt on its ability to restore to its fullest the normalcy which all Lankans are yearning for knowing fully well that the LTTE would not hesitate to pounce upon an opportunity to cash in on any capitulations in their favour! The message has to be sent to the LTTE loud and clear that they are headed in a direction which is not only to their disadvantage but that of the Tamil Community and that the Sinhala Nation is unafraid of their blackmailing and coercion based on a show of false strength which will never ever again subjugate the Sri Lankan People and that the LTTE are up a dead end street should they continue their demands under threat as the unfettered vision of the International Accords against terrorism which specifically includes the USA,Great Britain and most importantly India who have had them in their sights ever since the scourge of global terrorism was denounced after September the 11th 2002 and the assasination of the late Hon.Rajive Gandhi. There is no doubt in the minds of most patriotic Sri Lankans that the present Draft Interim Administrarion in the North and North east of Sri Lanka would give the LTTE terrorists a major share of authority and power which they are realistically not entitled to and a further step towards dividing the Nation and a foothold towards ultimate separation which is the long term objective of the LTTE and it is hardly surprising that the tempo has increased and numbers of dissentors have augmented astronomically which must justifiably evoke some rational thinking by Ranil Wickremasinge and his merrie men as to whether all's well within the Nation or whether it is once again headed towards disaster. This would surely be the outcome if terrorists were given accords rather than being put down by virtue of their status and cast out of a democratic society, affording the unencumbered privilege to the Tamil Community unrepresented by terrorists to go about its affairs within an infrastructure of peace amenable to all Sri Lankans. The arrogance with which the LTTE continue their unrelenting attitude which further reflects the irresponsibilities displayed by the Administration in an urgent need to confront the drivel of LTTE dialogue has been well ensconced on a pro LTTE Website which blatantly says "Sri Lanka's Tamil Tiger rebels are preparing for war in order to strengthen their bargaining position at the Norwegian-backed peace talks!" making the analysts wonder about the logic of such a statement? And the World which has had enough of the trashy sentiments of frustrated terrorists has an obligation also towards dispelling any ambitions on the part of the LTTE who seem to believe misguidedly that their future projects are assured success by hollow rhetoric tantamount to threats of a return to aggression which would surely sound their death knell if there was any semblance of truth attached to it! To cap it all there seems to be a murmur within LTTE enclaves emanating from certain areas of their own rank and file that the Peace which has been restored to Sri Lanka should never be contradicted or reversed purely based on the greed and avarice of some of their leadership who are painfully aware of the reality that their own survival is in jeopardy should the LTTE be disbanded in their present image and augurs well for the Nation as the trend of thought seems to have originated and permeated amongst ordinary cadre consisting of a greater proportion of the organization now sickened by any future call to arms as four decades of hatred and bitterness seems to have mellowed their rationale towards conflict and have decided that peace is the only option! Nation Wide Opposition to the Draft Administration reflects the realities of its dangers and needs Governmental review as they are still dealing with terrorists not law abiding citizens!
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