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Lankaweb Weekly Editorial
Cast Your Vote for the Nation's Sovereignty and Territorial IntegrityCast Your Vote Prudently Sons and Daughters of Lanka as A Nation's Sovereignty and Territorial Integrity Depends on it as NEVER BEFORE! Do not be mislead by false promises and the wooing of ethnic groups through deliberate concoctions which sound like a magical solution to the melting pot of ethnicities and their current dilemmas as a whole, reaching out for deliverance from decades of struggle and the simple right to live unhindered lives with basic creature comforts as they may be a mere entrapment towards projecting the nation towards further misery and further compounding its problems. Sri Lanka though projecting towards technological advancement in the 21st Century and all its gilted trappings is still a Nation of Austere People of a Proud Heritage and Coveted Treasures which were much sought after during its Colonial History and still sought after for exploitation by selfish, unscrupulous and ruthless politicians whose manifestos are attractively worded to hoodwink even the most discerning of individuals who must never be cajoled into believing that there could be any alternative to the Ruling Party , not completely sans gliches but certainly capable of delivering Sri Lanka from oppression unlike the pretenders in opposition so full of deceit and aggression even in the manner they deliver their pathetic innuendos on political platforms and intimidate High Public Sector Officials carrying out their assigned duties such as the Inspector General Of Police and the Commissioner of Elections to name a few!. To ensure that Truth and Righteousness prevails this time around the incentives seem strong with Foreign Monitoring of the Elections and the right to implement the 17th Amendment, though the stakes are high. A wisely cast vote would also be a deterrent against the continuity of outlawed insurgents whose downfall could also be projected by judicious vote casting, as a vote against those upholding the demands for secession and surreptitious dealings with the terror groups is a vote which would ensure the sovereign integrity of Sri Lanka without betrayal to its enemies. In a patriotic sense, the voter has but two choices, one in favour of the Ruling Party and its allies together with new fortifications which has seen the joining of hands of two siblings more or less destined to liberate the Nation through their proud ancestral heritage with a genuine love for its people regardless of race, religion, cast ,creed or ethnicity and strongly boosted by the support of the Strongest, Patriotic, Wise and Most Prudent New Age Group of Politicians, crystal clear in their manifesto which has but one objective, the well being of Sri Lanka, its future and protecting the rights of all nationalities without compromising the inherent rights of the Sinhalese Majority. A band of Visionary Young Lankan Lions who probably hold Sri Lanka's destiny in their hands under the banner of the JVP. In an economic sense, although the analysts seem to think that an open market concept would boost the teetering finances of the nation and encourage foreign investment, tourism and failing export markets hence favouring the opposition proclamations about their being better equipped to effect this ( a myth! as the real problems have been set in place due to the internal armed insurrection), one must bear in mind the responses received by the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund who have significantly approved the long term credibility of the PA and the President as well as the many investors prepared to invest in a PA based administration, thereby proving their own capability to restore the economy and promoting foreign investment themselves, the difference being, they are less likely to begin stuffing their private bank accounts even before the economy has re-stabilised itself, a trait seemingly common with the opposition sadly. The second choice would be to deliver the Nation into the hands of the scheming, unscrupulous and corrupt opponents of the Government and its allies, opponents comprising of individuals with a dubious track record of fraud, inefficiency, ineptitude towards administration, the capability to foment the fires of hatred amongst communities through thuggery and intimidation, weak willed fence jumpers ready to desert their responsibilities to further their own ends and who have time and time again indicated their willingness to negotiate irrespective of its harmful effect on the Nation, with the destructive forces who have torn apart the Nation and destroyed tens of thousands of innocent lives and still continue their atrocities against the Sovereign Nation Of Sri Lanka. New light is presently being shed on the veracity of allegations of collaborations between the UNP and the LTTE. In a realistic sense the choice would be "Hobsons's Choice!" as the English would say it. Cast Your Vote Wisely and Prudently! The Nations Life Blood May Depend On It.
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