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Lankaweb Weekly Editorial
In Reprimanding Prime Minister Asserts Her Role As The Real Deliverer Of
At long last there appears to be light at the end of the tunnel of indecision for the Sinhala Nation that their Matriarch on whom much depends towards their security has spoken unequivocally that she will not hesitate to use her mandated authority to counter any moves by an errant Prime Minister and even remove him if necessary. Nothing surprising or untoward, as recent events especially those concerning the skimpy Peace Process which many in wisdom see as overly conciliatory to the terrorist entity the LTTE, has seen the Prime Minister at his' unilateral best' with little consideration to the gathering opposition of the Sinhala Nation which has been watching in amazement at the manner in which the LTTE continue to careen in their arrogant manner with rank disrespect to analytical Lankan and International Opinion in their unanimous condemnation of the LTTE's notorious past and many recent pointers augment the credibility of accusations against the Prime Minister that he has embarked on an agenda which will eventually favour his personal aspirations towards greater power and in the process compromise the Integrity and Sovereignity of Sri Lanka in being overly conciliatory to the LTTE who in turn have already taken too much for granted . The President's concerns dwell on a viable threat to National Security based on the Government's compromises entered into with the LTTE thus far in the Peace Process and the high handed manner in which parallel Justice and Policing Systems, Financial Institutions and mock branch administrative foibles by the LTTE Leadership continue in the North and North East of Sri Lanka when they should be disrupted, scatterd and eliminated if necessary with Security Forces intervention which the Prime Minister gives no importance to, citing the success of the Peace Process as a priority rather than National Security which in reality should be the greater consideration on behalf of the Sinhala Nation. In detracting from the foremost need to disarm and discontinue their suicide squads as presented vehemently by the blackest of the Tigers, Balasingham the man's great pretence continues to emphasize that all's well with the Peace Process in the manner reminiscent of " the Emperor who wore no clothes parading around the city, transparencies exposed and his subjects bowing in all humility that his attire was magnificient until someone laughing out loud exclaimed that his privates were exposed!" Wickremasinge appearing to be one such subject in acclamation of Balasingham and the President taking on the role of the critical observer. Despite her acumen, intelligence and courage, in what she has had to endure at the helm of Sri Lankan Administrative and Military Supremacy thus far, mainly due to the posturings of the Party in Power and its allies, she has been restricted and curtailed in standing up for her Nation fully and finally has spoken out in a tone of voice indicating a resolute will to protect the Nation in reprimanding the Prime Minister seen by many as someone on an ego trip combined with powr hungry ambitions as the Nation eagerly awaits its outcome. To Complement the assertions of the President, the High Ranking Officials of the Security Forces unanimous in their grave concerns for National Security have addressed the importance of the issue and pledged their undivided support towards her quest for peace in a logical manner with no compromises to a terrorist entity and in a great sense displaces the unease within the land that Sri Lanka's Matriarch stands firm for the best interests of her people and conveys also a confidence that there will be no betrayal to the enemy , of the Precious Motherland regardless of the vain attempts of the LTTE to coerce an undiscerning Premier towards playing his hand in their favour in the name of what they envision as peace. In calling for all opposition parties and the people of the Nation to unite, and in launching a campaign to inform instruct and educate the people on National Security, her conclusion that there appears to be a hidden agenda between the Government and the LTTE seems justifiable as the recent chain of events at the Peace Talks have been inconclusive towards National Security with the LTTE's refusal to disarm or disband suicide squads and regardless of an uneasy peace which has lasted thus far for over a year, the LTTE threat continues to hang over the Nation and until removed completely the concept of Real Peace will continue to remain a metaphor. In signalling to the Prime Minister that she is prepared to exercise her fullest authority towards removing any obstacles including himself which may hamper National Security she has won the admiration of the Sinhala Nation who continue to pin their hopes in a realistic sense towards Peace in its most accurate definition returning to the Land with no strings attached and being delivered by the President without compromise!
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