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Lankaweb Weekly Editorial
A Case Of Isolating Themselves Further Fom Society While Shooting Themselves In The Foot!Despite all the wranglings and play acting of the LTTE if thats what their recent actions amount to in boycotting the Japanese Donor Conference and setting up a council of private consultations in Paris France there are many Sri Lankans paying much attention to the reality that there will be much more than the conciliatory gestures of the UNF Administration to contend with in the long run for the LTTE as there will eventually be a mutitudinous unification of the status quo with the rest of the Sinhala Nation as the need to discourage and dispel LTTE ambitions towards their own objectives is fast becoming a felt need and a foremost priority within Sri Lanka.Their bounden duty as Citizens of Sri Lanka outstanding in a need to contribute towards self preservation and in so doing, the preservation of their Sovereign Nation becomes imperative as the threat of further infiltration through insurgency has to be eliminated completely. It is perhaps a blessing in disguise that the LTTE have in fact revoked this latest confrontation with the Japanese Emissaries of donor packages as long as the Japanese condone the needs of the Nation unconditionaly and irrespective of LTTE participation where the responsibilities and credibilities are ceded to the Government of Sri Lanka who are under no obligation therefore to palaver to the LTTE and perhaps an opportunity to expose their devious attitude to those previously skeptical about the realities of LTTE craft and connivances and demonstrate to the World that these are no liberators nor are they seekers of real peace within the Sovereign Territory of Sri Lanka but a group of insurgents continuing their quest for secession and a means towards their own survival. It seems rather difficult to comprehend whether all the latest manouvres of the LTTE are designed towards international recognition and legitimacy which really is a lost cause and well nigh impossible to accomplish given the facts whilst being surrounded by the dark haze of their infamous identity and past attrocities where rather than relenting for the past and joining mainstream society they continue to remain defiant in pursuit of their goals for a separate homeland regardless of how much they have thus far distanced themselves from this objective somewhat inadvertently and quite ironically. And little do they realise that even if a Federal System of Government ever became an eventuality it would be represented by the Tamil Community of a more liberal and freedom orientated group whose priorities would not be coerced or backed by terrorist idealogies but by Tamil people who pride themselves as being Sri Lankan and there would never be an LTTE representation or any provisions for them to infiltrate into a new and refurbished Sri Lanka which would by way of majority concensus belong to the Sinhala Nation while granting all civil liberties to all its citizens regardless of Race Colour, Caste or Religion! Perhaps an example of the LTTE shooting themselves in the foot as they further compound their cause and isolate themselves further from mainstream Sri Lankan Society.
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