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Lankaweb Weekly Editorial
Capitulating To The LTTE Will Further Compound Peace In Sri Lanka.To the more discerning, the wise and the educated, the current scenario within Sri Lanka where an outlawed terrorist group persisting with their attrocities such as engaging the Sri Lankan Navy in Territorial Waters (despite vehement denials about the location by the LTTE), the daring and ruthless assassinations of anti LTTE activists in the North and other parts of the Nation together with their quasi administrations in the North and North East, continue being hankered to by a dim witted Administration still waving olive branches, pleading for a return to the peace table, taking every wrong direction and falls short of being completely preposterous. The entire concept has now begun to filter way beyond the Constitutional Accords which protect Sri Lanka's Sovereignity and a free hand would be accorded to the insurgents of terror who are still armed to the teeth and waving the banner of Eelam with no compunctions about presenting an attitude of arrogance and in response the Administration with its speculative and ill concieved miscalculations could either categorically reduce the Sinhala Nation to a shambles of ineffectivity or see to it's complete incapacitation!!. That any dialogue towards granting any form of autonomy or interim administration to the LTTE who continue to be a group of armed insurgents hell bent on their own agenda yet hanging on to the petticoats of mediators Norway whose sights are set on much more than a mere return to Peace made obvious by their bi partisan bias in every case involving LTTE attrocities with an eye on Sri Lanka's natural and cultural resources also, is becoming very evident and something which seems ridiculous as it more than compromises the Nation's security which should be a forgone conclusion to all and sundry with an iota of grey matter in their heads as this theatrical exposition of dim wittedness on the part of the Administration continues and the LTTE march on as this latest form of 'Caveat Emptor' of a structured impasse is being brandished by them as a falsely concieved bargaining tool which both the Government and Opposition have a democratic right to repudiate and challenge the LTTE together with Norway who have neither legal grounds or 'terra firma' to stand on anymore and extends as far as majority opinions of Sri Lankans, more than concerned about the future ! Perhaps even the blind could read the LTTE's agenda as their excesses continue unabated, taking for granted the conciliatory nature to their advantage of the M o U and the sycophantic bucket carrying of mediators Norway almost unbelievably biased in their favour where the spinelesness of the UNF Administration becomes visibly clear in the manner of a fly trapped in a spider's web and mesmerised ere the poison is injected towards oblivion , a fate which the President has warned against in hindsight yet continually sidelined and ignored by a blinkered Prime Minister who believes that the path to peace lies in being yellow bellied to the LTTE and rolling over and playing dead! not necessarily effective against predators whose hunger seems intensified towards their own ends! The President has astutely observed the realities of all this in her recent proclamation that the redundant Peace Talks may point in the direction of Sri Lanka slipping into the now unthinkable prospect of war and has questioned the military capabilities of Sri Lanka in the event of a need to defend her boundaries perhaps with the comforting knowledge of the pledges made by international as well as regional superpowers to assist such an eventuality which really leaves the LTTE on the edge of a quagmire which they would eventually sink into as the story unfolds in its intriguing continuity leaving many unanswered questions, some alarming! about who is calling the shots now, where is Sri Lanka headed and whether it involves peace or war? The USA however has indicated once more with indelible accuracy that there will be no concessions granted to any terrorist group and that their proscription of the LTTE will continue as part of the world order which isolated the LTTE for their terrorist identity which somehow the LTTE continue to sweep under the carpet as rhetoric while they observe the double standards of the USA steeped in military actions in various parts of the world yet preaching the attributes of peaceful negotiations to others. In maintaining their supposed resolve never to return to war which is a degree of sensibility on their part towards their self preservation but perhaps falsely presented although their intent may be diluted as demands by the President to boost Sri Lanka's National Defence also seems imperative, relevant and points towards a more plausibe interpretation notwithstanding the LTTE's apparent attrition of speculations as a psychological war of nerves seems to continue. In the long term outlook, Peace with a cloud of uncertainty may seem meaningless and temporary as other alternatives towards resolution may be needed!. A recent Bulletin From The Sri Lankan Organization SPUR based in Australia emphasizing the clarity with which it emphasizes a pointer towards Sri Lanka's best interests reads as follows, quote "The Prime Minister should inform the LTTE that as proscribed terrorists; they are in no position to demand anything from a democratically elected Government. The Prime Minister should not compromise Sri Lanka's territorial integrity and sovereignty. He should insist to Japan and Norway that he expects nothing but full allocation of donor money's for developing Sri Lanka at the Tokyo conference. He should also request international donors to direct the Tamil Tiger Terrorists to refrain from either destroying or disrupting any of the planned development works through out the Nation.The good citizens of Sri Lanka consisting of Sinhalese, Tamils and Muslims will then applaud him for taking decisive action to save the Nation from a future destiny riddled with anarchy. Expatriate patriots must pledge to play their part to safeguard democracy, plurality, territorial integrity and the sovereignty of our motherland, Sri Lanka." end quote A very simple enunciation to which it might be added "Being neither fully representative of the Tamil Community nor having any mandate to continue their activities and existence as terrorists and insurgents it is also high time they reconsidered their modus operandi towards their best interests, those of Sri Lanka and all Her inhabitants which incorporate all ethnicities or face the consequences!. As the final die is cast towards consolidating Sri Lanka's Destiny it may lie in the hands of Her Matriarch the President through the powers vested in her constitutionally that the final chapter on peace may be written as thus far the UNF Administration by capitulating to the LTTE has only succeeded in further compounding issues relating to Sri Lankan Peace!! |
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