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Lankaweb Weekly Editorial
De-Commissioning Of Weapons Imperative Towards Peace. It is indeed the bounden duty of the Opposition Parties to demand the de-commissioning of weapons by the LTTE despite the Government's attitude of regarding it a lesser priority.There can be no pontificating about the merits of permitting nature to take its course on the issue and let the terrorists of their own accord relent towards de-commissioning as it is a futile dream on the part of those who envision such an eventuality.In the simplest of terms It will never happen unless induced legally or in conjunction with the continuation of the Peace Talks where the core issue seems to be the futility of peace with an enemy still in possession if their armaments and weaponry. A consideration which should have been a top priority at the very inception of the Peace Talks, weapons de- commissioning has been by-passed and almost pre-empted making the entire push for peace a laughable matter where the LTTE endeavours to push the Security Forces away from strategic locations while their infiltration into key areas continue with a perplexed world looking on at the scenario unfolding within Sri Lanka of which the most concerned Nation must surely be India. Words of wisdom laced with a bit of exasperation from former Foreign Minister and advisor to the president the Hon. Lakshman Kadirgamar suggests that the UNF and all opposition parties firmly believe the utmost importance in the disarming of the LTTE with National as well as Regional Security in mind immediately which if not arrived at could prove to be alarmingly dangerous as the terrorists have been showing every indication of their capabilities at increasing their firepower under the pretext of the wishy washy Peace Process while the Government places all the facilities towards military expansion at the disposal of the LTTE with rank disregard towards its implications to the Nation. The response from the Governmet thus far however has been irresponsible and lackadaisical where it seems to believe rather ignorantly that the time is not yet auspicious for the calling for disarmament and deem it necessary only at the time of a political settlement in the words of spokesperson Gamini Peris whose 'cart before the horse' mentality not only reflects his lack of vision towards the best interests of the Nation but that of the Government itself and could endanger the lives of a multitude of inhabitants in the event that armed LTTE personnel decide to run amok as in the past where they in all sensibility must be contained. There is hardly a doubt within the land and by no means an inaudible whisper that too many concessions have already been granted to the LTTE in the name of peace and they hardly conceal amazement at their good fortune indicated through the dialogue of spoke persons such as Anton Balasingham who continue to harp on the theme of a homeland also echoed by the condemned Velupillai Prabhakaran whose ingrained rhetoric has never detracted from their ultimate goals which have taken on devious intonations facilitated by Ranil Wickremasinghe's design towards asserting his own political future in an equally devious fashion! The most interesting question and a very logical one geing raised by the Opposition has resulted in the Peace Emissaries being asked whether the rebels will accept a central command and what will happen to their powerful weaponry even if they were to be absorbed into the Island's National Military, as suggested by the Government. The rather perplexing questions "Are they going to carry their own arms? Will LTTE ever agree to be regulated by a unified command? What will happen to their heavy artillery?" was asked much to the chagrin of the Government at its wits end towards excogitating an appropriate response which seemed facile and obviously circumspect.The response apparently has hardly been worth analyzing being steeped in duplicity and a scrambling for a coverup never more apparent! To add a greater dimension for concern towards demanding disarmament prior to any acceptance of sincerities towards Peace by the LTTE and to further justify the demand, statistics have been released that of late there has been the acquisition of launcheable weapons by the LTTE with greater range and fire power than previously known which could further endanger the lives of countless numbers of Military and civilian personnel and the risk of continuing to tolerate this proliferation on the part of the Government very questionable as it far outweighs the responsibilities involved in preserving Peace within the Nation and the Region over the need to placate the enemy which appears to be the Government's choice. It would therefore seem very reasonable to conclude that the call for disarmament through the de-commissioning of Weapons prior to any further Peace Negotiation s is an imperative one which cannot be shoved aside based on speculation and convenience as otherwise it contradicts the very definition of a lasting peace.
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