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Lankaweb Weekly Editorial
The Advice of the USA Towards A Lasting Peace, Ambiguous and Could Compond The Nation's WoesThere is an ancient Amer-Indian saying which translated reads "White Man Speaks With Forked Tongue" and appears to have been more than aptly endorsed by the pseudo manouvering of the United States exhibited by the presence of its representative Rocca and the high flowing dialogue from Washington of ''You Better Toe The Line Tiger Boys, Or Else Uncle Sam Will Take The Stick To Your Back!'' which amounts to very little in the real world of Sri Lankan Woes and it is little wonder that her Excellency the President has extended a polite snub to Rocca as she has prudently chosen to decline the vague overtures by a US Administration expressing a double standard which sees it intensifying its attacks of the Al Quaeda terrorists, has listed the next targetting programme which includes Iraq and South Korea and has even hinted at replenishing and honing its Nuclear Defence Agenda which has sent a chill around the World so why the pussyfooting on the Sri Lankan issue? Especially when they have been the foremost critics of the LTTE in recent times in titling them the most dangerous terror group in the World. The closing sentiments of Rocca were" We Need A Story Out Of South Asia as We Have Not Had One In A Long Time" but the moral of the real story involves the vagaries of the United States and its atitude of vacillating on a double standard which appears to be more interested in coercing the Government Of Sri Lanka into complacency and submission to the terrorists now in the driving seat it is supposed by the LTTE supportives, which hopefully is none but a supposition! And is Sri Lanka being added on to the USA's latest list of Stories by some chance? There are now many imported 'cooks stirring the broth' within the Nation which is bound to overflow the pot as the normally tolerant Nation who have been tentatively complacent to the goings on in the Post Election hype of the Wickremasinghe Administration still attempting to place the cart before the horse with its mixed up prioritie, are running out of patience as the demonstrations from a very visible and multitudinous opposition are gaining momentum and is a true indication that the Administration is not being accepted as totally legit. A recent quote by a Member Of The Learned Profession very accurately portrayed the Leader of the UNF as someone from an affluent family background (albeit the term Aristocracy being used in a misnomered context) who had little sensitivity nor cares relative to the real needs of the 'man on the street' and none but a power hungry, idealogical egoist into whose hands the voters had placed their trust but were already relenting the enormity of their misguided move.Which leader would otherwise parade bare chested amongst the primitives in shedding his Prime Ministerial Decorum if ego had nothing to do with it or was it a feeble attempt at mingling with onetime untouchables in a hitherto unprecedented show of faith since the adventures of Dr.Jayalath Jayawardena? It has been established that US Foreign Policy oftentimes carries so much ambiguity that it has rather than resolve the Woes Of Nations, merely compounded them further through the activities of the CIA and the many ambivalent decisions they have made which have not always proven to be feasible althought the title of being the Most Powerful And Richest Nation In The World sometimes supercedes morality and plunges Nations into darkness and it would be a rather frightening scenario should Sri Lanka inadvertently pave the way for the loss of Sovereign Integrity and National Security in heeding the advice of the US and the meddling it is very unlikely that the USA are prepared to deploy Marines or send out an International Combat Unit to quell another uprising by the LTTE and it is morally wrong on their part to utter warnings to the Sri Lankan Security Forces to desist from defending territory in the wake of a renewed offensive by the tigers as they have done in their 'subtlemost' manner.Somehow the USA has chosen to bypass serious ramifications which could affect all of South Asia in an unforeseen eventuality of the escalation of LTTE bravado which appears to be temporarily shelved but has been designated 'Skeletons In The Closet' just yet. What the World sees as a remarkable turnaround of events in Sri Lanka where life is fast returning to normalcy has to be measured on the basis of long term developments relative to the unpredictbility of the LTTE its protagonists and propagandists who have a chameleon like ability to change their color to accommodate their surroundings though the real safety could only be accomplished through a ratified treaty which would specify unconditional laying down of arms and a genuine attempt on the part of the tigers to prove their willingness towards denouncing Eelam and merging into mainstream society in recreating a brotherhood of unity which has never been indicated by them and never been made a real issue by any of the so called Peace Negotiators whose continued indulgence of meaningless rhetoric continue to hold the order of the day. The prospect of a lasting peace appears to be a conception of merit on the design boards although there appear to be too many loose ends and loopholes which could easily compromise the safety of the Nation and the USA in its recent dialogue has not allayed the fears of Sri Lankans nor their doubts about what the future may hold in a realistic sense and the only vision being portrayed as logical are the many questions being asked by a tumultuous opposition and not an ideal prognosis which predicts dire cosequences unless proper measures are implemented rather than shots in the dark which the USA and Norway are currently projecting towards resolution. Prevention may be better than a cure but once the malady has set in nothing short of eradication could quell its advances and very plausibly applicable to the LTTE as they do not appear to be contrite in their smug assertions and accessions towards the pre conditions towards a lasting peace as suggested by the USA and Norway as they appear to be biding their time towards their next move which could be unpredictable to say the least! What is the Government's role in all of this asks the Wise Sage who
has seen too much suffering and pain within the Nation who replies that
arbitary requests for inept Foreign Intervention has to be bypassed as
an option as the time has come for Sri Lanka to stand firm unilaterally
in asserting policy designed towards the total well being of the Sinhala
Nation while incorporating the other ethnic minorities sensible enough
to support it rather than carve detrimental inroads into it which would
eventually result in mass confusion.
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