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Lankaweb Weekly Editorial
The Democratic Institution Within Sri Lanka Cannot Be Ursurped By Insurgents Who Need To Be Disillussioned By All Parties!Lately in the uneasy calm which prevails within Sri Lanka, its all talk about Peace and how much the Nation has benefited by the Memorandum of Understanding, yet the uneasy calm has a degree of justification as it is shrouded in mystery due to the impasse created by the LTTE in withdrawing from the talks and have all but scorned the conditions of peace and the ceasefire as outlined at the inception of the coming together of the UNF and LTTE idealogues whose enthusiasms towards success appear to have receded to the back burner and a huge slice of the taxpayer's money wasted over the elaborate proceedings at a few internatiuonal venues which thus far has merely resulted in the cessation of hostilities albeit of a tentative nature yet an indispensable one. The very viable question is beginning to clarion around the expertise of legality and intellectuality comprising of the various high peers in and out of office but not without the stature which entitles them to their credibility, about any projections towards peace and how it can be realistically accepted within norms when there are so many violations of the ceasefire presently taking place in the North and North East of Sri Lanka courtesy of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam in direct conflict with the memorandum of Understanding which is a visible breach of the regularity of expected proceedings and indifferently tolerated by the UNF Government with no attempt towards addressing the issue or confronting the perpetrators of the breach!! What once appeared to be a convincing catalyst in the eyes of many, the Norwegian Peace Keeping Intermediaries have also ironically receded into the dark recesses of near oblivion having been swept there literally by the LTTE who have all but asked them to go to hell! and the latest attempts of previous moderator recalled to the fray Eric Solheim towards restoring the impasse seemingly gone sour as Solheim has turned for home ' with his tail between his legs' and nothing accomplished (well !the vacation in paradise must have been great! ) as the UNF looks on rather helplessly pondering their next option. Somewhere in the oblivion of confused UNF procrastinating someone voiced a stark whisper that is tantamount to the only credible reality that the Sinhala Nation has heard thus far despite all the rhetoric and posturing from both parties involved that "objectives could probably be reached should both parties observe strictly the provisions of the MoU where the onus is singlehandedly on the LTTE rather than the Ruling Party purely because they have decided to tolerate the LTTE presence with impunity and the LTTE have not kept their end of the bargain and neither can they be expected to, relative to their track record! " While the various scenarios which have propagated a degree of calm within the Nation have obviously buit up public confidence that the system initiated as Peace Talks, which is really the brainchild of the previous PA Administration and the collective visionary perceptions of the then Foreign Affairs Minister Mr. Lakshman Kadirgamar and The President Mrs. Chandrika Kumaratunga there seems to be a sudden lull in the proceedings which would perpetuate the Peace as an unconditional reality much needed for the Nation in the aftermath of decades of conflict and brought about by the hesitancy of the incumbent Administration on tenterhooks about the direction needed towards the appropriate restitution and entrapped in its misguided conception that the hand which smites has to be appeased in order to acheive what's best for Sri Lanka. Perhaps there may be a final consideration in a collective sense by all parties and a huge responsibility attached towards implementing constitutional accords towards disillusioning the LTTE that the path they have presently chosen through surreptitious aggression, lies and innuendos will only last them as far as the time frame global tolerance will afford them and that the powers that be especially those in stringent authority towards preserving a normal world order already have them in their sights and that the reprisals for any false move on the part of the LTTE regardless of their rhetoric could be greatly exacting through International Justice as has been the case of all insurgents who have attempted to ursurp the Democratic Institution.
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