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Lankaweb Weekly Editorial
Enemy Within The UNF Camp And Its Implications On The UNF Administration It has to be emphasized with great concern that there is an enemy within the UNF Camp in the form of LTTE Terror Propagandist and UNF Cabinet Minister Chandrasekeharan who has had the nerve to publicise, unbecoming of his ministerial status while displaying great irresponsibility to his office and the party he represents that "To win Eelam all Tamil People regardless of whether they lived 'Up Country' or in Colombo in one united force should support the Tamil rebel leader, Velupillai Prabhakaran involved in an insurrection against the Government and for the sheer seditious and inciting nature of this statement and by his own definition of the term 'insurrection' deserving of indictment for treason against a Sovereign Democratic Nation! This has been confirmed in a recent report from Correspondent Walter Jayawardena for the LankaWeb. The Minister was addressing the Pongu Thamil Festival (Tamil Resurgence Movement), a propaganda meeting organized by the rebel group, Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam, October 15 at Mannar in a Sri Lanka Government controlled area and to add insult to injury to the UNF Administration as well as all the norms of the Free Democratic World it has been recorded that those gathered at this meeting were also forced to take the Nazi style salute and oath at the rally declaring allegiance to the rebel cause. This same UNF Minister whose track record indicates that shortly after the formation of the United National Front Government, as a representative of his Upcountry People Front and as a cabinet minister signed an agreement with Velupillai Prabhakaran to accept the Fascist leader of the LTTE as the sole representative of the Tamils, a concept the LTTE on an onging basis use to assassinate rival Tamil political leaders and commit horrendous crimes against any person who opposes them although their pretenses towards officially sanctioned peace has held out. That the UNF Government permits such statements and actions from someone within their rank and file and tolerated with impunity would seem in accordance with the many accusations by the opposition parties and many dissidents of the Sinhala Nation that there are many instances of tolerance and even complicity with LTTE idealogues by the UNF and here then is a prime example without further ado leaving little to conjecture. It seems to be an affront to the system of Governance in Sri Lanka with an implicit onus on the present Administration to show integrity towards the honest and more liberal minded rational segments of the Tamil Community within Sri Lanka, as well as the Sinhala Nation that seditious individuals such as these are tolerated and permitted to spew their drivel in public and a time of reckoning perhaps for the UNF Administration to do something about it (perhaps wishful thinking!) bearing in mind that in the political history of Sri Lanka regardless of which party was in power, never has there been such disregard for A Government expressed through anarchist propaganda displayed publicly by an incumbent minister let alone a renegade at street and grass roots level and an exarcerbation of National Tolerance who needs to be taken by the scruff of his neck and shaken into oblivion for the sake of posterity and in hindsight! Perhaps there is a degree of ignorance in the Minister who hails from the Plantation district of predominantly migrant Indian labour albeit the added controversies towards exceeding his rights to free expression where he has blatantly refered to the quest for eelam by the LTTE he champions, And a dead giveaway towards his role as a wolf in sheep's clothing within the UNF Administration in being quoted as saying "I am representing the upcountry Tamils. Only the unity among all Tamil speaking people could win the Eelam", in a contradiction of terms which also compromises the LTTE stance and leaves Chandasekharan up a stream without a paddle and cornered by his own verbosity and perhaps stupidity which has also prompted him to state that quote"Prabhakaran was the only Tamil leader who was capable of bringing the problems of the Tamil people to the attention of the international community and that he accepted Prabhakaran as the sole leader of the Tamils, whereby Prabhakaran should be supported by all Tamils for his struggle for Eelam" end quote indicating his transparencies as well as exaggerating a speculated view of the rationale of the International Community to suit his convenience where factually it is well known that the International Community comprising of the major powers of the World opposed to Global Terrorism in no way supports the notoriety of Velupillai Pirapaharan with the exception of the Tamil Diapora which supports him where it must be emphatically pointed out that they too do not represent the Tamil Community in its entirety. Proof positive of International dissent could be attributed to the reluctance of Canadian Foreign Minister Graham's reluctance to meet with Pirapaharan during his recent visit to Sri Lanka. A darker side to the complications within Sri Lanka and her quest for peace seems to manifest itself each time an individual such as this obstreperous Cabinet Minister surfaces whether in ignorance or by deliberate premeditation though one reality still remains. Neither will Velupillai Pirapaharan ( as this Minister rather vainly aspires )nor the LTTE in their present image as unrelenting terrorists will ever accomplish for the Tamil Community what they the LTTE forcibly continue to accomplish short of catapulting their own demise.Any Administration which tolerates the LTTE in their present image in this context would therefore project its own demise.
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