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Lankaweb Weekly Editorial
EeLam Or' No Lam', Peace Or 'Pieces' ! In Hindsight A Caution, In Retrospect Many Unlearned Lessons.A strange reality prevails among human kind in the never-ending struggle for the annexation of territory and defense of Sovereignty and Integrity in that destruction precedes re-construction and genocide precedes International War Tribunals but where is the justification for the losses incurred? The unfortunate equation defining the need to defend on the one hand and the need to preserve a Nation in so doing stands out as the foremost priority which confronts the Sri Lankan Administration whether it be a concession even in a token manner to Eelam or a total denouncement of the issue which would then classify it figuratively as 'No Lam' as in so doing it must prevent the flawed Peace Process from becoming one which would surely fragment the Nation into the feared end result which by definition could literally leave the Nation in 'Pieces' as statistically and logically the combination of the agreement to grant autonomy under the conditions outlined being conceptually pondered upon by the Administration despite all cautions and the tolerance of the recent massive proliferation of Arms, Ammunition and cadre as an add on to the mix would surely ensure the fatality. In all probabilities it may be a bit late to be philosophical about the merits of negotiation and despite the hint of war mongering which surely flavours the argument, perhaps the choice of elimination of the LTTE through annihilation which was presented literally on a platter on many separate occasions to different Administrations where the failure to press home the advantage rested mainly on mismanagement and scenarios between the uncles, nephews and nieces of the respective ruling parties combined with veiled intimidation by Sri Lanka's powerful Northern Neighbour must be viewed in retrospect and regretted as a 'Fait Accompli' which has projected the present turn of events within the Nation. While the logic of it all stares the Administration in the face that the simplest end to justify the means would be to accede to India's determined resolve to apprehend the Leadership of the LTTE and its kinship and not an impossible task, the Sri Lankan Powers That Be still continue on a path of moderation, mediation and conciliation which most of the Nation sees as dangerous and one with dire implications for the future ( The Voices In Oppossition Now More In Unison Than Before And Joined By A United Buddhist Clergy Whose Wisdom Usually Prevails) in a manner befuddling most rational minds as the alarming nature of renewed LTTE arrogance keeps mounting as they ride the winds fanned by their new found champions on their path to Eelam unabated and with a renewed confidence. Although it may not appear to be so, the warning bells are being sounded by America and the rest of the Nations who contributed to the banning and proscription of the LTTE that their decision is a firm and unshakeable one, somehow the interpretation of the Administration appears to be a motley one in concluding that it is a go ahead towards embracing the LTTE and turning a blind eye to their infamy, unpredictability and beyond a reasonable doubt their capacity to destroy in pursuit of their goals. Surely the benefit of the doubt is deserving of the Sinhala Nation and its right to maintain its Sovereignty and Territorial Integrity as to date there has not been a single whisper of Weapons de-commissioning and a lying down of arms, relenting their past atrocities or a denouncement of their goals instead of which a new cock a hoop attitude combined with the arrogance born of the surmised contemplation that their goals towards success may not be that far off takes center stage in the comedy of errors more than likely to manifest itself as in retrospect, evaluating the track record of the LTTE the present show being put on for the benefit of the world represents their own interest rather than that of the Nation. It must be reiterated that making ineffective the push towards Eelam must result in the eventuality of 'No Lam' figuratively speaking or else the Peace Process and its many glitches which have thus far provided ample cover for the LTTE to regroup could well reduce the Nation to 'Pieces' which this time around just might be too fragmented to piece together. Once again in retrospect there still remain many unlearned lessons the
Wickremasinghe Administration needs to pay attention to which cannot be
accomplished through blind faith as in hindsight the risk to the Nation
still remains far too great!
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