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Lankaweb Weekly Editorial
A Contradiction Of Logical Norms In Confronting the Terrorist Problem.It is becoming somewhat of a curiosity that the New Sri Lankan Government supposedly a new breed of politicians with the backing of intellectuals and higher educated personnel have failed to toe the line with world opinion in as far as their stand on the LTTE issue is concerned and makes many discerning analysts projecting their thoughts towards a practical and logical solution towards the LTTE menace wonder if there really is a reason for this prevarication of attitudes towards calling a spade a spade when the definitions are relatively comprehensive and too much brain taxing is uncalled for other than a subdued willingness to dancing to their tunes. It is almost an attitude of unconcerned arrogance towards world opinion and an idiosyncratic mentality of Sri Lankan Politicians more concerned about undoing the statutes and established policies of the previous regime which is being frowned upon in many quarters of the International Community albeit the merits of a peaceful resolution to the Ethnic crisis projected by armed insurrection by terrorists now trying desperately to identify themselves as freedom fighters which falls far short of idealogy and rests purely upon the vain rhetoric of the likes of dreamers within the present administration who seem to present the LTTE as an entity which will be humble, contrite and submissive to their entreaties and be transformed into lambs overnight. The Indian Government in its very aloofness towards becoming involved in the issue of a resolution to the terrorist problem has demonstrated in all wisdom what they perceive as an unwillingness to open a 'can of worms' which they want little to do with. A reversal of their stand against the LTTE would be a direct contradiction of their decision to outlaw them after the Rajive Gandhi assasination and now even more alarmingly the suicide attack on their Parliament which has the characteristics of typical LTTE modus operandi notwithstanding speculative accusations directed at Pakistan and the Kashmiri militants which nevertheless may have a semblance of truth yet disassociated with the Pakistani Administration. Bearing in mind the proven links between the LTTE and the Kashmiri militants as part of a network involving Al Quaeda, the Taliban, Hamas, the Red Brigade and a plethora of other terrorists around the World, all the sweet talk about ceasefires and a retraction of idealogies towards secession promised verbally by the LTTE have to be carefully measured against far reaching consequences where the benefit of the doubt has to be given to the overall Security of the Nation rather than wishful thinking. Track records of the LTTE indicate several previous dialogues involving ceasefires which were swiftly broken and the report of a container vessel in the Indian Ocean allegedly carrying new supplies of arms and armament for the LTTE lend little credibility to the reality of their peaceful intentions and should send a message to the dreamers so full of rhetoric.The foremost reality facing the Government rests not on aspirations nor Ahimsa but the severity of ramifications in consorting with terrorists.The Global Alliance Against Terrorism is sending a crystal clear message about the dangers of terrorism which applies to all forms of terrorism and includes the practices of the LTTE who are far from being freedom fighters. It is mind boggling to think that Sri Lanka has become the exception to World Opinion in extending olive branches to ruthless killers and making conciliatory gestures to them almost submissively in the vain hope that it is some kind of strategy almost doomed to failure as they are not dealing with an entity which has the right to exist within the framework of Democracy. The Nation of Sri Lanka and its Security could easily be compromised by an undiscerning few policy makers attempting to play Godfather to protractors of evil who should in all seriousness confront issues such as negating the power of the LTTE in directives to lay down arms, denounce their quest for Eelam, face International Justice for Crimes against Humanity and leave the merging of the Tamil Community into mainstream Sri Lankan Society to their Democratically elected representatives as otherwise it would be interpreted as a rather veiled and devious attempt to reach their goals by another route, all the while raising a glass to the old Wassail "Sinhalayo Modayo! Guli Kan~nata Yodayo!" which translates into "Sinhalese Are Fools And Giants At Being Baited !!, an affront to Sinhala Nationalistic P ride. Never has there been a more appropriate time in the history of the Nation
for Nationalism to bond itself into an impenetrable force and not be tested
for its strength as the unity of the bonding will surely present its dynamics
as a magnum force not to be trifled with, a time to trash the vagaries
of an insignificant few in direct contradiction of the required norm.
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