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Lankaweb Weekly Editorial
The Rights Of The Sinhala Nation Can Never Be Compromised By The UNF As It Has To Contend With Presidential Assent.There are many who erroneously beleive that there are distinct similarities between the former PA Administration and the Present UNF especially in the areas of leadership and communication with representatives and formulating policies.When considering the Political savvy and acumen of the two respective leaders, even grudgingly it has to be conceded that while the former far outweighs the attributes of the latter, hailing from a rich political heritage and high academic standing, the latter presents himself as someone who is mediocre, of a moderate academic background and a plodder yet crafty and opportunistic enough to convince a Nation teetering on the brink of insecurity to turn the tide in his favour.A Nation which now in return for the favour is being rewarded by being thrust onto the verge of a different insecurity, betrayal into the hands of the LTTE under the guise of freedom of movement, the availability of essentials and the removal of safetey factors set in place for the security of the Nation which has confounded even pro LTTE organizations who have also ironically 'Warned' the Prime Minister that he is moving too fast! . His unexpected success and ascension to the seat of power was brought on by poor decision making by his counterpart who depended far too heavily on the merits of preserving the Sinhala Nation through her confidences that resolving the Ethnic Conflict one way or the other or at least moving in that direction at an inauspicious time would preserve her popularity when the cards were stacked heavily against her based on a crumbling economy being heavily depleted by the war as well as the increasing dismay of the ordinary person dissatisfied with a rather wasteful budget in addition to the war expenses where an unusually large Cabinet had to be sustained on public funds where the LTTE threat to the Nation as an issue broadcast by the PA did not carry much weight in the minds of the voters whose immediate needs far outweighed the needs of the Nation as a whole. Surprisingly, the pledges of the UNP swept into power through the opportunism of its ambivalent Leader and the oaths taken by way of swearing on a sacred manuscript to preserve the Sovereign Integrity, Public Security and the Rights of the Sinhala Nation mean nothing and are now being gradually disregarded and swept under the carpet as his UNF Alliance has veered onto a course of connivance with the LTTE who are continuing their celebrations of unexpected or pre-meditated fortunes as the case may be through the rotten cored MoU being platantly stuffed down the throat of the Nation like it or not ,flawed or unflawed!. The Majority Sinhala Nation has never before been pushed to the brink of despair in a like manner where it ponders upon its future as a Free and Sovereign Nation whose very existence appears to be in jeopardy as the inroads into its freedom appears as a total compromise as a result of the two pronged stranglehold of the UNF- LTTE bandwagon where the prognosis for the return to normalcy appears restricted and rather far fetched. So where has the Nation progressed since the result of the December Elections as far as the benefits presented thus far? other than a weakening of the guard, the abnormally lax presentations to the LTTE of accessibility to previously restricted terrestrial and nautical areas despite their track record and the continued tolerance of all their indiscretions which have been voluminous and arrogant enough to incorporate an arms build up, conscription of child and other soldiers, fund raising through extortion as well as seemingly above board methods, the latest being another open attempt to fund raise in the US depite being proscribed to which an anticipated response from the US Government is being awaited. There can be no denying the change of attitudes and the recurrence of insecurity within the Sinhala Nation about what the future may hold, taking into consideration the recent developments of conciliation towards the LTTE and the former PA Administration under the leadership of the President can hold their heads high with pride that never during their tenure did they ever make decisions which even hinted at compromising the Sinhala Nation although there were errors which the voters misguidedly deemed unpardonable and the question of prime importance at this stage is whether or not they have fallen from the proverbial "Frying Pan Into The Fire?" and whether the issue is beyond remedying without Presidential Intervention. The President has been graciously forthcoming and tolerant despite her
seat of authority, in her approach towards the UNF indiscretions and their
LTTE backscratching where the ullterior motives between the UNF and the
LTTE are yet to surface and it may be mentioned that it is she alone who
holds the mandate towards ratification of any initiatives and in her hands
may lie the redmption of the Sinhala Nation whose rights can never be
compromised nor dictated to by foreign intermediaries as it would then
make a mockery of the meaning of Democracy being flaunted by the many
pretenders towards the well being of the Nation but have skullduggery
at heart towards their own ambitions!!.
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