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Lankaweb Weekly Editorial
Under what Mandate Have The Peace Facilitators Been Transformed Into Arbitrators And Mediators With Pro LTTE Leanings?Lately, placing full responsibility of inviting Norway into the Sri Lankan Peace Process on the President, the crafty UNF Leadership has pressed home the advantage of responding to the LTTE in appeasing their every request based on what many see as a Memorandum of Understanding not merely for National Peace but rather towards a hidden agenda casting aside the dangers it poses to Sovereign and Territorial Integrity and has been indifferent to the many accusasions that he has taken on the guise of a betrayer seeking his own ends with scant thought to his Motherland. The President has specifically explained to the Nation that the reality of inviting Norway's involvement after a vicious assasination attempt on her by the LTTE rested solely on its identity as 'Facilitator' and never granted permission nor any requests made that they should overstep their requirement in self syling themselves as Arbitrators, Mediators or Decision Makers as they have chosen to do which has become a dilemma not only to the Nation but also to the Administration which virtually has the Tigers by the Tail and seems afraid to let go. Consequently Norway seems to have no misgivings or remorse at being blatantly Pro- LTTE in all their decision making which they have no right to do, yet spurred on by the Administration's hesitant attitude and indifference carry on unabated. The President's concerns about the implications on the Nation, of Facilitator turning pro LTTE Mediator and Arbitrator which would therefore be consequential towards disrupting many aspects of unitarity, Sovereignity and Territorial Integrity have spurred her on to sound warning bells to the Administration that it is her bounden duty to the Nation and that the right is hers alone to confront and thwart any danger and threat to the Nation if the occassion demands it! The President is quoted as saying "Norwegians were invited by me only as facilitators, not as mediators or arbitrators. Would any government have tolerated a group of foreigners telling them to write away their Sovereignty by recognising another Navy? They clearly recommended to the Government of Sri Lanka that they recognise the LTTE's navy." end quote and a certain individual representing the LTTE has even suggested bypassing the Sri Lankan Constitution in granting autonomy to an LTTE led administration in the North and North East where there is just cause for the entire Nation to rise up up and condone the Presidents vision for the sake of Sri Lanka's future and posterity!! Japan's recent involvement in the Peace Process together with its financial backing has also posed a curious perspective on the goings on presently in Sri Lanka as Japan seems to be pulling out all stops to drag the LTTE back to the Peace Talks and a scheduled crucial donor's conference in Tokyo and whether the urgency is based upon a need pointing towards some collaboration with Norway together with image building as a peace negotiator is unclear but the message from the President is explicit that there seems to be a rather dubious air to it about its credibility and has questioned Japan's real role, as shades of subterfuge during World War 11 bear to mind by those who remember Japan as an imposing and untrustworthy adversary who once all but overran Sri Lanka then known as Ceylon and thwarted by the British in the nick of time! Questioning the advisory role Japan was initially placed in after consultations with the USA, and its involvement with development aid to the North and North East the President has expressed concerns about the intensity with which Japan has gone about trying to persuade the LTTE to attend the conference in Tokyo and the motives behind the concerted hands on effort to be supportive of Norway which raises many questions about credibilities. The message from the President has been very clear about her authority and her obligations to the Nation which are not only Matriarchal and Patriotic but also unassailable in her role as the Chief Executive Officer of the Land presently observing far too many concessions to a notorious group of terrorists unwilling to de-commission their weapons, denounce arms buildups, cadre recruitments and the quest for secession. There is also the search by International Law Enforcement Agencies and the Indian Government to apprehend the LTTE Leadership and close subordinates for political assassination, murder, rape , pillage and crimes against humanity which images the LTTE as an outfit of criminality with whom there really should be no done deals and any organizations including the Present Administration, Norway and Japan collaborating with them worthy of being labelled criminals themselves! That she would not hesitate to sack an Administration which would pose a threat to Sri Lanka seems academic while the possibility of the granting of Interim Councils in the North and North East remains conditionally possible only if the LTTE change their idealogies and identity towards self preservation and consider the importance of the preservation of Sri Lanka for all Sri Lankans as the ultimate reality!
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