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Lankaweb Weekly Editorial
Representation Of Safety In Numbers Depending On Cabinet Size? 32 Cabinet Minister and 27 deputies is the latest head count within the inner sanctum of Sri Lankan Parliamentary Ranks ? Even the United States of America, a Nation vast in its diversity has never relied on so many Cabinet Ministers. It merely takes a matter of one year for the 'pot' which vehemently called the 'kettle' black figuratively to assume a similar image as one recalls the ridiculing by the then UNP Opposition of the size of the incumbent Peoples Alliance Cabinet. However, despite all criticism the unthinkable has happened again as another round of perks and privileges appear to be in order and decreed by the ostentatious Ranil Wickreemasinghe for his band of merrie men who in addition to the jaunty jalopies recently bestowed upon them in the form of brand new transport vehicles at the taxpayers's expense as well as generous pay hikes have had seven additional cabinet posts created to dig deeper into the coffers for their sustenance and nothing unusual when remembering past regimes which have maintained the trend meticulously. What relevance this inauspicious cabinet augmentation has towards restoring normalcy from chaos for the Nation now in apparent remission from the throes of decades of agony as a result of the internal armed insurrection by the LTTE is incomprehensible and mind boggling as the excuse once more has been given by the Administration that its merits relate towards fortification of securities and the stabilization of the Nation's economic and other woes, hollow expressions of deceitful rhetoric which only pander to the higher echelons of a thriving upper middle class where the masses once again have been cast aside injudiciously and neglected as it is these very masses which will eventually see to the demise of the decadent administration if universal franchise is permitted to continue within the land! To the befuddled analysts of piety and empathy towards a real reconstruction of a ravaged land the Administration's latest move to increase cabinet strength based upon the flimsy reasons presented seems not only out of order and circumspect but it portrays a certain insecurity towards their confidences in its present strength so pompously expressed by the Ministers for Constitutional Affairs and Foreign Affairs in particular as being in perfect order and that all's well within the confines of Sri Lanka but a garbled myth when considering the realities. There have been many analogies drawn by the prudent analysts within the international community that Sri Lanka is heading rather confidently towards the status of another Banana Republic reminiscent of the many failed African, South American and other failed Nations around the globe where the State cannot properly attend to the needs of its subjects as the priorities are directed to those high living administrators at the top, visibly living high 'on the hog' at the expense of the poor and has been a continuing process since independence from the British many decades ago. Sustained by international aid from the many lending agencies such as the World bank, The International Monetary Fund and the Asian Development Bank however the image of a growing surge towards development continues to be promulgated by the current administrative peers adept in the process of eyewashing a gullible general public albeit the greater percentage of the more perceptive now asking many questions about the credibility of this democratically elected Government who has resorted to a rather undemocratic consortium with its sworn enemies and has chosen to overlook the core issues surrounding the Nation with personal interests as highlights and the grind has to be implemented and deployed in order to maintain a semblance of what is best needed for Sri Lanka. Be it an uprising against the injustices being perpetrated by the present administration on the Sinhala Nation , or a new image of political reckoning heralded by a more righteous, patriotic and sincere entity towards the real needs of the Nation, its people and the preservation of its values, integrity and unitarity, the time seems to be fast approaching where there will indeed be remarkable changes towards posterity for the future generations of Sri Lanka. And surely it will not be accomplished through increasing the strength in numbers of an already overstocked cabinet repertoire favoured greatly as patrons by that Nation of banking excellence, Switzerland !! A stable Sri Lanka will be accomplished through the honest investitures of an administration whose credentials need to be impeccably sincere towards national needs and the preservation of its population where the needs of every individual are prioritised as being the primary responsibility without pretence or theatrics which otherwise would make a mockery of the great accords illustrating the entitlements of a free and unencumbered society of contented individuals.
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