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Lankaweb Weekly Editorial
Electing Ranil As President
Would Be Casting Sri Lanka To Damnation !
Having weathered many storms of adversity Sri Lanka is today poised to send one of her proudest sons into the high office of Executive National President.Through a Mahinda Rajapakse victory at the forthcoming elections , the Sinhala Nation contrary to the beliefs of her adversaries such as the pockets of Tamil diaspora overseas will be transforming the uncertainties which prevailed in the country for decades from being tentative and circumspect in as far as the future is concerned into one with much promise towards posterity and in doing so maintaining the legacy of fallen great Lakshman Kadirgamar and all the peers before him who sought for the freedoms of all communiities at the perils of their own existences and sometimes paid the ultimate price. There should be no speculations about the other front runner for the post of President. Ranil seems more of a shot in the dark by his camp as far as the Sinhala Nation is concerned that is makes some of the more discerning within the Nation wonder at the man's self confidence and what it might be based on other than his own obstreperous ego given the man's bleak track record while the desperation with which he approaches what many see as a futile and losing effort becomes more and more apparent! While his supportive reactionaries especially from segments of Tamil diaspora ,the Wanni LTTE and their parliamentary proxies prance in unison to a cacophonic staccato of meaningless jargon about his attributes, it is becoming quite obvious that he is not the candidate most likely to steer Sri Lanka through the administrative and economic turbulences ahead with his 'Bull In A Chinashop Attitude' , corporate and other forms of thuggery at times surreptitiously backed by a brooding and clucking mother hen of an outgoing President seemingly clutching at straws towards her own survival, while the better choice for president his opposite number Rajapakse takes his stance in the best interests of the Nation. It has to be conceded that Wickremasinghe has had his chances and cast them to the winds in bartering and gambling with the enemies of the Nation towards his own mendacious and power hungry means ! Contrary to the belief of some of the Ranil Wickremasinghe supportive dreamers, the elections,will be a contest between an also ran, Ranil Wickremasighe and President Elect Mahinda Rajapakse, supported by the Sinhala Nation whose patriotic fervour alone as displayed by the JVP, JHU, Sinhala Urumaya, and sections of the SLFP which has consumed the Sinhala Nation with a huge surge of adulation for him is the credence and strength towards his victory. The eventuality will probably be a fizzling out of effervescence in the Wickremasinghe camp and champagne cork popping euphoric jubilation in that of Rajapakse and the Nation! Recent statistics have indicated that a majority of the Sri Lankan
diaspora including many Tamils and Muslims, from various parts of the
globe are supporting Mahinda Rajapakse as the better choice for President
together with the Rajapakse supportive Sinhalese and other communities
within Sri Lanka who according to projections will totally overwhelm
and run into ground the UNP and Ranil Wickremasinghe who it is rumored
is already looking for viable options to stem this surge for Rajapakse.The
Tamil support is said to come from the more discerning and practical
Tamils including those in the North and East of Sri Lanka who want no
part of the LTTE hegemony already present in a pseudo, de-facto guise
and related intimidations which at times runs from the sublime to the
ridiculous related to the legitimacies involved.The Muslim support for
Rajapakse stems from their mistrust in the LTTE based on their sufferings
in the North and East and the many instances of broken election pledges
delivered towards Muslim liberation and protection from the ethnic cleansings,
displacement from their homes and abject suffering at the hands of the
LTTE which no Wickremasinghe regime ever substantiated tangibly!
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