The Lankaweb Weekly Editorial



UPFA Fences Need Mending Lest They Collapse!The Responsibility Is In The Hands Of Its Leadership!

Editorially speaking Lankaweb has been hovering over the theme of Administrative and National unity as there seem to be many fluctuations over the theme which leaves many discerning citizens of Lanka wondering where the present dissentmets and disagreements within the ruling UPFA coalition, primarily of the SLFP and JVP are headed and where it will eventually settle with what end result ?

Notwithstanding the Peace Agreement's somewhat circumspect composure which for the greater part has delivered to expectations by definition at least its requirements and lasted 3 years thankfully, there seems to be presently within the Nation an apprehension of unease and restlessnes brought about by the factions which have agreed to disagree where no one seems to be exempt from the liability of this indiscretion in the manner of a bunch of confused schoolkids and about time this was brought to a halt with the greater priorities towards the well being of the Nation needing to take pride of place with no disruptions to the Administrative process and its smooth progress needed to bring together a Nation devastated by the ravages of terrorism and the recent Tsunami.

Interpretations by many astute analysts suggest that the recent Sri Lanka Government Communiqué issued by the Information Department which to all intents and purposes seems not only vague and tentative but also appears confused as to its intentions and direction and has become a bone of contention for many who believe it could possibly drive a wedge into the UPFA Administrative coalition where a worst case scenario could easily bring about an internal split within the coalition which could have dire ramfications for Sri Lanka at a time when National and Administrative unity is imperative.There can be no hardline stance taken by any faction within the Administration to be presumptuous enough to want to 'Go It Alone' towards the resolution to Sri Lanka's crises in the North and East merely to appease the LTTE and Norway! as there are far too many anomalies which would present themselves as huge hindrances which would eventually overpower them even with support from the UNP speculatively which would surely constitute a mixing of oil with water as history has proven!

There are many interpretations of the recent Government communiqué, released by the Information Department on 23rd February, 2005 which has proposed the “establishment of an interim authority to meet the urgent humanitarian needs and development of the people of the North and East and to proceed thereafter towards negotiating a final settlement of the ethnic conflict..” which at face value certainly suggests capitulation to LTTE demands as the significance of the term "Interim Authority" by far overpowers the significance of "Humanitarian Needs" which probably have been endemic to these regions ever since the internal armed insurrection of the LTTE which has been compounded by the Tsunami !There has to be great moderation towards the word play here as" a resolution of problems" should not necessarily translate to secession, Eelam or an Interim Self Governing Authority!

While the Janatha Vimukthi Permuna through its leadership has questioned the semantics and content of this communiqué, and why unilateral consensus was reached towards publicising this without their consent or being consulted which is a rightful privilege it is assumed, being a senior coalition partner of the Administration they have also assumed that the communique refers to a granting of the Interim Self Governing Authority demanded by the LTTE which might have its fluctuations towards definition through a subtle misinterpretation ,yet in its broadest sense a suggestion which hints at the ISGA demanded by the LTTE being viewed head on by factions of the UPFA which will should never be made manifest within Sovereign Sri Lanka and the point the JVP are trying to stress.

The intentions of the Administration which probably meant well towards the hapless citizens of the North and East made destitute by the Tsunami as well as the inroads carved into the rights and freedoms of these imperiled people by the predatory instincts of the LTTE who stop at nothing towards their own agenda , somewhat unfortunately have not incorporated coalition partner the JVP through prior consultation about the intentions and content of this communique about which they are irate as the contestations of the definitions of the statement continue vehemently by the contestees who perceive their concerns as being in the best interests of the Nation.

In the eyes of the JVP and may others in support, the Government Communique as worded has at least in metaphor, by-passed responsibilities towards maintaining the unitarity of Sri Lanka through a suggested Interim Administration by negotiation with the terrorist group the LTTE which seems far removed from a temporary administrative structure that the JVP had agreed to in principle earlier which was expected to lead towards a final solution to the problems of the Tamil People not the LTTE who continue to be a fully armed group of unrelenting terrorists whose primary objective is to continue as terrorists beyond which as most unrelenting terror groups are known for, there remains only the oblivion which would ultimately lead to their demise.These are no champions of the Tamil Community! to the contrary they are now reminiscent of a pack of leaderless hyenas whose end would justify many means for Sovereign Sri Lanka! a consideration the JVP are most obviously aware of and a point for the rest of the Administration also to ponder upon!

The JVP have maintained all along that it is the Tamil People of Sri Lanka rather than a forcible pseudo terrorist representation which needs to be negotiated with towards their needs and it is hardly surprising that their wrath has been irked in this instance by their trusted coalition partners to even suggest an Interim Administration which needs further clarification as well as classification and seems a gross indiscretion on the part of the Government which is presently not at liberty to gamble with the prospect of a loss of status.The exit of 8 CWC member support within Parliament( regardless of the aberrations posed by them which are unwelcome within the Sinhala Nation!) just days ago and the threat by the JVP who hold 39 seats within the coalition of the UPFA, to pull out would mean disaster and a matter for serious consideration by the Administration towards mending fences ere the rot permanently sets in and mayhem and confusion result which would invariably please the Opposition parties and the LTTE together with their proxies and spur them on towards their own agendas .

JVP Leader Mr.Wimal Weerawansa has been quoted as saying that"The present government has no right to take stubborn decisions such as the one that has been taken. For this is a government of many parties and in the mandate received by this Government there is no authority given to establish an interim administration.An Alliance Government is not a government of a dictatorship of a single party or an individual. Hence, the stubborn decisions of an 'individual ' cannot be the common stand of an Alliance Government." end quote and emphasizing the rationality of where the liabilities are and signifying the dangers of unilateral decision making which could easily disruprt what Sri Lanka has stood for and maintained over generations! Her Sovereignity and Territorial Integrity whose very essence could evaporate through hastily made decisions which probably need re-structuring and refurbishing by the responsible parties towards mending the fences within the UPFA which might be in danger of collapse !A responsibility of the UPFA leadership!



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