The Lankaweb Weekly Editorial



Ridding The Nation Permanently Of Terrorists A Worst Case Scenario But A Necessary One!

There are no euphemisms needed towards the reality that the menace of the LTTE and their current attrocities are emphatic for the more perceptive to evaluate and no denying where responsibilities lie despite all the peace metaphors! Sri Lanka may be on the brink of needing to repel further LTTE attrocities of a greater scale than what has already transpired despite the rhetoric which goes on at international level and the moderate means suggested by some world leaders whose paltry depositions towards the importance of negotiated settlement are beginning to sound more and more hollow as the contained rampages of the LTTE continue.The victory over the LTTE can never be won if the Sri Lankan Armed Forces are compelled to backtrack on the most imperative need to defend State and Nation against its enemies and a time for astute leadership both Militarily and Administratively.
If an increase in LTTE hostilities augment beyond the present there may have to come into play strategical defence measures which could only be implemented through military cunning led by a leadership which has proved itself in the past assisted by others of the same ilk some who were sadly shoved into a corner by virtue of incongruous manipulations best known to the administrations which existed at the time.There were animated reports which seemed almost like music to the ears of the more discerning that a certain Military Leader denied his full entitlements whilst in service in defence of his country and cast off into the tide of Diplomatic fortunes overseas might be recalled to assume duties as a Joint Chief of Staff of Military Operations which has not as yet been confirmed. It certainly indicates a positive edge towards an appropriate stand towards resolution of the terrorist problem as the very name of this leader is said to instil the shimmies and jitters into the LTTE. It follows from all this build up of military resolve in an initial stage of anticipation perhaps and still on the drawing boards that the felt need towards defending Sri Lanka against her insurgent enemies is becoming urgent and imperative. If all of these are set in place true to indication and a war against the insurgents indeed transpires it will have to be a war to end all wars in Sri Lanka.

As indicated by many military strategists it must therefore be waged systematically to rid the Wanni, the North and East of Sri Lanka of the Wanni Faction of the LTTE which seems a tumultuous task with many obvious reprisals but perhaps an inevitable one if the combination of factors conducive towards routing the LTTE all came together at the same time taking into consideration all the anti LTTE forces which exist within Sri Lanka and the vital role they would play in such a situation where the hand of the Sri Lankan Administration continues to be forced by the insurgents. Securing the capital city of Colombo from adversities set in place by the impaired vision of the UNP while they were in power and the leeway the Wickremasinghe Administration granted these murderous terrorists will now have to be atoned for with great caution yet with intensity if need be.
Primarily Colombo together with all its built up areas and its suburbs have to be purged and rid of its covert LTTE operatives who have formed themselves into a supportive LTTE network making the city vulnerable to suicide bombers, snipers and pistol gangs while synonymously there must be no room given towards a similar network cropping up in the plantation areas where the LTTE are also said to have infiltrated, thanks to the carte blanche granted to a certain Arumugam Thondaman who should have been monitored and scrutinized closely rather than pandering to his personal needs and villifications of every administration that existed which was his modus operandi towards personal power and a tune which many administrations have somewhat shamefully danced to! These are two areas of concern needing a back breaking response towards securing the Nation's safety and once accomplished there would remain the issue of securing the North and East the complexities of which would then be minimised as it would become the only objective of focus where a systematic campaign could then be carried out perforce!

Quoting from the wisdom of a recent analysis it would be assertive to then maintain that " Deprived of this hidden force in the Sinhala Heartland, it is only futile warfare in the North - and, to a lesser extent in the East - that is within the ambit of a guerilla-force headquartered in the remote hinterland." which perhaps would be a resourceful Fait Accompli towards what might end up as a mopping up operation if the latest evaluations of the Sri Lankan Armed Forces and their tactical capabilities prove correct and something the LTTE should view objectively towards their continued existence!

Unfortunately as a result of the so called ceasefire and Peace Agreement although at present being blatantly violated by the LTTE, many Sri Lankans in the greater scheme of things seem to entail their day to day existences as well as how they percieve what goes on at administrative level somewhat naively compelling them to turn away and feign ignorance of what is actually happening in the country realistically.Though they also seem to percieve it minimally as a nightmare which will eventually go away as the all protective mantle of Governmental protection seems readily available more so lately than some years ago at the height of the LTTE attrocities. Partly responsible for this seems to be an incapacity by the Administration towards presenting the true motives of the LTTE broadbased towards national cognizance where it should be be to the contraryand made clear to even those endowed with the humblest of political perception that the LTTE are proving themselves to be an incorrigible, non re-habilitatable, unrelenting terrorist group just like all terrorists and the only solution towards the best interests of the Nation and the world is ridding the nation permanently and completely of their existence as unrelenting fully armed terrorists!A matter for kid gloves and great deliberation nonetheless but its importance indelible as a worst case scenario!

It is a time for Sri Lanka to draw from all resources available from both National And International means notwithstanding the rhetoric that comes along for good measure from the pacifist pundits some of whom in all probabilitie might also be identified as LTTE supportives in disguise. A time perhaps to waive all non conducive resources towards a more tangible means to defend The Nation from the threat of insurgents and terrorists and to secure her Sovereignity and Territorial Integrity where all her citizens will have the blessing to live in a terrorist free environment.



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