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Lankaweb Weekly Editorial
Rhetoric And Threats Of LTTE Leader Obtuse Towards Realities And Logically
Incomprehensible ! Despite being Public Enemy No1 in Sri Lanka the remarkable nerve of the man or perhaps his numbskull mentality has evoked a so called 'Heroe's Day Address by Velupillai Pirapaharan (Prabhakaran) on an ill contrived podium somewhere in the jungles of the Wanni in front of clandestine cameras for the sole purpose of a publicity the Sri Lankan Nation can only reject with disgust and disdain. If mendacious murderers such as the LTTE whose ruthless past has pervaded the entire globe could call themselves heroes, the Sri Lankan Armed Forces whose brave warriors laid down their lives in the defence of their Sovereign Nation deserve posthumous purple hearts and those in service today given the highest honor bestowable by a grateful Nation for their efforts towards securing Sri Lanka and maintaining her unitarity. With no authority or recognition by any democratic power source towards legitimacy whether in the Nation or overseas anymore ( The Government of Sri Lanka must be outstanding in this respect!) other than by his motley band of dwindling supporters and some of the blinkered or obstinate Tamil diaspora who still cling to the faint misguided hope that he is a saviour (The Devil's Advocate more likely!) who might lead his crew into a promised land (another misconception!) he is still continuing to issue ultimatums to the Government of Sri Lanka and consequently to the international community that unconditional acceptance of the LTTE's ISGA is the only way towards peace in Sri Lanka and this time there have been ominous threats thrown in also, of a return to 'war' if their demands are ignored. To conclude that this is a megalomaniacal moron who fails to align himself with reality of the state of affairs in Sri Lanka and that his is a lost cause with no recourse other than to give into a majority world consensus as well as that of a majority Sinhala Nation that the only way out for the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam in Sri Lanka today is to face justice for their past crimes against two Sovereign Democratic nations considering his role in the assassination of India's Rajiv Gandhi and the sublime misery imposed on humanity within Sri lanka, which suffered immensely at their hands the only alternative probably left for the Tamil community is to denounce this terrorist organization with its monstrous leader and align with the generous means offered towards their restitution and consequently that of the entire nation, by the President of Sri Lanka where the alternatives towards the ISGA seem not only more plausible and logical but also align with the reality that terrorists have no say in the Peace which Sri Lanka so desperately needs and that as long as the LTTE remain terrorists the greater the chances are that they will never be a logical choice to lead the Tamil Community and eventually be put down and Pirapaharan may have ample time to digest his ill concieved rhetoric while languishing in a cell (if taken alive!)awaiting the attributes of justice which in his case sounds like capital punishment! Sadly the suffering of his people as refered to by him is something the world knows as having been initiated by him and none other where a miniscule minority of Tamil rebels within an overwhelming majority of Sinhalese took to an unsuccesful armed insurrection and perhaps it is payback time for him that he should once again suggest aggression against the nation towards his ultimate demise and perhaps even somewhat suicidal as the LTTE are not only divided but also confused about their future and direction which seems to be spewed out in garbled inconsistencies in the manner of a bunch or bare fanged tigers snarling in desperation as represented by their leader in hiding and in a general sense cornered with nowhere to run!! The Tamil Community certanly can ill afford to be entrapped in the political idealogies of an internationally procribed terrorist organization where the interim solution or a permanent settlement towards a stable peace continues to be hampered by their prurient attempts towards their own survival and are protagonists of an ever unfolding drama of subterfuge which has constantly misled and divided thought towards rationality within the Tamil communty! It has to follow logically that consequently the Tamil community neither assimilates nor integrates a wherewithal towards how they need to contend with the LTTE where secession is an impossible means towards their future which nevertheless in hindsight points towards separate existences within a unitary Nation as their unquestionable right and a normal expectation, given the circumstances. WhileThe LTTE of Pirapaharan continues to propagate the uncertainty of the Tamil community carving huge inroads into their freedom and restricting prospects for their future, it seems admirable that the patience and tolerance exercised by the Sri Lankan Goverman has continued magnanimously and to issue threats against it somewhat obtuse in the face of what the LTTE stand to lose overall.Something to do with the overall intelligence of the leadership perhaps! The proposals offered to the LTTE by the President of Sri Lanka carry a take it or leave it tone of voice, while being absolutely fair to all inhabitants of the North and North East of Sri Lanka where further negotiations might only be possible perhaps through a different representation of the Tamil community rather than the LTTE who are fast losing their grip towards justifying their own existence as the issue goes beyond the cause of terrorism and rests on the restoration of citizen's rights to Tamils as part of the multicultural mosaic of Sri Lanka. All this in the face of growing concerns of a return to hostilities and aggression which can only be dispelled as wishful thinking on the part of the LTTE and Pirapaharan as the defences of the Nation of Sri Lanka have proved in the past that they are no pushovers and could never be insurgently overcome by the LTTE and to even indulge in such a fantasy somewhat puerile on the part of any anti -Sri Lankan entity! That, intransigence by the LTTE in their pretences of fully representing the Tamil community has been cited by the President comes as no surprise as the rank disregard for an existing cease fire and signed Peace Agreement by the LTTE with their continued violations being perpetrated on a very regular basis as of recent is an indication that their agenda certainly does not appear to be headed on a straight path towards the best interests of the Nation and its people and particularly the Tamil community which they could never claim as being fully representative of. Hence the jungle rhetoric and threats of the LTTE Leader can only be deemed obtuse towards realities and logically incomprehensible!
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