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Lankaweb Weekly Editorial
For A Lasting Peace When It Finally Arrives.
Must Sri Lanka be thankful for small mercies in that the Peace has now lasted nearly a year without conflict or must there be a certain apprehension that all that shimmers is not tantamount to a Lasting Peace based on the many rough edges to the Peace Process which neither the Government nor its opponents seem to be able to smooth out as there are far too many issues which are proving to be contentious to the Nation as a whole, combined with the distasteful awareness that the end result of a lasting peace is linked to the mentalities of an outlawed terrorist entity which has not as yet fully denounced their original objectives officially nor indicated a sincere willingness to decommision weaponry and the quest for a motherland (lip service being insufficient at this stage!) placing the nation on tenterhooks as a result and a deepening concern for the logical minded? The many decades of attrocities have almost in a God Sent manner ground to a halt mercifully for a concerned Nation and needs continuity with a focus on rebuilding and integrating minds, resources and sanities needed in order that there is a lasting peace within this beloved and colourful land of the Sri Lankans albeit the fractured splinters of disentment apparent from various camps still unsure whither the road leads, but on face value alone, the Peace has held and needs to be consolidated relative to the Sovereignity and Territorial Integrity of Sri Lanka where the million dollar question is "Is it a distinct possibility within the realm of accomplishment of the UNF Administration without compromise? " All hail !! the peaceful negotiations with the terrorists who have hampered years of development by way of horrendous attrocities and attacks on both the civilian population, public property and the past administrations while it has to be recognized that the sudden lull in the onslaughts against humanity has been brought about after the events of September 11 which has changed the status quo of the manner in which the world looks at terrorism and consequently has cornered the terrorists ( particularly applicable to those in Sri Lanka ) now seeking an end to justify their means towards survival.Hence it can be fairly safely assumed that Peace within Sri Lanka will continue despite many bickerings which will eventually subside in a coming together of minds relative to Sri Lankan Unity for the common cause of peace. India, Sri Lanka's powerful neighbour to the North, as expected has always maintained a stable disposition towards the goings on within the resplendant land in a cautiously diplomatic manner despite the many entreaties by both the Government and the terorists towards India's direct involvement in the Peace Proces, citing it as a matter of regional importance although India's declining of the invitation represents her consciousness of the consequences of a conflict of interests relative to the Rajive Gandhi assassination should such an involvement transpire and continues to maintain a stiff upperlip with watchful eyes. Needless to say as far as India is concerned, the concept of separation within the confines of her Southerly neighbour will certainly not augur well towards Regional Stability although thankful that peace has thus far prevailed though probably a trifle bemused at the manner in which the bartering continues between the Government and the LTTE on petty rather than core issues where obvious necessities sometimes seemingly mutual cannot be settled through bipartisan meanderings which expose the Nation's insecurities and vulnerabilities based on the fickleness of the Administration. In short, the Peace Process at present is a ' Curate's Egg ' of sorts, good in parts and bad in some and unacceptable to many based upon the realistic demand of its continuity and stability towards the preservation of the Nation as a whole as the issues involved and displayed as priorities only seem to be those concerning the survival of the ruling party and a band of terrorists on the run from authority. Then there are some who have already been led to believe that the Peace which now prevails within the land will remain for eternity with no concerns for the expression 'A Fool's Paradise!' The rhetoric which emanates from the Peace Camp continues to placate verbally the restlessness of the minorities although the double standards of Governmental empathy towards the Nation which has never detracted from the stark reality of being one for the rich and another for the poor is painfully visible together with the compromising of issues vital to the preservation of the Sinhala Nation which has been pre empted in favour of the preservation of a motley bunch of terrorists whose rightful sojourn is in a state of compusory confinement!. The Peace Process in high tide now also strangely coincides with the issuance of Duty Free Brand New Luxury Vehicles for ministerial carriage, the free flow of goods off a high internationa tariff affordable only to the affluent, the tolerance of thuggery from the offspring minnows of High Officialdome and the continued increase of lawlessnes which surges throughout the land in great abandon dancing a macabre tune in accompaniment to the tattoo of bribery and corruption at many levels compounded by the mockery of the quasi Administrative , Financial, Judicial and Policing Operations of the LTTE in the North and North East which all but negates the importance of its relativity to the real needs of the Nation. Whither Peace Goeth ? It is aspired, may it be on a path of righteousness which will resolve the Nation's Woes completely and appropriately and may every Sri Lankan by way of a rightly conducted peace negotiation within the confines of International Law and the parameters of democracy enjoy a peaceful and unhindered existence. With Season's Greetings and Best Wishes For A Blessed and Peaceful New Year 2003 Where Sri Lanka Will Continue To Be The Resplendant Isle for Generations To Come.
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