Minority Controls Victory – Recipé for Impending Disaster with no Jockey.
Posted on January 16th, 2015
Prof. Hudson McLean
The article published The minority supremacy Nalin de Silva, with the map of Sri Lanka clearly proves that, if not for the Minority Vote, MR would have swept through into the Presidential Throne. In a way this is a good lesson to all Sinhela community realize their mistake(?) and in the future to select their “best” candidate to lead a Unified Sri Lanka.
The question is; If MR is the best candidate to Lead the Nation again?
In the absence of any other suitable potential leader, “The Known Devil is Better Than Unknown Angel”.
MR won the last election mainly due to the Crushing of LTTE Tamil Terrorism, thanks to GR and Sarath Fonseka.
However, this huge Crown on the Head of MR took a turn for the worst, with Internal Corruption which was blatantly displayed by an arrogant Namal Rajapaksa, charging out of Temple Trees in his Lamborghini, and now, as published, Basil Rajapaksa, Navid Cabraal (Governor Central Bank), when the poor were struggling to make ends meet.
Corruption has been the Curse of Sri Lanka.
Under CBK, her uncle General Ratwatte, upon investigation by the incoming new government, found millions of foreign currency as well as rupees stashed & hoarded in several places.
Then came Geneal Sarath Fonseka, with a chest-full of medals, making a mint-or-two using his son-in-law, Dhanuna Tillekaratne CEO of Hicorp.
Where is he? Will he face any charges upon his return to Sri Lanka?
Should this scandal leave Sarath Fonseka, a good patriotic soldier, filling his own pockets, out of the potential Presidency Equation?
Another future potential hopeful, waiting in the wings, is Sajith Premadasa. The Late President Ranasinghe Premadasa was no angel. During his tenure, many a Mudalali, who entered a plane ride, changed their National Dress into ill-fitting trousers,shirt, tie and jacket, looking like clowns from a Laurel & Hardy comedy. They made millions, together with as alleged by Sajith Premadasa, who was eventually “deported” from the UK for his arrogant acts in the UK.
Then, can we trust the judiciary in Sri Lanka?
Dr.Shirani Bandaranayake.Chief Justice Shirani Bandaranayake, her husband Pradeep Kariyawasam was indicted for Bribery & Corruption.
Riding into the most recent Presidential Election, the “Quick Exit through Maldives” of the Rajapakse Tribe, like Rats leaving a Sinking Ship. In this case their Losing Tribal Leader!
In this case, is MR a potential future option to recover Sri Lanka, should My3 failed to keep his “patch-work” government together?
Pretty certain the Sri Lanka electorate will make the Final Decision on a Jockey to Ride in this case the Elephant, and my considered “gut-feeling” is, in the absence of any other Mr. Clean, a marginal Yes to MR!
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January 15th, 2015 at 10:48 pm
Professor the problem cannot be visualised without looking at the whole thing, the Indian Empire. Read Solleim’s article in The Hindu 150115. Indian Empire. Jai Hind.
January 15th, 2015 at 10:55 pm
Prof.Hudson you are truly correct when you are saying “Lone devil is better than unknown devil” My sincere opinion is MR is the best for the country for another several years because he was actually love his Motherland more than any of the current leaders. I am so sad of his departure.We wrote many articles about corruption in the previous Govt but none they listen or read maybe. He did a blunder by calling for early elections. We wrote in numbers to stay put and correct the mistakes and call for the elections even UNP told him to postpone the date until Pope arrives but he never listened. The ungrateful astrologers let him down.These cursed devils took advantage of his kindness. Poor devil I hope he will use his brains and come back and clear his name. Still people loves him.You cannot just throw him to garbage.He is a fighter and he will be back I am sure on behalf of the people who had faith on him.
My thoughts and prayers always with him and I hope new leaders will protect him from any harm come to him as he has lots of enemies around within and abroad. We saw how the LTTE Diaspora was dancing when he lost.We saw how Vaiko and those enemies burnt his effigy. We saw how the Tamil Malaysians were celebrating and around the world in western countries. Everyone who hasn’t any love to Sinhala Motherland was celebrating of his ouster. When Tamils & Muslims got united when their leaders call for the unity our stupid Sinhalese got split and kill each other same like in 1815. You saw how Christians got together unitedly when their pope visited? How they celebrated his visit and so on? Unity is the main thing to win a battle. Our stupid ungrateful Sinhalese never learn even from the past mistakes. I am so worried and unhappy about it because our future at stake with these kind of people.
The new leaders already started to take revenge with the help of those Sinhala blood suckers JVP. What were the good things they did to this country at any stage kindly let me know please. Why anyone listen to them.Have you forgot what they did in 70 & 80’s. Those same killers now preaching to us good Governance? It’s a joke. They are good in dividing the people and good story tellers. I respect the left parties but not these red killers. I thought after the war ends my homeland will be a safe place to live and it was until Jan 8th but now my hopes were shattered after seeing all these old rejected lot coming back to power. I hope Sirisena has brains to understand who could be trusted and who will stand with him as a true son of Mother lanka to protect our land from Tamil Diaspora and Muslim Jihadists.
January 16th, 2015 at 12:28 am
Dear Professor,
You are not well informed this time. My3 has already won over SLFP. If he can reorganise SLFP well with good and young people (like the calibre of SUjeeva Senasinghe of UNP)., SLFP will surely win power. With proportional system 50% reduced, it is easy. Only thing is MR & Family must not get involved.
January 16th, 2015 at 12:33 am
The real coup – a geopolitical play
In this note we explore the strategic geopolitical play of the West and India to displace China as a strategic player in SL. China’s increasing influence in the region in general and in SL in particular has been annoying the US for a long time. The recent presidential election, the swearing of the current president and splitting of the SLFP fit in well within this strategic initiative. Splitting the major leftist party, SLFP, is an integral part of this strategy. The objective is to get a coalition of small parties to displace China friendly SLFP as the main opposition. Some even argue that this is “minority power”. The objective of splitting the majority vote has been achieved with great success – two SLFP’s, UNP, JVP etc.
The United National Party (UNP) leader’s recent “private” visits to the US are of particular interest in the master plan. Also, the past president Kumaranatunga’s involvement and support she garnered from Mrs Hilary Clinton is of interest. It was a well-orchestrated strategic initiative. The election campaign also copied Obama’s “Change” (Venasa in Sinhala) campaign and there are reports of massive financial support for the election from the US and India – the common goal to displace China. Neither of these will be able to match China when it comes to financial support for Sri Lanka.
Both Moody’s and S&P have similar concerns. All allegations aside, the previous regime managed to rescue SL from terror and economic decay and turn the country into one of the fastest growing economies in the region. Significant salary increases have been offered to public servants without any compensating revenue increases and this, in turn, will give rise to private sector pay claims thus eroding the country’s competitive position. Pensioners have also been promised an increase. Trade unions in SL are well organised and they are likely to make their claims very soon. Labour intensive sectors like textiles, leisure, tea etc will suffer.
Against this background we feel especially the direct investors should be cautious. Currency depreciation cannot be ruled out and this will compound the problem of servicing foreign currency debt. After a post-election rise of about 3% the share market is not showing any positive trend. Next 3-6 months will be crucial to assess the shift from a centric decisive regime to a more democratic power-sharing regime. Realising the external influence in this change, there are calls for unity within SLFP. If both factions can find a common ground and re-unite, SL will get back to stability. We are cautiously optimistic on this possibility
January 16th, 2015 at 1:54 am
If SWRD followed a correct foreign policy most of us will not be languishing in foreign countries right now. Let us be truly non aligned and leave the geopolitics to the big players. I hope HE will be guided by Patali, Anura D and the patriotic lot and that they would concentrate only on development. Get help from anybody with the least amount of strings.
January 16th, 2015 at 2:00 am
SLFP followed Banaranayeke’s policies throughout; all though they said they were non aligned they tilted too much towards Russia and China.
January 16th, 2015 at 3:18 am
SWRD followed Indian imperialists directions, there were hell of a lot of Indians who were In London at the time SWRD was in London studying. These Indians were the leaders of India like SWRD. SWRD was an Indian puppet like Chandrika, JJJRRR and Parabakaran.
Strategist; India was interested in strategic position and its ports for a long long time. Why did Mohandas Karamchand Gangdhi came to the island in 1927?
Indian imperialists have one end of the net in Mauritius, and now they got the island in their bag. We have been brainwashed by Indian imperialists since 1792 to think in this manner, but my life in the West for 45 years have changed my thinking.
January 16th, 2015 at 3:59 am
I would like to appeal to MS to reinstate CM of Kandy Mr Sarath Ekanayake.I know him personally and requested him to tar the road to my land and politely refused as there were other priorities that served the people, instead he sang us a couple of good songs.He is a people’s man just like former MP Mr Piyasena Tennakoon who was very much liked by the people of Kandy.
We need more politicians like him where they are willing to reach the humble people of the country and I am glad that he declined my request.
I would also like to appeal to MS to give Gota a position as he served the country well,never left the country and wear the right attire and not a hypocrite like the others.He must avoid bad company like Dumminda Silva.
January 16th, 2015 at 5:42 am
Dear Prof: You too REFUSE to change and go forward and like and opt to “LIVE” in the past. Please note and study the “CHANGE” that is taking place in Sri Lanka. I am observing it and for the present optimistic.
You want MR to “Lead” again. That is fine. According to what is going to be: After the Parliamentary elections to be held after April, 2015; the PEOPLE have given a mandate to appoint the Leader of the Party that gets the highest number of seats as the Prime Minister and the next party that gets the next highest number to be the “Deputy Prime Minister”. Your MR has got his options and he can be “EITHER”, again depending on the Peoples” choice.
Then there is a NEW arm of the Legislature, called “NATIONAL EXECUTIVE COUNCIL”. That had its very FIRST meeting yesterday. Please observe its composition and note what were discussed at this first meeting. Let us OBSERVE and STUDY what is going on and contribute to a BETTER FUTURE.
This country “NEEDS” “INTELLECTUALS” to contribute to the FUTURE but not those who LOVE to ROT in the past.
January 16th, 2015 at 5:43 am
Professor, since independence not a single crook has been indicted after government change. It will be same this time too. Although the common man kill each other over party politics the high ups and politicians are singing “we are all one and the same” at posh parties in the evening. Other thing about the survival, without contribution to the economy from the educated towards setting up of a knowledge based economy Sri lanka is doomed. How long are we going to depend on the blue collar workers like housemaids, seamstresses, farmers, plantation workers etc. In this contest the attitude like professional like Dr. Nalin Silva is very unfortunate. I have seen him forcefully arguing in TV that we have to satisfy with what we have.
January 16th, 2015 at 7:14 am
More Jarapalanaya
Gnanakone visits SL with the C4 big Mc. TNA gets EP. Daya Gamage could have easily become EP chief minister but it goes to TNA. Well done MY3 supporters, job well done.
BTW: One dirty Silva has now joined MY3, now its only a matter of time before the other…… Yahapalanaya Puthe Yahapalanaya :D :D :D
January 16th, 2015 at 9:41 am
The party has appointed Parliamentarian Nimal Siripala de Silva as the Oppositional Leader
Please any one can explain me which party is in power now???
January 16th, 2015 at 10:38 am
If the rule law of work properly in Sri lanka, every one in the present cabinet has some kind of baggage. Many are thieves from the public or their fathers had been thieves.
Most Recently, Mahinda Rajapakse knows how Loku Athula was killed inside Temple trees. There are so many murderers and children of murderers in the parliament too.
Some big thieves escaped overseas
January 16th, 2015 at 11:00 am
MY3 has now ordered all of his cutouts removed.
Wise decision because by the time he is done with his Jarapalanaya and betraying the NE victory to TNA+SLMC none of his cutouts in Sinhala majority areas will last very long.
Might as well remove them now.
January 16th, 2015 at 1:15 pm
Please submit any details of corruption of any Horapalanaya or ANAYONE to “anticorruptionfront@gmail.com”
This is the time and chance for all patriots get rid or corruption decease from our motherland.
January 16th, 2015 at 1:19 pm
It is sad to see the ending of MR, the man we thought have the courage to turn the tide of the postcolonial history of SL. But when he bundled all the crooks from opposition into ruling camp and sidelined his own people, and appointed Cabral into Central Bank and P.B. Jayasundara as the secretary to the ministry of finance, and continued to take IMF and World Bank directives as gospels, I knew his days were numbered. So my first reaction was to stop writing about Sri Lanka since the ardent supporters of MR like myself were cornered without having a course and means to fight. We were isolated leaderless.
The formula of the failure of MR is not new, but the same saga repeated all over again. Like other capable leaders of Sri Lanka, MR also got trapped in the Colombian noose. We thought, he being a villager he understood the problems of the hinterland, the land of the real Sri Lanka, the land beyond the coastal district. But instead of embracing the village, he embarked with sudden embracing of halfhearted, fake Colombian culture, and gave undeserved incentives to it at high cost of the ordinary man who were his true support base. We glorified him as village hero, but alas, he may have taken our glorifications of him as a hero of the village as insults to him, because he tried very hard to become another Colombian. The map of the voting pattern of the electorate tells it all in mocking imagery.
He was successful as our wartime president, but failed as peacetime one. He could not understand the true map of the political landscape of internal politics, and the dynamics of external and internal forces of it.
But however, the situation he created in his second term needed a severe blow in order to bring him back to earth. There was no any other way-out to the gravity of the problem he created, especially in the economic front with the cohort of IMF and World Bank. Now it is time for him to rethink and regroup. If he can come up with a national plan, he can build a nationalist front to fight another day.
I saw a news item that said that new president was to stop the China tilt soon. That means the new president has no idea about geopolitics. The reason why Sri Lanka has a China tilt is nothing but to avert larger damage by allowing a little damage. MR played the geopolitical game very well. However, I doubt if the blood bath is avertable to bring Sri Lanka back to the track.
January 16th, 2015 at 2:16 pm
Very perceptive of you.
You are right My3 does not need any cut outs or banners as he has already declared that he will only serve one term as President.
Rajapakse learnt too late that the cut outs and banners that polluted the Country was counter productive and in fact had a negative effect.
January 16th, 2015 at 2:31 pm
The other thing I wanted to tell is about how did western media used the metaphor that MR had used in Jaffna out of context. He had said, “Known devil was better than the unknown angel.” The original Sri Lankan saying is “Known devil is better than the unknown.” However, MR had changed it to suit the Anglicized audience of Jaffna by adding the angel into it. So western media went to town with it to discredit him as an arrogant devilish fool, because they had no clue about the true cultural context of this particular saying.
In western culture, the devil represents all the evil; He is the opposite of everything good. Western cultural knowledge describes the devil in fine details even going into devil’s sexuality describing even its penis as a fork like- capable of penetrating both openings of the female at once.
But in Sri Lankan culture, devil is our relative, hard working one who can do marvels.
Current Sinhala language is full of sayings originated in the hybrid society of post Vijayan conquest. Devil becomes immediate ‘other’ of the Indianized post Vijayan hybrid culture. Our cultural training is to blame the devil while admiring him as one of us. The reason is clear, the devil, “Yakshas” were the original inhabitants who were reluctant to accept hybrid social systems created in post Vijaya society and tried to menace it at any given opportunity. That’s why we have other sayings like “he works as a devil” or “Did you finish it already, what a devil are you?”
Those western vilification of MR for using this well-known Sinhala saying may be honey in the ears of stupid donkey ass Colombians. But for us, we know what it means within our cultural context.
The series of articles I wrote to support MR started with the following article… please take a look…
January 16th, 2015 at 2:39 pm
We appear to have a rather odd situation in the Legislative chamber.
With President Maithripala taking control of the SLFP we have the Executive President also the President of the party in Opposition. – I’m aware it is only till April 2015.
For Democracy to prevail should we not have a “true” Opposition for checks and balances.
Rather clever ploy of My3 and Ranil.
My3 also has the powers under the SLFP Presidency to veto selection process for the Parliamentary election.
Looks like Everybody is the Winner after the Presidential Election except for ONE.
January 16th, 2015 at 2:57 pm
Does anyone know if Maithripala resigned from Parliament? (as MP) or indeed if he has to resign to take up the Executive Presidency? I assume he has to resign in which case who took his place as MP?
January 16th, 2015 at 3:12 pm
“Only thing is MR & Family must not get involved.”
What about My3’s family, and other corrupted individuals (with or without their families) ??
What is BAD for the goose must be BAD for the gander, too !!
January 16th, 2015 at 3:23 pm
“Please any one can explain me which party is in power now???”
BOTH parties, you silly !
January 16th, 2015 at 3:32 pm
A correction/addendum to my comment above.
We did in fact have a situation during the CBK- RW time when CBK as Executive President was also the President of the party in Opposition. Aswe all know she dissolved parliament.
In this particular case the President has “ownership” of both sets of the divide.
January 16th, 2015 at 3:35 pm
“Please submit any details of corruption of any Horapalanaya or ANAYONE to “anticorruptionfront@gmail.com”
This is the time and chance for all patriots get rid or corruption decease from our motherland.”
Now let us do it, TOGETHER WITH A COPY here in Lankaweb, so that all of us know, and see if and when actions are taken.
Note to Lankaweb Editor:
Could we have a separate place in your website for this?
January 16th, 2015 at 3:51 pm
That is a very worrying development.
They are the killers of LAKSHMAN KADIRGAMAR.
I wish the eastern province debacle will end with a memorable punishment for BOTH TNA AND SLMC supporters.
January 16th, 2015 at 4:39 pm
‘Colombo appeared willing to go beyond the 1987 Indo-Sri Lanka Peace Accord’ 22 May 2009 Report
Colombo: With the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam out of its way, Sri Lanka on Thursday assured India that it would implement a law for devolving powers to Tamil-dominated areas as both countries agreed on the need for a lasting political solution to the ethnic conflict.
The assurance was contained in a joint statement issued after National Security Adviser M.K. Narayanan and Foreign Secretary Shiv Shankar Menon met President Mahinda Rajapaksa here, three days after LTTE chief Velupillai Prabakaran was eliminated and the country was declared free of terrorism. Sri Lanka and India agreed that with the end of the military operations the time was opportune to focus on issues of relief, rehabilitation, resettlement and reconciliation, including a permanent political solution in Sri Lanka.
Mr. Menon told reporters after the meeting that Sri Lanka appeared willing to go beyond the 1987 Indo-Sri Lanka Peace Accord which for the first time set up a devolution plan for the ethnically-divided nation.
“Our discussions were within the framework of the Indo-Sri Lanka Peace agreement. The President is not only willing to implement the 13th Amendment [set up under the Rajiv Gandhi-Jayawardene accord] but is willing to go the extra mile,” he said. — PTI
PTI reports from New Delhi:
The Rajapaksa government is planning to hold provincial elections in the Tamil-dominated areas freed from LTTE control, a step which India has been repeatedly underlining.
“Our country is now free of terror. The President [Mahinda Rajapaksa] has already made it clear that the concerns of the Tamil diaspora will be addressed. We will hold provincial council elections in the northern region,” Sri Lankan High Commissioner C.R. Jaisinghe told PTI here on Thursday. To press his point, he pointed out that Sri Lanka already held provincial elections in the country’s east in last May after the LTTE rebellion ended there.
“A young gentleman [S. Chandrakanta] from the Tamil community who renounced the ideology of LTTE was elected the Chief Minister of the province,” the envoy said.
As the war came to an end with the killing of LTTE chief V. Prabakaran, India has been pressing Sri Lanka to undertake devolution of powers giving political powers to Tamils and hold provincial elections in the Tamil-dominated areas freed from the rebel control.
Hails India
Asserting that LTTE was“no more,” the Sri Lankan envoy said his country “appreciates” India’s assistance to the displaced Tamil civilians in the aftermath of the ruthless war.
India has prepared a Rs. 500-crore rehabilitation package for the displaced people in Sri Lanka. Prime Minister Manmohan Singh had already announced a Rs. 100-crore relief package for Lankan Tamils in addition to the Rs. 25-crore aid given by the Tamil Nadu government.
When asked whether it would now give access to rights agencies to the northern region, Mr. Jaisinghe maintained that “specialised agencies of U.N. have always been permitted to carry out relief operations there.”
January 16th, 2015 at 4:45 pm
This is what just 2 days after the war, “the man who sacrificed so much” did for our country. Once the military solution given, why did he spoil the whole advantage gained by our 26000 sons and daughter who sacrificed their lives. Is this not a big betrayal ?
January 16th, 2015 at 5:18 pm
“Corruption has been the Curse of Sri Lanka.”
Then show me a nation where the political leaders and the commercial “muscle” are not corrupt? show me one single nation where corruption does not exist? It is inherent that with power comes corruption.
What is the issue then is does this corruption impede the nation or the nation progresses in spite of it?
Under Rajapakse (factoring the corruption level) economic growth was the highest in the subcontinent and one of the highest in the world (7.5% and 22% in Jaffna).
a world class highway system and three deep water ports were constructed. Sri Lanka is the only nation in the subcontinent with deep water ports.
A strategic alliance with China formed. Such an alliance has not been done before Rajapakse.
Average income increased and poverty was halved from 15% to 7%.
The blessing of the exit of Rajapakse is that now when anything does go wrong in Sri Lanka it will be the Sirisena government that will be blamed. Rajapakse when in power was blamed for corruption, human rights to even global warming. well buddies those days are now gone.
January 16th, 2015 at 5:24 pm
Looks like the “other” dirty Silva has also joined MY3 Yahapalanaya. :D
Wonder what HP has to say now….
Now that the travel ban on foreign nationals has been lifted, clandestine LTTE can freely move around NE, C4 fairy tale writers can now film and fabricate whatever they like. Well done MY3 supporters! Thanks a lot!!
January 16th, 2015 at 5:34 pm
Congratulations Prof., you have hit the nail on the head.
Mahinda lost due to the spate of hate mail and gossip with no basis of fact. It was all based on speculations fueled by funds from abroad. He put himself and his family in danger by engaging with the LTTE who were ruthless killers. I saw a news paper item which said that Maithri’s son Daham had stashed 1.2 million Swiss francs and $ in his girl friends house which had been confiscated by the Police. Who is going to investigate him if it is true.
The whole thing was a well planned coup executed with precision. Appears to a plan cooked up by the think tanks abroad since it is too sophisticated for locals and certainly not CBK.
As for the Sinhalese and the Tamils who voted against MR, all I can say is that even animals have gratitude. If even the 300,000 Tamils who were liberated by the MR govt and then were given housing and money to set them up had voted for MR he would have won.
Some of the Sinhalese too have such short memories. People like Champika who were only the other day praising MR suddenly started spewing hate like vomit. Same with Anura Dassanayake. Even if MR is guilty of bribery does he deserve so much hate. It appears that they hate MR even more than Prabahakaran. CBK was calling him Mr. Prabahakaran. As far as I can MR’s greatest fault was that he was too soft on miscreants around him.
January 16th, 2015 at 6:25 pm
I agree with your comments above 100%.
Now, try to explain that to LORENZO and his REGIME CHANGE CREW at LankaWeb! You will not SUCCEED for they have been PAID, and PAID WELL for their puppet show!
January 16th, 2015 at 8:59 pm
Read this:
“Residents and civil organizations in Galle wonder as to what happened to Rs.3000 million that was donated to build a Maternity and Children’s Hospital at Karapitiya.
The hospital was named ‘Helmut Kohl Maternity and Children’s Hospital’ and the foundation was laid for the hospital ten years ago. Rs.20 million had been spent for the foundation. Another loan of 28 million Euros was obtained from a bank in Germany and an agreement was signed by the government to build the hospital.
What happened to this 28 million Euros is unknown and someone has plundered more than Rs.6500 million that had been allocated for the project. This is another ‘Helping Hambantota’ type robbery point out residents in the area.” – LankaTruth
Will there be a jockey?.
January 16th, 2015 at 9:12 pm
No more local Jockeys after the abolition of horse racing in the island and it was always Indian jockeys from the India. Latest Narendra Modi. Jai Hind.
January 16th, 2015 at 9:25 pm
BOTH parties in power now, you silly !- oh mother Lanka… when will end 100 days drama ???
thalia soththuthu (my head is spining ) let sit first .
January 16th, 2015 at 10:52 pm
“Mahinda lost due to the spate of hate mail and gossip with no basis of fact.”
I think there is another narrative. Mahinda lost because his administration had become very unpopular – it’s as simple as that. Just take the election results. You’ll see that MR’s share of the vote has declined from what he secured in 2010, in ALL electoral districts. I do not believe that “the spate of hate mail and gossip with no basis of fact” could have been that far-reaching in their effect. Even in the Hambantota division – real Rajakapse country – the percentage share of the votes went down from 67.21 in 2010 to 63.02.
I would not defame the electorate by accusing it of ingratitude. It showed its gratitude by returning MR to power in 2010. And how did he choose to repay that trust? With such things like 18A, the incarceration of Sarath Fonseka, the impeachment of the CJ, night races and white elephants like the Mattla airport – all very clearly for the benefit of MR – not for the benefit of the public. Loyalty should work both ways.
MR had two more years of his term to run. He chose to go to an early election. And he lost. He and his supporters should accept the people’s verdict, if not with equanimity, at least with the practical realisation that you cannot win them all.
January 16th, 2015 at 11:01 pm
One thing we should appreciate MR is his ability to attract and fool average people for life
January 16th, 2015 at 11:49 pm
හිටපු අමාත්ය බැසිල් රාජපක්ෂ සහ ආරක්ෂක ලේකම් ගොඨාභය රාජපක්ෂ මහත්වරුන්ට විරුධව හිටපු අමාත්ය මර්වින් සිල්වා මහතා අල්ලස් හෝ දූෂණ චෝදනා විමර්ශන ඒකකටය පැමිණිල්ලක් ඉදිරිපත් කිරීමට අද එහි ගියේය. පසුගිය රජය සමයේ සිදුවුයේ යැයි කියන දුෂණ සම්බන්ධයෙන් තොරතුරු එහිදී ඔහු බාරදීමට නියමිතය.
January 17th, 2015 at 5:35 am
“Former Minister Mervyn Silva today lodged a complaint with the Criminal Investigations Department (CID) against former Economic Development Minister Basil Rajapaksa and former Defence Secretary Gotabaya Rajapaksa.
Speaking to reporters outside the building, the controversial politician state that the complaint is regarding alleged crimes which had taken place under the previous government.”
– adaderana.lk
Dailymirror has a 10 minute video of Mervin Silva blaming GR and BR for HORRENDOUS crimes.
Didn’t we tell the govt. to get rid of Mervin? Now he too has turned against MR.
At the start of the election campaign I wrote a Sinhala Buddhist song sung by a Tamil Nadu singer. I repeat it today.
“sinawen ho kathawen be maninnata minisaa”.
In that it says, when the time comes to repay the sins, the man will not find comfort even in his own shadow. This is what has happened to BR. I don’t think Mervin’s allegations against GR are correct.
January 17th, 2015 at 6:16 am
Finally some sense has prevailed on Mattala.
SriLankan Airlines has cancelled operating flights to the Hambantota International Airport at Mattala with immediate effect, officials said on Friday. The flights were cancelled from yesterday, Thursday.
“This is because the official carrier is losing massive amounts of money by operating flights to this new airport built at a cost of Rs. 27 billion in an area of 2,000 hectares by the previous regime,” an Aviation Ministry official said.
The move comes after expected changes at the national carrier following President Mahinda Rajapaksa’s defeat at the polls. His brother-in-law Nishantha Wickramasinghe who was airline chairman has already resigned.
The official said that Mattala is a white elephant and that few are using the airline from Mattala. He added that they haven’t taken a decision on Mihin Lanka, while industry sources say that Flydubai and Rotana Jet carriers that are using the Mattala Airport will also stop flights there when the national carrier stops flights. SriLankan flies to Beijing, Shanghai, Chennai, Jeddah, Male and Colombo from Mattala.
Colossal waste of tax payers money to pander to the ego of Rajapakses.
Anyone travelling on Sri Lankan to or from or even transit would have seen the idle waste of Mattala.
January 17th, 2015 at 7:15 am
Colossal waste of tax payers money to pander to the ego of Rajapakses.??
The tax payer money in rupees is useless in this. It is housemaid earned dollars that will be squandered on this. It is a shame that educated (who got their education free thanks to housemaid and other blue collar worker dollars) has done nothing for the economy for the past 80 years and continue to depend on the productivity of blue collar workers
January 17th, 2015 at 7:33 am
Marco: A small correction to your above comment. The correct name of Mattala Airport is:
“Mahinda Rajapakse International Airport, Mattala”. The “Three Letter Code” in making a reservation to travel from and to this airport is: “MRI”
January 17th, 2015 at 10:20 am
නලින්ගේ ලිපි ලේඛන තමන්ට ගැලපෙන විට ඒවා ප්රයෝජනයටගන්නා සමහරු නලින් මෙතෙක් කල මෙහෙවර අගයනවාට කමතිනත. සමහරු පෙන්වන්නේ නලින් ද සිල්වා යනු කවුදය් කියාවත් නොදන්නා බවය . ස්තුත්ය් ප්රෝෆෙස්සර් මැක්ලීන්
January 17th, 2015 at 10:43 am
Geeth, I agree with you. MR is a fine leader with vision and ability but had to work with less than average people around him MR was forced to take the IMF loans. I remember Central bank refused the money a couple of times. Suddenly they agreed I think because they used the fake War Crimes charge against MR as leverage. The curse of Sri Lanka and all the Democracies is the two party system. Both parties are so hell bent on bashing each other that the country suffers and the ‘divide & rule’ people win, every time.
I think because MR loves the country and the people too much he handed over the SLFP leadership to MY3 on a platter. If you look at India and China you can see the difference. India since Independence has stagnated due to the party system while China has forged ahead. China is also Democratic but not like the Western model. They elect a Central Committee who run the country. They have no ‘isms’. They use whatever that works for each area of the country. In Shanghai and Hong Kong it is Capitalism. In other areas which are poorer they use Communism. Yet other areas they use Socialism. China is still struggling with corruption.
We must not forget that we are the Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka and the UNP Cabinet must adhere to the Socialist principles. For the last 8 years the USA has stagnated since the Republicans did not want to cooperate with President Obama. Whatever he wanted to do for the people they block. It was also because he is ‘black’ !!. At the end of the day USA has suffered and no one has won. In USA the Supreme court has decreed that money is same as free speech and thereby legalized money payments to politicians by lobbies. Corporations pour massive amounts of money to Republicans who do their bidding. At the end of the day all man made systems of Governance are imperfect since the people are imperfect.
As you say if MR becomes his true self, the self that loves the down trodden people he may be able to make a comeback. The education of his sons at St. Thomas’s College was well intended as a connection to the almighty west, but in fact a disaster since Namal had alienated himself from the people (dragging family & MR with him) by being excessively westernized and Colombian. Colombians want to be more westernized than the westerners themselves.
From the ordinary southern voter there is a call, a need for a sense of Security and Clean governance.
January 17th, 2015 at 5:00 pm
Cerberus, I agree with you.
At the same time I must say that he not only failed himself, but also unfairly dragged the nation with him. In that case actually MR has dragged the nation into a political hellhole. What right does he have to do that? If there is anyone to blame for MR’s personal tragedy, it is none but MR. But who is going to fix the tragedy of the nation? To the gravity of geopolitical significance of the island within current world affairs where Russia directly and China indirectly confronting the west, we cannot expect thing will be fine for us in near future. Look at Ukraine. How many millions of dollars has been spent to turn Ukraine into current turmoil? That is to get Russia. So to get China, and to get foothold in Indian Ocean how many more millions will be waiting in the shelf to be spent in Sri Lanka to push Sri Lanka into the level of Ukraine is of course time will tell us.
What an opportunity MR had in his hand? At a point, the entire country was behind him. When you think of his immaturity of handling some affairs, I doubt if he had any vision whatsoever about the country. I think the war was won due to the battlefield experience and of Gotabhaya and SF knowing very well about the problem. Rest was luck.
For instance, a couple of bitter things happened. I’ll tell one thing. When Dayan was unceremoniously removed from Geneva, (I mean he must have had good reasons to remove him obviously) MR must have shown some statesmanship rather without appointing Kshenuka into the same position. He did exact the worse thing a leader can do in such a scenario. When he won the second term, he appointed all well known Colombians to Foreign ministry, Kshenuka, known well known for worshiping west, being appointed to set up a defacto foreign ministry within the ministry. (Kshenuka and Dayan were not having good relations at that time due to Dayan’s criticism of British foreign secretary and Kshenuk’s apologizing BFS about it). I am not going to defend Dayan’s ideology of every issue. But he did a better job dealing with UN than Kshenuka.
Then we came to know what happened to Karunanayagam. Did MR learn anything from these warnings? No he didn’t. I can line up many things like this. MR letdown all the masses who entrusted everything in him to do a historical task.
He didn’t understand by winning the war he already had crossed the red line in western relations- and he had only one way-out and that was to maintain the NAM line and strengthening relations with none western world. But he thought bringing Colombians into handling key positions will save him and by doing so he can impress the west. But destroying all his calculations, Colombians and west together dug under his feet. This thinking is neither diplomacy nor statesmanship. We knew this is what exactly going to happen; then why he couldn’t see it. So how can we think of him as a good politician?
MR was tunnel visioned and naively and arrogantly believed that whatever he does, people would vote him. This is too expensive way of learning.
January 17th, 2015 at 7:05 pm
Douglas: You say “This country “NEEDS” “INTELLECTUALS” to contribute to the FUTURE but not those who LOVE to ROT in the past”
So When Rajapakse ENDED 30 YEARS OF WAR that to you is rotting in the past? wonder if you consider the ‘wonder days of the war’ the years of “intellectual stimuli”?
Rajapakse ushered in 7.5% of growth. developed a world class infrastructure, made Colombo the garden city of Asia. developed 3 deep water ports and to YOU that is rotting away is it? Poverty dropped from 15% to 7%. salaries went up, key alliances with powerful nations like china forged and to you that is ROT?
Am I to assume that the Tamil and Muslim vote that ousted him is progress? maybe for you when Elam forms that would be for you a sense of “contributing to Sri Lanka’s future’. Just go to any Indian newspaper and read the gloating remarks of Tamils. Guess your version of progress is to see Sri Lanka a colonial holing of Tamil Nadu. well good for you.
January 18th, 2015 at 11:55 am
Mr. Bernard Wijesinghe: For you : “Rajapakse ENDED 30 YEARS OF WAR”.
For Me: Rajapakse and “SPEAR HEADED” by an “ARMY” of INTELLECTUALS operating in various strategic positions, together with the, thousands and thousands of operatives engaged in actual physical efforts in the field, ENDED THE WAR. They are the types of “ARMY OF INTELLECTUALS” we need and NOT the corrupted “BASTARDS” who thronged thereafter, to OWN the war VICTORY and convert that to an opportunity to “DIG FOR GOLD” for themselves , family and cronies.
I hope you got my message loud and clear.
January 18th, 2015 at 12:32 pm
Everything is relative to the observer, as Einstein propounded in his Theory of Relativity. Clearly so, as your example demonstrates!
That “ARMY OF INTELLECTUALS” you refer to, who argued for a MILITARY SOLUTION to the LTTE terror, also existed for at least 2 decades before they were finally defeated by the ascent of the UPFA GOSL led by MR. Bt, without the LEADERS who could give those arguments form and substance, the nation languished in the grip of terrorism and war. I know … for I was one of those early voices calling for that Military Solution, only to be UTTERLY DISAPPOINTED by weak kneed fools and knaves who lacked the necessary will and determination to do what MR ad GR spearheaded.
My point is, had there been NO MR and NO GR, I would still be crying in the wilderness with that ARMY OF INTELLECTUALS you are referring to.
Amid the ARMY OF HATE-FILLED PEOPLE, including Champika Ranawake and Mervyn Silva(!!), NOW SEEKING REVENGE on the Rajapaksa’s there is now also ARMY OF PROPAGANDISTS seeking to DIMINISH the credit due to MR and GR, and the Rajapaksa Family in general, for providing that war-winning leadership!
It is AMAZING indeed, how Rajapaka’s supporters have become a rare, nearly extict species, on the Web after the results of the ELECTION were announced.
Oh, BTW, have you heard of the Indian Theory of Relativity? It is, “It all belongs to the Relatives!
The lesson is, if you are looking for gratitude …. adopt a stray dog, and don’t rely on your countrymen!
January 18th, 2015 at 12:55 pm
We all share the frustration you have about MR administration. But the difference is the amount of optimism we have about the current administration based on facts, not imaginations.
Optimism is good Douglas as far as we are not carried away into a wonderland with our wishes. Optimism shouldn’t be unrealistic like the one that fox harbored regarding goat’s genitals. He was following the goat, thinking that it will fall soon.
Aren’t we matured enough to understand some political conditions that are entrenched Sri Lankan politics today are not compatible to our wish list? And above all, who are going to deliver them- Chandrika, Mithree, Runil? Do you seriously believe life will be fine since MR is destroyed and My3 is won?
January 18th, 2015 at 1:58 pm
Ananda & Geeth: I was physically present to see what happened at “Mavilaaru”, “BEFORE” the actual onslaught began. The “RISKIEST PERSUASION AND PRESSURE” brought to “BEAR” on the “AUTHORITIES”, by the civilians present on that occasion to start the onslaught will never go off my mind. I honour them throughout my life. So that is my “LIFE EXPERIENCE” and my expressions are based on TRUTH and NOT on “IMAGINATIONS” and somewhat closer to, as expressed by Anada,”relative to observation”. Thank you.
January 18th, 2015 at 1:59 pm
The age-old proverbs we have in our language are amazing. “සිංහලයා මෝඩයා කැවුම් කන්ඩ යෝදයා” “The foolish Sinhalese is capable of nothing but devouring ‘Kavum’ (an indigenous sweet)” ඔය හැලියේ නටන කකුළුව වගෙ සංතෝසෙන් ඉන්නේ” “They are happy like dancing crabs in the pot”
I don’t want to blame people of Sri Lanka for the impending things ahead. I blame MR for not acting as a responsible leader who must have guide the nation in this troubled times. He failed; so there is no reason to blame the majority of gullible masses. The other reason is the media. Media in Sri Lanka is singing Colombian song. They haven’t educated people enough to see the big picture of Sri Lanka within the larger picture of the global. But I agree with you when you want people to be fair in criticism based on merits. MR finished the war. None can erase that.
January 18th, 2015 at 2:35 pm
MR did not finish the war. He was made to let the war start with reluctance and as the results of the initial stages were good, he let those fought the war to continue with frequent nagging and discouragement. At and at a later stage, he planned how the war can be made use of war his own selfish motives.
After the war, his selfish actions lead to reversal of what was gained. This reversal continues even now, but his EATING OF THE COUNTRY has been stopped.
January 18th, 2015 at 3:44 pm
“blame MR for not acting as a responsible leader who must have guide the nation in this troubled times. He failed; so there is no reason to blame the majority of gullible masses.”
This is what MR WORSHIPPERS cannot understand.
Who are the modayas? Not the Sinhala voters. It is FOOLISH to blame the voters. Voters are needed once again in 3 months for the parliamentary election! Burn the bridges and you cannot rely on them again!!
IF MR alone won the war what was DENZIL KOBBEKADUWA, FAZLEY LAPHIR, HASALAKA GAMINI, etc. doing? Scraping coconuts?
Get real. HUMAN RIGHTS ACTIVIST MR NEVER wanted war. He was dragged to war by the JHU adn JVP. IF people in A/C rooms and twitter can win wars, I would have won the THIRD WORLD WAR by now!
January 18th, 2015 at 6:31 pm
Namaste Indian colonialism and imperialism. Jai Hind. India Empire!
January 18th, 2015 at 7:04 pm
Very Similar to Rajapaksa, on the 22nd of May 2009, Stupid Ranil Wickremasinghe Opens his stupid Mouth. President Should Intervene Immediately to Correct This
India to keep close eye on PM’s ‘serious’ statement
January 18, 2015 04:50 pm
Indian Union Minister Venkaiah Naidu replying to a question on Sri Lankan Prime Minister Ranil Wickramasinghe’s remarks on offering more autonomy to Tamils in the island nation, he said it was a ‘serious’ statement and the NDA Government had taken note of it, the News X agency reprorted.
“It is a very serious statement and we have taken note of it. We have age old relationship with Sri Lanka and we want to continue our relationship”, he said.
After the victory of Maithripala Sirisena in the recent Presidential polls, Wickramasinghe indicated that the new Sri Lankan government would offer more autonomy to Tamils.
January 18th, 2015 at 10:41 pm
Nanda and Lorenzo,
You are arguing just for the sake of argument, bringing hollow arguments just like in ඇසිලින් රෝසිලින් type street arguments. No one said MR along won the war in that sense. Do you understand why we blame Hitler for the WWII? Because the responsibility of war is a political thing. That’s why.
When you say Rajapaksha did not win the war, the moderate readers know that your words are not honest and you are just hatemongering. I don’t have to remind you, especially to a person like Lorenzo being one with high political consciousness, that no war has been won if there was no political will to fight a war. War is not a military affair my friends, it is purely a political affair. I don’t have to bring fifth grade political theory to educate you that military is a forceful extension of politics. All generals and soldiers are lame ducks if political determination to win a war is not backing them to fight and win.
“IF MR alone won the war what was DENZIL KOBBEKADUWA, FAZLEY LAPHIR, HASALAKA GAMINI, etc. doing? Scraping coconuts?
Is this same Lorenzo that we knew asking this wild question?
Of course, a fine general like Kobbekaduwa was made to scrap coconuts by the political faggots of his time due to their lack of firm political determination to fight the war. And conspired to kill him and finally got rid of him. Are you born again guys?
Please stop stirring up hatred and enmity, and be honest. You all saw what happened to war effort when CBK and Runil together and even Premadasa were ruling.
January 18th, 2015 at 11:03 pm
Please don’t twist the words. MR initially reluctantly gave orders. Remember, he bribed LTTE and also called LTTE during Mmavil Aru incident ( Tiran Alles Case ). But later on , as the war goes on, he was more confident but scared of India and others making noise.
I said “MR did not finish the war. He was made to let the war start with reluctance and as the results of the initial stages were good, he let those fought the war to continue with frequent nagging and discouragement.” – This is a fact and not hatemongering. Even MR did not reject this but you say hatemongering.
But after that I said “At and at a later stage, he planned how the war can be made use of war his own selfish motives.”- This is not a fact . I derived this from his behaviour since 2010. What is wrong with that ?