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 Sri Lanka, Thursday 20th of February 2025
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අයවැය පොඩි එකාගේ ලියුම වගේ. එහෙම වුණේ කොහොමද ? 
Udaya Gammanpila
https://youtu.be/_qXBt4sGIr4... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 20/02/25)

කොන්ත්‍රාත්තුව ලක්ෂ150යි.දුන්නේ 2යි.බුද්ධි අංශයේ -මෙන්න මහ රෑ ගනේමුල්ලේ සංජිව ඝාතකයා වමාරපු කතා
Sri Lankan TV
https://youtu.be/NMsRYWM6X3c... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 20/02/25)

LIVE: Biden, Kamala in Trouble? Trump Aide Kash Patel Bombshell Stuns Dems In FBI Senate Hearing
TIMES NOW https://youtu.be/ZqY92baVeYg... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 20/02/25)

Ukraine-Russia war: Donald Trump calls Volodymyr Zelenskyy a 'dictator'
Courtesy ITV News
https://youtu.be/Z3-MNrPMOxE... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 20/02/25)

Middeniya shooting: Death toll rises to three as 9-year-old succumbs to injuries
Courtesy AdaDerana
The death toll in the Middeniya shooting incident has risen to three, as the 9-year-old son of the 39-year-old victim has also succumbed to his injuries while receiving treatment at  hospital, police confirmed. He had succumbed to gunshot injuries this evening while receiving treatment in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) of the National Hospital, Galle. Police said that a group of unidentified individuals had opened fire at a 39-year-old resident of Galpotta, who was traveling on a motorcycle with his son and daughter, at around 10:15 p.m. last night (18). ... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 20/02/25)

Main suspect in murder of ‘Ganemulla Sanjeewa’ arrested
Courtesy Adaderana
The suspected gunman who shot and killed notorious drug trafficker and criminal gang leader Sanjeewa Kumara Samararathne, also known as “Ganemulla Sanjeewa”, inside the Hulftsdorp Court Complex this morning (19) has been arrested.  He has been arrested in the Palaviya area in Puttalam by Police Special Task Force (STF) personnel while fleeing in a van. https://youtu.be/27IT7ULUNJA The arrested suspect has been identified as 34-year-old Mohamed Azman Sheriffdeen. The infamous gang leader known as “Ganemulla Sanjeewa” was fatally shot this morning (19) in the No. 05 Magistrate’s... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 20/02/25)

ආණ්ඩුව ‘කියුබන් ක්‍රමයට’ රාජ්‍ය සේවක පඩි වැඩි කරලා-ආණ්ඩුවට රාජ්‍යය පවත්වාගෙන යාමට ඇති නොහැකියාව පෙන්වන අය වැයක්
රජිත් කීර්ති තෙන්නකෝන් හිටපු ආණ්ඩුකාරවර
‘අයි.එම්.එෆ්. මාර්ගෝපදේශ යටතේ ඉදිරිපත් කළ අනුර කුමාර දිසානායක ගේ අය වැය ව්‍යූහාත්මක, සංකල්පීය හා මෙහෙයුම් ක්‍රියාවලිය අනුව රොනී ද මෙල්, මංගල සමරවීර, රනිල් වික්‍රමසිංහ ගේ අච්චුවේ කැටයම් කැපීමක් බව හිටපු ආණ්ඩුකාර රජිත් කීර්ති තෙන්නකෝන් මහතා පවසයි. අද නාරාහේන්පිට දී පැවති ‘ආර්ථික යුක්තිය’ සංවිධානයේ පුවත්පත් සාකච්ඡාවට එක් වෙමින් ඔහු මේ බව පැවසීය.   මැතිවරණ පොරොන්දු නැවති සුරංගනා ලෝකයෙන් මිදිලා මහපොළෙවට පැමිණීමට ‘කොමන් සෙන්ස්’ පාවිච්චි කිරීම වත්මන් ආණ්ඩුක පියවර ගැනීම ඉතා යහපත් ප්‍රවණතාවයක්. තමන්ගේ ජනප්‍රියවාදී වාමාංශික හණ මිටිය බිම තියලා, නියෝ ලිබරල් ආර්ථික ප්‍රතිපත්තිය පිළිගැනීම ආර්ථික ස්ථාවරත්වයට වැදගත්වේවි. අනෙක් අතට, මේ... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 19/02/25)

MADURU OYA SETTLEMENT PROJECT 1983 When work started on Maduru Oya Right Bank construction Mahaweli officials and engineers found that the Tamil Separatist Movement was quietly settling estate Tamils on the land intended for the new settlements. They were filling it up so that the Sinhalese could not get in. The UNP government of JR Jayewardene   was allowing them to do so. The government was behaving as if the north was not a part of Sri Lanka. [1] Two Mahaweli officers in particular, were very concerned about these encroachments. They were T.H.... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 19/02/25)

YAN OYA SETTLEMENT PROJECT 1983 The aborted Maduru Oya Sinhala settlement of September 1983 was part of a much grander Sinhalisation plan suggested by an officer at the Mahaweli Authority in 1983.T.H. Karunatilleke Director of Planning in Mahaweli [1] had studied the Eelam strategy and had come up with a plan to thwart it. The plan had two phases. Phase one of Karunatilleke’s plan was to break the north- east Tamil settler continuum by creating three Sinhala settlements in the river basins of Maduru Oya, Yan Oya and Malwatu Oya.  The Maduru... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 19/02/25)

අගමැතිණියගේ ලෙඩේ පාසල් දරුවන්ටත් බෝ කරන්නයි හදන්නේ - විමල් වීරවංශ
Courtesy Lanka Leader
අගමැති හරිනි අමරසූරිය අධ්‍යාපන ඇමතිවරිය විදියට ඇගේ ලෙඩේ පාසල් දරුවන්ටත් බෝ කිරීමේ උත්සාහයක් නියැලෙමින් සිටින බව ජාතික නිදහස් පෙේමුණේ නායක විමල් වීරවංශ මහතා පවසයි.  ඊයේ (17) ජාතික නිදහස් පෙරමුණෞ මූලස්ථානයේදී පැවැති මාධ්‍ය හමුවකට එක් වෙමින් ඒ මහතා මේ බව පැවසීය. එහිදී වැඩිදුරටත් අදහස් දැක්වූ විමල් වීරවංශ මහතා මෙසේද පැවසීය.  ''අපේ රටේ අගමැතිනිය, හරිනි අමරසූරිය මහත්මිය. එතුමියටත් ලොකු ව්‍යාධියක් තිබෙන බව පේනවා. එතුමියගේ මාධ්‍ය අංශයෙන් 2025-02-11 ලෝක බැංකුවේ නිලධාරීන් සමග සිදුකළ සාකච්ඡාවක වාර්තාවක් නිකුත් කරලා තිබෙනවා. එම මාධ්‍ය වාර්තාවේ කොටසක් මම කියවන්නම්" " මෙම අතිරේඛ මුදල් යොදවමින් පාසල් දරු දැරියන්ගේ... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 19/02/25)

"The government's budget has followed the exact path suggested by the IMF, so it's supposedly good for the country – Central Bank Governor Nandalal assures."
Courtesy Lanka Leader
The Governor of the Central Bank, Nandalal Weerasinghe, stated that it is the government's responsibility to act in accordance with the parameters of the IMF's overall macroeconomic stabilization program and that, in line with this, the current budget is a good one for the country. Expressing his views on the budget in Colombo, he said: **"Looking at the targets, this time we can place greater confidence in them. Although the expected revenue target is 5 trillion rupees and the primary surplus is anticipated to be 2.3%, based on my expectations, the... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 19/02/25)

ආණ්ඩුවේ අයවැය IMF කියූ පාරේම ගිය අයවැයක් නිසා රටට හෙඳයිලු - මහ බැකු අධිපති නන්දලාල් සහතික වෙයි...
උපුටා ගැන්ම  ලංකා ලීඩර්
ජාත්‍යන්තර මූල්‍ය අරමුදලේ සමස්ත සාර්ව ආර්ථික ස්ථාවරකරණ වැඩසටහනේ පරාමිතීන් අනුව කටයුතු කිරීම රජයේ වගකීමක් බවත් ඒ අනුව මෙවර අයවැය රටට හොඳ අයවැයක් බවත් මහ බැංකු අධිපති නන්දලාල් වීරසිංහ මහතා පවසයි. අයවැය සම්බන්ධයෙන් කොලඹදී අදහස් පල කරමින් ඔහු මෙසේ පැවසුවේය. “ඉලක්ක දෙස බැලුවාම මේ වතාවේ ඒ පිළිබඳ වැඩි විශ්වාසනීයත්වයක් තැබිය හැකියි. රුපියල් ට්‍රිලියන 5ක ආදායම් ඉලක්කයක් සහ 2.3%ක ප්‍රාථමික අතිරික්තයක් අපේක්ෂා කළත්, මගේ අපේක්ෂාවන් අනුව එය ප්‍රමාණය ඉක්මවා ගිය ක්‍රියාකාරීත්වයක්. ඒ වගේම රජයේ සුරැකුම්පත් සඳහා වූ කෙටිකාලීනව පැන නගින පීඩනයන් අවශෝෂනය කරගැනීම සඳහා ආරක්ෂණ යෙදීමද වැදගත්. එමගින් අපේ මූල්‍ය... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 19/02/25)

Namal granted bail in Krrish deal case
Courtesy The Daily Mirror
Colombo, Feb 18 (Daily Mirror) - The Colombo High Court today granted bail to Sri Lanka Podujana Peramuna (SLPP)  Parliamentarian Namal Rajapaksa after serving him with indictments in connection with the controversial Krrish deal case. Colombo High Court Judge Manjula Tillekaratne ordered Namal Rajapaksa to be released on a cash bail of Rs.100,000 with two sureties of Rs. 10 million each.  The court further ordered that his fingerprints be obtained to ascertain any previous criminal records.  Meanwhile, the court fixed the pre-trial conference for March 27. ... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 19/02/25)

Effectiveness of public service decisions questioned amid 2025 budget benefits
Courtesy The Daily Mirror
Colombo, Feb 18 (Daily Mirror) - Considering the benefits provided to state sector employees in the 2025 budget, doubts arise over the effectiveness of decisions made regarding the public service, United Postal Trade Unions Front (UPTUF) Co- convener Chinthaka Bandara said. Addressing the media, he said this budget can be described as one that creates a problematic situation in terms of people's expectations.  https://youtu.be/AZV4YIrEdk8 "This budget will determine how the public service will be implemented in the country. We do not see any significant benefits for... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 19/02/25)

Canteen, hotel food prices to increase from tonight
Colombo, Feb 18 (Daily Mirror) - The All Island Canteen and Restaurant Owners' Association (AICROA) has decided to increase the prices of all canteen and hotel food items from midnight today.   Association Chairman Harshana Rukshan said that the price of a cup of plain tea will increase by Rs. 5, a cup of milk tea by Rs. 10, a plate of fried rice and kottu by Rs. 30, and the prices of short eats by Rs. 10.   Addressing the media, he said that no concessions were provided... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 19/02/25)

Government has failed to address teachers’ salary issues in budget: Stalin
Colombo, Feb 18 (Daily Mirror) - Ceylon Teachers' Union (CTU) Secretary Joseph Stalin claimed today that the government has not addressed the issue of teachers' salaries in the recent budget. Addressing the media, he said that both the President and the Prime Minister had assured that the existing salary issues would be resolved in the 2025 budget. He reminded that state employees staged protests demanding a Rs. 20,000 salary increment, while principals and teachers protested for the remaining two-thirds of their salary anomalies to be rectified according... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 19/02/25)

I have been instructed by the party not to speak to the media - Kottahachchi
Courtesy The Daily Mirror
Colombo, Feb 18 (Daily Mirror) - Following recent controversial remarks to the media, MP Nilanthi Kottahachchi has been adviced to refrain from making statements to the media. "I 'm sorry, I am unable to make any comments to the media as I have been instructed by the party not to speak to the media," she stated when reporters posed a question to her on Sunday (16) during the Clean Sri Lanka programme in Gimpatha, Keselwatta.... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 19/02/25)

Farmers to promptly receive compensation for flood-damaged crops
Courtesy Adaderana
The Agricultural and Agrarian Insurance Board says that measures will be taken to swiftly provide insurance compensation to farmers in districts that have not yet received payments for crops damaged by the floods last November during the 2024/25 ‘Maha Season’. Accordingly, Rs. 202 million is expected to be credited to the back accounts of 9,368 farmers in the Batticaloa District tomorrow (19). Furthermore, the board stated that Rs. 98 million will be credited to compensate 6,671 farmers in the Trincomalee District for their damaged crops by February 21, the board said.   ... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 19/02/25)

Sri Lanka’s budget likely to lead to slower fiscal consolidation, Moody’s says
Courtesy Adaderana
Sri Lanka’s budgeted expenditure for 2025 will likely lead to a wider fiscal deficit and slower-than-expected fiscal consolidation, Moody’s Ratings said on Tuesday, a day after the island nation unveiled its budget. Sri Lanka aims to transform its crisis-hit economy to prepare to resume debt repayments from 2028, President Anura Kumara Dissanayake said on Monday while announcing the budget which is seen as a key step towards returning the country to durable, long-term growth. The budget is mostly in line with targets set under a $2.9 billion International Monetary Fund (IMF) programme,... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 19/02/25)

මාතෘ භාෂා | Doramadalawa - (2025 -02-17) | ITN
ITN Doramadalawa
https://youtu.be/PuAgdN1cMZo... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 19/02/25)

Derana 360 | මහාචාර්ය අනිල් ජයන්ත | With (Prof.) Anil Jayantha
Ada Derana
https://youtu.be/fNUgFlIOfnk... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 18/02/25)

President Dissanayake’s full budget speech
Courtesy Adaderana
President Anura Kumara Dissanayake, in his capacity as the Minister of Finance, Economic Stabilization and National Policies, presented his maiden Budget Speech in the Parliament today (17). The 79th budget of the Independent Sri Lanka aimed at developing the country in a way that enables it to repay debt when repayment commences in 2028 today (17), encapsulated three main facets; i. Growth of production of industry, services and agriculture.ii. Production must take place with the active engagement and participation of people.iii. The benefits and gains from production must be equitably shared across... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 18/02/25)

The Politics of Gold
Michael Hudson Courtesy The UNZ Review
Why has the price of gold been increasing so fast, breaking records? Economist Michael Hudson explains the politics of the precious metal, and the dynamics of the US dollar system. The politics of gold, by Michael Hudson - The Unz Review... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 18/02/25)

Don’t betray the ‘baiyas’ who voted you into power for lack of a better alternative: a helpful warning to the out of compass Malimawa -Part II
By Rohana R. Wasala
Continued from  Friday, February 7, 2025 Since the JVP/NPP’s arbitrary decision to curtail former president Mahinda Rajapaksa’s security and have him relocated to less expensive accommodation is now being legally challenged through an FR petition lodged with the Supreme Court in Colombo, nothing  more needs to be said here about it. What I am doing here instead is to express a personal opinion for what it is worth, about something that is of utmost national importance. The interests of the country (nation) matter more than those of individual politicians or political parties.... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 17/02/25)

Sri Lanka’s Mimic Media & Their Artificial Intelligence
e-Con e-News
blog: eesrilanka.wordpress.com ‘Before you study the economics, study the economists!’ e-Con e-News 09-15 January 2025 * ‘I know that return to my island is quick & to my political life is impossible. The pace of colonial events is quick, the turnover of political leaders rapid. I have already been forgotten; and I know that people who supplanted me are themselves about to be supplanted. My career is by no means unusual. It falls into the pattern. The career of... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 17/02/25)

SLPP Discussed US Citizenship and Human Rights Issues of Party Members with Julie Chung, Not USAID (Managed by a Separate Office)
Dilrook Kannangara
Namal Rajapaksa and an SLPP delegation met US ambassador Julie Chung they previously despised openly. Although they stated that USAID was discussed, it is common knowledge that USAID is handled by a separate office of the US government with a separate office in Sri Lanka. Julie Chung is not associated with USAID projects in Sri Lanka! Instead, the SLPP delegation discussed US citizenship issues of some of their party members who lost it and have been unsuccessful in regaining it. They also highlighted corruption investigations carried out by the police which they alleged were... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 17/02/25)

අයවැයෙන් කොපමණ සහන දුන්නත් අපට කමක් නෑ.. ඒ සියල්ල රජය උපයාගත යුතුයි..- IMF
උපුටා ගැන්ම ලංකා සී නිව්ස්
හෙට දිනයේ පාර්ලිමේන්තුවට ඉදිරිපත් කිරීමට නියමිත 2025 වසර සඳහා වන අයවැය මගින් ජනතාවට සහන ලබාදීමට සිදු බාධාවක් නැති බව ජාත්‍යන්තර මුල්‍ය අරමුදල සඳහන් කර ඇත. නමුත් තම අරමුදල සහ ශ්‍රී ලංකා රජය එකඟ වී ඇති වැඩ පිළිවෙලේ පරාමිතීන් තුළ ඒ සියලු සහන ලබාදිය යුතු බවද ඔවුන් අවධාරණය කරයි. කිසියම් සහනාධාරයක්, වැටුප් වැඩි කිරීමක් ආදී වියදමක් ආණ්ඩුව සිදු කරන්නේ නම් එය රාජ්‍ය ආදායම සඳහා එම මුදල උපයා ගත යුතුව ඇති බවද ඔවුන් පෙන්වා දී ඇත. එම පරාමිතීන් ඇතුළත අයවැය ඉදිරිපත් කරන්නේද යන්න සම්බන්ධයෙන් ජාත්‍යන්තර මුල්‍ය අරමුදල සමීපව නිරීක්ෂණය... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 17/02/25)

හොද අයවැයක් කියන්නේ කුමක්දැයි අද පෙන්වනවා.. අඬෙන්නම පඩි වැඩි කරනවා..
උපුටා ගැන්ම ලංකා සී නිව්ස්
මෙවර අයවැයෙන් හොඳ වැටුප් වැඩි කිරීමක් කිරීමට බලාපොරොත්තු වන බව වැවිලි හා ප්‍රජා යටිතල පහසුකම් අමාත්‍ය සමන්ත විද්‍යාරත්න මහතා පවසයි. පෙර ආණ්ඩු මෙන් නොව අදාළ වැටුප් වැඩිවීම මූලික වැටුපට එකතු කරන බව ද ඇමති විද්‍යාරත්න අනාවරණය කරයි. පළමු වතාවට මේ රටේ දේශපාලනඥයන්ගේ වැටුප් කප්පාදු කර ඒ අයවැය මගින් ජනතා සංවර්ධනයට යොදවන බව ද හෙතෙම ප්‍රකාශ කරයි. සිය ආණ්ඩුව හොඳ අයවැයක් සාදන ආකාරය දැකගත හැකි ගැනීමට වනු ඇතැයි ද සමන්ත විද්‍යාරත්න මහතා සිය විශ්වාසය පළ කරයි.... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 17/02/25)

මාලිමාවෙන් ගෙදරටම ඇවිත් නඩු අහයි.. FB සටහනක් දැම්මා කියා ගෙදරටම එවලා..
උපුටා ගැන්ම ලංකා සී නිව්ස්
මාතලේ යටවත්ත පදිංචි අමල් අත්තනායක මහතා ගේ නිවසට පැමිණි ජවිපෙ සමාජිකයින් පිරිසක් ඔහුට විනාඩි 22 ක් පුරා තර්ජනය කරමින් දොස් පවරා ඇතැයි පාර්ලිමේන්තු මන්ත‍්‍රිනී රෝහිනී කවිරත්න මහත්මිය පවසයි. යටවත්ත ප්‍රාදේශීය සභාවේ ජවිපෙ හිටපු මන්ත්‍රී ඩබ්ලිව්. ජී. මංජුල ප්‍රසාද් සමරවීර හා මෑතක දී මාලිමාවට එක් වූ විජේරත්න නැමැත්තෙක් මෙසේ තර්ජනය කරන්නේ ෆේස්බුක් හි දමන ලද සටහනක් සම්බන්ධයෙන් යයිද ඇය කියයි. ගමේ නඩු ගෙදරටම ගොස් ඇසීමේ මාතලේ පැරණි ක්‍රමයට පරාජය කිරීමට රටේ සියලු ප්‍රගතිශීලි බලවේග නිදහස් පුරවැසියන් එක් විය යුතු බවත් සමාජ මධ්‍ය මගින් නිදහස් අදහස් ප්‍රකාශ කිරීමට අයිතියක් සියළු පුරවැසියන්ට... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 17/02/25)

හිටපු මහින්ද හොරෙන් කරන භාවනාව බලන්න නියෝජ්‍ය ඇමති මහින්ද ගිහින්
උපුටා ගැන්ම  ලංකා ලීඩර්
හිටපු ජනාධිපති මහින්ද රාජපක්ෂ හොර රහසේ පැමිණෙන බව කියන භාවනා මධ්‍යස්ථානයක් පිළිබඳ වාර්තා වනවා.ගම්පහ ප්‍රදේශයේ ඇතැයි කියන එම භාවනා මධ්‍යස්ථානය පිළිබඳ සොයා බැලීමට කම්කරු නියෝජ්‍ය අමාත්‍ය මහින්ද ජයසිංහ එහි ගොස් තිබෙනවා.නමුත් එහි ගිය කම්කරු නියෝජ්‍ය අමාත්‍ය මහින්ද ජයසිංහ ට ඊට ඇතුළුවීමට එහි ආරක්ෂක නිලධාරීන් අවසර දුන්නේ නැහැ.නියෝජ්‍ය අමාත්‍යවරයා එහි ගොස් තිබුණේ, ප්‍රදේශවාසීන් පිරිසක් කළ දැනුම්දීමකට අනුවයි.ගම්පහ යාගොඩ ප්‍රදේශයේ මෙම භාවනා මධ්‍යස්ථානය පිහිටා තිබෙනවා.ප්‍රදේශවාසීන් පිරිසකගේ ඉල්ලීමක් පරිදි එය පිහිටි ඉඩම නිරීක්ෂණය කිරීම සඳහා කම්කරු නියෝජ්‍ය අමාත්‍ය මහින්ද ජයසිංහ පැමිණියත් ඊට ඇතුළුවීමට ඔහුට අවසර හිමිවූයේ නැහැ. https://youtu.be/oFNRmzNO7L0... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 17/02/25)

Sri Lanka’s vision for Indian Ocean is one of shared destiny – Foreign Minister
Courtesy Adaderana
Sri Lanka’s vision for the Indian Ocean is one of shared destiny—where nations rise above rivalry to protect freedom of navigation and foster stable and sustainable prosperity based on cooperation, and find peaceful solutions to all issues, says Foreign Minister Vijitha Herath. He made these remarks on Sunday (16) while addressing the first plenary session of the eighth Indian Ocean Conference (IOC), which is being held in Muscat, Oman. During his speech, the minister also mentioned that the Colombo Port explores new horizons in maritime partnership and also emphasized that Sri Lanka... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 17/02/25)

SL Army personnel ordered to surrender passports
Courtesy Adaderana
The Sri Lanka Army has directed all personnel below the rank of Major to hand over their passports to their respective regiments, according to the Army Spokesman. Army Spokesperson Brigadier Waruna Gamage further revealed that this step has been taken in connection with an administrative matter.  However, he also mentioned that passports can be reacquired for personal purposes by informing the relevant departments.... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 17/02/25)

Renewable energy: Over $ 3.5 b worth of FDIs in limbo
Courtesy The Morning
Developers urge presidential action to address project delays A consortium of 43 Renewable Energy (RE) developers, collectively representing over $ 3.5 billion in Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), has called for the intervention of President Anura Kumara Dissanayake to address significant delays in implementing RE projects in Sri Lanka. In a letter written on Tuesday (11), the developers, who were provisionally approved under the 2021 Expression of Interest (EOI) process, have expressed concerns over critical process delays and the prolonged implementation timeline. The consortium includes... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 16/02/25)

Shortage of specialists: Review of legal obligations for non-returning trainees
By Maheesha Mudugamuwa Courtesy The Morning
Shortage of 97 medical specialists in key fields 1,200 doctors including 125 consultants left SL in ’23 5,000 medical officers awaiting opportunities to migrate Non-Salaried Scheme offers airfare, allowance, insurance, book funds Full-Salaried Scheme provides full salary from institution with study leave Part-Salaried Scheme covers partial salary with ministry paying the balance The Health Ministry is planning to review the legal obligations of medical specialist trainees who travel abroad for compulsory Government-sponsored foreign training but... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 16/02/25)

Speaker agrees to probe allegations of ‘unethical funding’ by USAID
By Saman Indrajith Courtesy The Island
Speaker Jagath Wickramaratne informed Parliament on Friday (14) that he intended to take necessary action regarding requests made by MPs concerning allegations over USAID funding in Sri Lanka. He made this statement in response to a question raised by Opposition MP Dayasiri Jayasekara, who sought a clarification on the matter. Jayasekara noted that SLPP MP Namal Rajapaksa had sent a letter to the Speaker calling for the appointment of a Parliamentary Select Committee (PSC) to investigate reports about unethical USAID funding in the country. He questioned whether such... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 16/02/25)

Schools must reduce tuition dependence by enhancing education standards - PM Harini
Courtesy Adaderana
The Minister of Education, Higher Education, and Vocational Education, Prime Minister Dr. Harini Amarasuriya, has emphasized the necessity of providing a high-quality education to every child in Sri Lanka. She made this statement while participating in an inspection tour of Jaffna Hindu College today  (15). During the visit, the Prime Minister engaged in a cordial discussion with students and teachers and toured the school’s museum, which showcases the institution’s rich Hindu cultural heritage. A report outlining the school’s achievements and activities was also presented to the Prime Minister, according to... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 16/02/25)

Over 30,000 arrested in nationwide anti-drug and crime operations
Courtesy Adaderana
More than 30,000 suspects have been arrested in connection with the anti-drug and crime prevention operations conducted by the police across the island, according to Police Media Spokesperson SSP Buddhika Manatunga. Addressing a press briefing today (15), SSP Manatunga stated that these operations were launched on January 12 and have been implemented across all police stations in the country. As part of these efforts, a total of 920 individuals involved in criminal activities, 14,000 individuals with open warrants, and 16,000 individuals arrested for drug-related offenses have been taken into custody. In addition,... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 16/02/25)

අග්‍රාමාත්‍යතුමිය තව දුරටත් එම තනතුරේ ක්‍රියා කිරීමට නුසුදුසුයි... ජනාධිපතිට කරුණු සහිතව දීර්ඝ ලිපියක්
Lanka Leader
අර්බන් සිටිසන් සංවිධානයේ සභාපති ශර්ම්ලා ගෝනවෙල ගරු ජනාධිපති අනුර දිසානායක මහතාට ලිපියක් යොමුකරමින් ඉල්ලා සිටින්නේ ඇමරිකානු ආධාර සංවිධානයේන් මුදල් ලබා ගත් සියලු ජනතා නියෝජිතයන්, මාධ්‍ය වේදීන්, ආයතන, සංවිධාන නම් ලැයිස්තුව ප්‍රසිද්ධ කරන ලෙසටත්,  අප රටේ හර පද්ධතියට හා සමාජ සම්මතයන්ට ගරු නොකරන ඊට  එරෙහිව කටයුතු කරන අග්‍රාමාත්‍ය තුමිය තව දුරටත් එම තනතුරේ ක්‍රියා කිරීමට නුසුදුසු බවත්ය.  එම සම්පූර්ණ ලිපිය පහතින්  අතිගරු අනුර කුමාර දිසානායක මැතිතුමා, ශ්‍රී ලංකා ප්‍රජාතාන්ත්‍රික සමාජවාදී ජනරජයේ ජනාධිපති, ජනාධිපති ලේකම් කාර්යාලය, කොළඹ 01. ගරු ජනාධිපතිතුමනි, ඇමෙරිකන් ආධාර සංවිධානය (USAID)... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 16/02/25)

Inflation set to climb this year, expected to peak in mid-2026: CBSL
Courtesy The Daily Mirror
Inflation could possibly hover around 2 percentage points above inflation target Headline inflation is forecast to converge to targeted 5% level over medium term, supported by implementation of appropriate policy measures Economic growth is expected to continue its rebound over medium term, although at a moderate pace Sri Lanka’s inflation is expected to increase “sizeably” in the third quarter this year (3Q25), with the possibility of it hovering around 2 percentage points above the inflation target in mid-2026, the Central Bank of Sri... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 16/02/25)

Govt. seeks report from NGO Secretariat on USAID funding
Courtesy The Daily Mirror
Colombo, Feb 15 (Daily Mirror) - In the midst of controversy over USAID funding in Sri Lanka, the government has sought a report from the National NGO Secretariat in this regard, a Minister said yesterday. Public Security Minister Ananda Wijepala told Daily Mirror yesterday he would fully deal with allegations over USAID funding in Sri Lanka, and for that, he sought a report from the NGO Secretariat which is operating under his Ministry. The U.S. administration led by President Donald Trump announced a 90-day pause on foreign aid channelled through... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 16/02/25)

More Views......



  • An Indian eyewitness account of the last 70 hours of Terrorist War in Sri Lanka . FINAL HOURS
    B. MURALIDHAR REDDY in the war zone-Full Story- (frontlineonnet.com/ - 08/06/09)
    Final assault
    B. MURALIDHAR REDDY in the war zone
    -Full Story- (frontlineonnet.com/ - 08/06/09)
  • The war is over - With the death of LTTE chief Velupillai Prabakaran, the militant campaign for a Tamil state in Sri Lanka seems to have come to an end. -Full Story- (frontlineonnet.com/ - 08/06/09) LTTE RISE & FALL -Full Story- (frontlineonnet.com/ - 08/06/09)
  • Where is Prabakaran? -Full Story- (frontlineonnet.com/ - 08/06/09)
  • Great Power Confrontation in the Indian Ocean: The Geo-Politics of the Sri Lankan Civil War by Mahdi Darius Nazemroay -Full Story- (globalresearch.ca - 25/10/09)


  • THE ANCESTRY OF RAVANA A close study of the Ramayana, particularly the last book or Uttara Kanda, reveals that Ravana, the enemy of Lord Rama, was not a Dravidian, as many people have thought, but related to the Sri Lanka, who are considered to be Aryans-that Ravana was a migrant to Sri Lanka from the Vedic family of the Yadus, perhaps deriving originally from the city of Mathura south of Delhi. The first wave of migrants to Sri Lanka from the north was from Gujarat and of the Yadu family, which dominated the southwest of India and from the region of Gujarat had access to the sea on which they travelled far in their trading and colonizing ventures. The Ramayana tells the Ravana, the king of Sri Lanka, had close connections with region of the Yadus, which included Gujarat, parts of Maharashtra and Rajasthan up to Mathura south of Delhi.
  • Beginning and growth of civilization in Sri Lanka
    123,000 BC - Oldest human found in Lanka - Pathirajawela in the deep South.
    12000 BC - MaduruOya findings World's oldest findings of the use of Steel, Copper, and irrigation technology
    7500 BC - Connections between Cambians, Sri Lankans, Ramayanaya & Mahabharataya The first wave of migrants to Sri Lanka from north India, were from the Yadu family from Gujarat. Yadus dominated the southwest of India (which included Gujarat, parts of Maharashtra and Rajasthan up to Mathura, just south of Delhi).
    6000 BC - Lankan city on Mahamevuna Uyana - Archeologists uncovered 35 feet under the present Mahamevuna Uyana in Anuradapura,
    3000 BC - Sigiriya is considered the AlakaMandava of the Ravana
    2517 Ramayanaya and Sri Lanka According to Ramayana story, Ravana, the king of Sri Lanka, belongs to a family of migrants from North India who had close connections with region of the Yadus,
    2517 BC - Ravana gets killed in Balangoda during March, 2517BC Ravana, while attending to the wounds suffered in combat by Vibishana (his brother) in Balangoda,
    1000 BC - Sri Lanka has the latest technology : Iron technology is evident in SL
    900 BC - Anuradapura, a major town of, at least 10 Hectares (25 Acres). Anuradhapura was at least 10 ha in extent by ca. 900 BC (perhaps much more). By then prehistoric stone tool technology had been completely superseded by that of iron
    700 BC - Anuradapura Town, 50 Hectares (125 Acres) .
    600 BC - Earliest Proof of Brahmi writing in Lanka At 600-500 BC, the very first appearance of writing (in Brahmi letters almost identical to the Asokan script 200 years later) marked the beginning of the Early Historic period. This writing, radiocarbon dated on charcoal and checked by thermoluminescence dating, is inscribed on potsherds signifying the ownership. Among the names, was Anuradha.
    483 BC - Vijaya lands in Sri Lanka. Girihadu Seya is built in Thiriyaya. Buddha's relics are enshrined in Mahiyanganaya Dagaba Sarabu Maharahatan Vahanse picked Budda relics from the burning cortege and arrived in Mahiyanganaya
    -For Full story go to
  • Historical Development of Sinhala and Scripts click on the links!!
    -Beginning and growth of civilization in Sri Lanka
    -Unethical conversion violates the UN convention on the right of the child


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"Human Rights Watch, one of the world's best-financed and most influential human rights organizations? It turns out that they cook the books about facts, cheat on interviews, and put out pre-determined conclusions that are driven more by their ideology than by evidence. These are serious accusations, and they are demonstrably true".-Alan Dershowitz Felix Frankfurter Professor of Law at Harvard Law School

Amnesty and HRW may research their material and appear to be neutral in their assessments every time, no one can really evaluate their impartiality unless one sets out to investigate their background funding, behind-the-scenes researchers and the influences under which they operate. Read "Gutter Tactics of Amnesty International (AI) in Sri Lanka"


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