Madyawediya -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 16/01/25)
VFM RADIO 107 -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 16/01/25)
News Center -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 16/01/25)
Ada Derana -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 16/01/25)
The dossier was researched and written under the leadership of Professor Grieve Chelwa of The Africa Institute, Global Studies University, through Tricontinental Pan Africa
In Africa, the leading forces of capitalism have ruthlessly wielded a neoliberal conception of corruption to undermine states' sovereignty and open the continent to plunder at the hands of Western multinational corporations. 26 November 2024 The dossier was researched and written under the leadership of Professor Grieve Chelwa of The Africa Institute, Global Studies University, through Tricontinental Pan Africa. The artwork in this dossier attempts to illustrate the... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 16/01/25)
Courtesy The Straits Times
Chinese President Xi Jinping and Sri Lankan President Anura Kumara Dissanayake shake hands during a signing ceremony at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, China on Wednesday, Jan 15, 2025. Aaron Favila/Pool via REUTERS BEIJING - China and Sri Lanka agreed on more investment and economic cooperation on Wednesday as China's President Xi Jinping met recently-elected Sri Lankan President Anura Kumara Dissanayake in Beijing. The countries signed 15 cooperation documents, including agreements on economic and technological development and aligning China's 'Belt and Road Initiative' with Sri Lanka's 2030... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 16/01/25)
Ada Derana -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 16/01/25)
Courtesy Adaderana
The People’s Republic of China has played a vital role in the social and economic development of Sri Lanka for decades, President Anura Kumara Dissanayake said after meeting Chinese President Xi Jinping today. Dissanayake said his visit will strengthen bilateral collaborations for the benefit of both countries and their people. President Dissanayake, who is currently on a four-day state visit to China, held an official meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping this afternoon (15) at the Great Hall of the People. Upon President Dissanayake’s arrival at the Great Hall, he... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 16/01/25)
Dasatha News -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 16/01/25)
Madyawediya -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 16/01/25)
Madyawediya -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 16/01/25)
Divaina Online -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 16/01/25)
By Shivanthi Ranasinghe Courtesy Ceylon Today
By Shivanthi Ranasinghe The international lifestyle magazine ‘Vogue’ has given Sri Lanka a glowing endorsement by claiming the Island as this winter’s hottest travel destination. This recognition from the prestigious magazine will certainly help Sri Lanka in more than one way. Revenues earned from tourism and foreign remittances are the two main single factors that are contributing to strengthening our economy. Therefore, high recommendations from highly influential sources as Vogue not only boost tourist arrivals. It will greatly support a deeply troubled economy. How is the... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 15/01/25)
By Shiran Illanperuma Courtesy Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research
Positioned at the geographic and political heart of the Indian Ocean, Sri Lanka is the epicentre of the 21st century struggle for regional influence. U.S. Department of State, Integrated Country Strategy – Sri Lanka, 2022 On 23 September 2024, Anura Kumara Dissanayake (referred to locally as AKD) was sworn in as the 9th executive President of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka. AKD is the first President of Sri Lanka to not belong to the political duopoly of the nationalist Sri Lanka... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 14/01/25)
Sugath Kulatunga
Prior to 1977 the country had an Island wide system of paddy stores for the storage of paddy purchased by the Paddy Marketing Board under the Guaranteed Price Scheme (GPS). This well run complex was disused by the UNP government in their frenzy for privatization. The stores network was given away to loyalists for other purposes or simply abandoned. The GPS too did not function allowing the private sector to dominate the purchase and milling of paddy leading to the development of an oligopoly (mafia) of paddy and rice marketing. The present government is resolved to... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 14/01/25)
Dr Ruwan M Jayatunge M.D.
දූෂිත වෛද්යවරු සීමිත කණ්ඩායමක් විසින් සිදු කරන මෙම නීති විරෝධී මිනිස් අවයව ජාවාරම දෙවනි වන්නේ මත්ද්රව්ය ජාවාරමට පමණි. වකුගඩු මාෆියාවේ රැකවරණය සහිතව ලියකියවිලි වල සඳහන් නොකර බොහෝ වකුගඩු සැත්කම් රහසින් පුද්ගලික රෝහල් වල සිදු වන බව වාර්තා වේ. මෙම මාෆියාව නිසා මේ වන විට ශ්රී ලංකාව නීති විරෝධී වකුගඩු බද්ධ කිරීමේ මධ්යස්ථානයක් බවට පත්ව ඇත. මේ වකුගඩු ජාවාරම වසරකට රුපියල් බිලියන ගානක් උපයන අතර නීත්යානුකූලව ලංකාවට ලැබිය යුතු විදේශ විනිමය ජාවාරම්කරුවන් අතට පත් වී තිබේ. මීට වසර කීපයකට පෙර සිදු වූ යාපනය රෝහලේ වකුගඩු ජාවාරම රාවය පුවත්පත මගින් හෙළි කලද වකුගඩු මාෆියාව විසින්... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 14/01/25)
චානක බණ්ඩාරගේ
දියුණු රටවල් ජ්යෙෂ්ට පුරවැසියන්ට සුවිශේෂ වරප්රාසද දී ඔවුන්ව ඉමහත් ගෞරවයෙන් බලා ගනී. උදාහරණයක් ලෙස ජපානය ජ්යෙෂ්ට පුරවැසියන්ට දේවත්වයෙන් හා සමාන ලෙස සළකයි. ඕස්ත්රේලියාව ඔවුන්ට විවිධාකාර විශේෂ සහණ සළසයි - අඩු බස් ගාස්තු, අඩු මිලට බෙහෙත් සහ රජයේ අඩු කුලී නිවාස. අපේ රජයන් ජ්යෙෂ්ට පුරවැසියන්ට සැලකීම, ඔවුන්ට ගරු කිරීමේ අවශ්යතාවය ගැන සැළකිලිමත් නොවේ (මහින්ද රාජපක්ෂ මහතා ජ්යෙෂ්ට පුරවැසියන්ට රුපියල් ලක්ෂ 15ක තැන්පතුවක් සඳහා 15% පොලියක් ගෙවූ බව කාරුණිකව අමතක කළ යුතු නොවේ). අද රටේ සිඟන්නගෙන් 75% එහා ජ්යෙෂ්ට පුරවැසියන් විය යුතුය. ඔවුන් පාරේ ජීවත්වී පාරේම මැරී යයි. ඔවුන්ගේ දුක සැප කිසිවෙක් සොයා... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 14/01/25)
ප්ර සමරසිංහ
ඒ කාලේ, මහ වැස්සක් තුරල් ව ගිය විට මහගෙදර පිටුපස මිදුලේ තැනින් තැන දිය රැඳී, ගලාගිය නොගිය තැන් කිහිපයක් විය. මේ වතුර කෝටුවකින් පාදා වුවමනා නං තවත් හාරා එකිනෙකට යා කර ඇළ වේලි බැඳ වතුර පහතට ගලා යන්නට සැලැස්සුවා මතකය. වැසි වතුර ප්රමාණය සතුටුදායක මට්ටමක ඉතිරිව තිබුනේ නම් හා ඒ ගමන් මග ඒකාකාරී නොවූ මිදුලේ පහතට ගලන්නේ නම් ඒ තැන් සොයා එහි අමු කොස් කොල කීපයක් රඳවා හෝ කෙසෙල් කඳක පතුරක් රඳවා දිය ඇලි දෙක තුනක් එකවර හදන්නටද අමතක කලේ නැත. ඇළක් නම් එය ගලන්නට වුවමනාය. එහි තිබිය යුත්තේ වතුර, ගල් කැබලි, වැලි, කුඩා... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 14/01/25)
By Palitha Ariyarathna
Synopsis: The Clean Sri Lanka project is urged to advocate for stronger legal measures against unethical religious conversion practices. It is crucial for local Buddhist temples, government authorities, and the public to unite in preserving Sri Lanka’s Buddhist identity and cultural cohesion. Strengthening legal frameworks and raising awareness will help safeguard the nation’s religious and cultural heritage, ensuring peaceful coexistence for future generations. The Supreme Court ruled that the Sri Lankan Constitution does not guarantee a fundamental right to propagate religion January 13, 2025 – The growing trend of illegal... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 14/01/25)
Courtesy 1News
Ancient wisdom is applied to modern life in Life Hacks from the Buddha. (Source: Supplied) One of the most notable New Zealand self-help books of last year was by Auckland-based psychiatrist and sleep specialist Dr Tony Fernando. 'Life Hacks from the Buddha: How to be calm and content in a chaotic world' does what it promises, presenting ancient Buddhist wisdom in bite-sized hacks, easily applicable to modern life. The following extract focuses on mindfulness and meditation – practices Fernando has taught to inmates at Mt Eden Correctional Facility. When in a mindful mode,... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 14/01/25)
by A. Abdul Aziz.
The Annual Convention (Jalsa Salana) of Sri Lanka Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at to be held today Tuesday the 14 January 2025 at Baitul Basit Mosque Sri Lanka in Pasyala, Pre-dawn (Thahajjud prayer in congregation at 4.16 am local time is also beginning of the event. Prior to the main program, flag hoisting to be done followed by silent prayer. The main event will start at 9.30 a.m. with the recitation of Holy Qur’an followed by its translations. The objective of this Convention (Jalsa Salana) is to present pure, pristine and peaceful... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 14/01/25)
By Capt. Vasabha Courtesy The Morning
AKD to engage in China tour from 14-17 Jan.; several MOUs on media, tourism, exports to be signed US, India, others on close watch on AKD’s Chinese visit; concerns over approval for ‘One China’ policy India converts nearly $ 100 m worth loans to SL to grants; total grant assistance at $ 780 m Chamara vows to quit over Rs. 7 m spent on Clean Sri Lanka programme launch claim; Govt. denies Revelation on role played by RW in splitting... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 14/01/25)
BY Buddhika Samaraweera Courtesy The Morning
Docs group calls for SPC Chair and Board to resign Strap: SPC says tender not awarded to implicated Co. Ministry of Health Secretary Dr. Anil Jasinghe, has announced that the Government is focusing on the establishment of several laboratories to test medicines in the near future. Dr. Jasinghe also indicated that an investigation is planned into recent allegations regarding the importation of medicines by a blacklisted company. It was recently revealed that the State Pharmaceuticals Corporation (SPC) tender board... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 14/01/25)
Courtesy The Morning
President Anura Kumara Dissanayake was set to depart the country last evening (13) for a four-day State visit to the People’s Republic of China. This visit, taking place from 14-17 January, is undertaken at the invitation of Chinese President Xi Jinping. During the visit, President Dissanayake will hold discussions with President Xi Jinping and Premier Li Qiang, as well as engage with other senior Chinese officials to strengthen diplomatic ties. The agenda includes key focus areas such as technology, agriculture, and poverty alleviation. The President is also scheduled to... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 14/01/25)
උපුටා ගැන්ම ලංකා සී නිව්ස්
ජනාධිපති අනුර කුමාර දිසානායක මහතා චීන ජනපති ෂී ජින්පින් මහතාගේ ආරාධනාවක් මත චීනයේ සිවු දින නිල සංචාරයක නිරත වන බව විදේශ කටයුතු අමාත්යාංශය ප්රකාශ කළේය. ජනාධිපති අනුර කුමාර දිසානායක මහතාගේ සිවු දින නිල සංචාරය හෙට (14) සිට 17 වැනිදා දක්වා සිදු කෙරනු ඇති බවත්, එහිදී ශ්රී ලංකාව සහ විනය අතර ආයෝජන, විදුලිබල ක්ෂේත්රය. ධීවර කර්මාන්ත සහ ආරථිකය ආවරණය වන පරිදි අවබෝධතා ගිවිසුම් 7 කට අත්සන් තැබීමට නියමිත බවත් විදේශ කටයුතු අමාත්ය විජිත හේරත් මහතා ප්රකාශ කළේය. අවබෝධතා ගිවිසුම්වලට අමතරව වින ජනාධිපතිවරයා සමග ජනාධිපති අනුර කුමාර දිසානායක මහතා සාකච්ඡා වටයද... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 14/01/25)
Courtesy Adaderana
The government is taking significant steps to address salary disparities in the education sector and elevate five key education services, including teachers and principals, to be among the 10 highest-paid professions in the country, Deputy Minister of Labour Mahinda Jayasinghe said. Speaking at an event held in Maharagama, the Deputy Minister outlined the government’s commitment to improving remuneration and addressing long-standing salary issues in the education sector. “We will present the first budget next month, and there will be an increase in the salaries of public servants in that budget. Do not... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 14/01/25)
SEPAL - short clips -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 14/01/25)
Hiru News -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 14/01/25)
By Dr. Gamini Padmaperuma
Introduction In my previous article published in Sunday Observer of 3rd November, 2024 entitled “Digital Transformation: Avoid paving the cow path”, we discussed about the general benefits of the Digital Transformation to the economy as a whole. One of the very important sectors of this overall digital transformation effort is the Digital Transformation in Education. Digital transformation in education uses the technology to improve teaching and learning. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a key part of this transformation. This article attempts to discuss the benefits, challenges and the way forward on the use... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 13/01/25)
ආචාර්ය සුදත් ගුණසේකර. මහනුවර
12.01.25. එම ලිපියේ අඩන්ගු කරුණු සියල්ල සමඟ මාද සියයට සියයක්ම එකඟ වෙමි. මේ ලිපිය ලිවීම ගැන ඔහුට ස්තූතිවන්ත වන අතරම පහත සඳහන් යෝජානා මා ඊට එකතු කරමි 1 මොවුන් සියළු දෙනාම වහාම අපසු හරවා යැවිමට රජය වහාම පියවර ගත යුතුය 2 එසේ නොකොට ඔවුන් මෙහි රඳවා ගැනීමට තිරණය කළ ඇමතිවරයා කවුරු උනත් ඔහු වහාම ඇමති තනතුරින් ඉවත්කොට දේශද්රෝහී වීම යන චෝදනාවට ඔහුට එරෙහිව නීතිමඟින් ක්රියා කළයුතුය, 3ඒ සමඟම ඊට අනුබල දුන් සියළුම දෙනාටද එරෙහිව ඒ පරිදිම පියවර ගත යුතුය. 4. මින් පසු රොහින්ගියාඅ පමණක්... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 13/01/25)
Nava Thakuria
The construction of a colossal hydropower project by China in Tibet has emerged as a matter of grave concern for India, especially for those residing in its eastern regions including Bangladesh. These areas now face a perpetual threat akin to living under a water bomb, controlled by a foreign power governed by a Communist regime that lacks credible bilateral relations with India, the world’s largest democracy. The recent earthquake in the Tibetan plateau, which claimed over 125 lives and injured numerous others, has exacerbated these fears. The disaster has underscored the seismic vulnerabilities of the region,... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 13/01/25)
Epic History
In the 8th century Middle East, a new dynasty seized control of one of the world’s greatest empires – the Islamic Caliphate. Though little remembered in the west today, the Abbasids reigned for five centuries. They oversaw an era of Islamic military dominance... city-building… brilliant scholarship, and technological innovation. It has come to be remembered as Islam’s ‘golden age’. This is the rise and fall of the Abbasid Caliphate. -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 13/01/25)
Courtesy Business standard
TACC, a wholly owned subsidiary of HEG has entered into a Non-Binding Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Ceylon Graphene Technologies (CGT) with regard to advancing graphene technology and unlocking its vast potential for diverse applications. CGT, a LOLC company based in Sri Lanka, is a global expert in graphene production. Leaveraging Sri Lanka's premium vein graphite, renowned for its purity and backed by its expertise in material science, CGT is at the forefront of delivering innovative and high-quality graphene products. This MoU establishes a strategic collaboration between TACC and CGT to... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 13/01/25)
Courtesy The Hindu
The facility will enable large-scale production, ensuring the delivery of sustainable and innovative graphene solutions to global markets, HEG says in regulatory filing TACC Ltd, a wholly-owned subsidiary of HEG Ltd, has entered into a partnership with Ceylon Graphene Technologies/CGT (a joint venture between LOLC Advance Technologies and Sri Lanka Institute of Nanotechnology) to establish a state-of-the-art graphene manufacturing facility at TACC’s premises in India. The partnership comes in the wake of TACC Ltd entering into a non-binding Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with CGT to advance graphene technology and unlock its vast... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 13/01/25)
by Melani Manel Perera Courtesy PIME Asia News
On 6 January, Vijitha Herath, Minister of Foreign Affairs, launched the initiative as part of the digitisation process initiated by Dissanayake. A pilot project is active in seven embassies, including Japan, Qatar and Kuwait. Jasintha Subasinghe, Sinhalese in Italy: ‘Visits to the homeland were races for documents’. Cases of abuse of power by officials in some countries. Colombo (AsiaNews) - ‘This online system is very valuable for us who are abroad. We are very grateful to benefit from such an effective measure. Until now we had to rush... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 13/01/25)
Courtesy India Today
Eight Indian fishermen were arrested on charges of fishing in Sri Lanka's territorial waters, the Sri Lankan Navy said. So far, 18 fishermen have been arrested this year. The Sri Lankan Navy on Sunday said it has arrested eight Indian fishermen for allegedly fishing in the island nation's territorial waters and seized two fishing trawlers. The arrests took place on Saturday night "during a special operation conducted in the sea area north of Mannar", it said in a press statement. With this arrest, so far, this year, 18 Indian... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 13/01/25)
Ada Derana
The Sri Lanka Vehicle Importers’ Association has raised concerns about the potential hike in vehicle import taxes, which are currently at approximately 300%. According to the association, taxes could climb to 400%, 500%, or even 600% for certain vehicles. The president of the association, Prasad Manage explained that the sharp increase in taxes is due to multiple layers of taxation. “There is a special import tax based on the vehicle’s value. Additionally, there’s a luxury tax, and all three are added to the CIF value. On top of that, an 18%... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 13/01/25)
Hiru News -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 13/01/25)
Dasatha News -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 13/01/25)
Dasatha News -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 12/01/25)